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Why Not?

October 31st, 2013

I was out working in the garden yesterday and noticed my Johnny Jump Ups are still blooming like mad, their last hurrah before the snow starts to fly. While harvesting greens for our salad, I decided to pick some lovely blooms as well. Why not? Salads should be beautiful and tasty.
Johnny jump up salad 1
Johnny jump up salad 2
Johnny jump up salad 3
I also think that the flowers are healthy and add their own vitamins and minerals. I know violet are high in vitamin C. I love adding flowers to my salad, I think the splash of color really adds a lot.

Do you ever add edible flowers to salads? Which is your favorite?

13 Comments to “Why Not?”
  1. Adriana on October 31, 2013 at 7:28 am

    That’s so nice nice! My Johnny Jump Ups are long gone for this year. I like to sprinkle them and borage flowers in salads as well. I’ve made violet syrup in the past. Even though every year I grow nasturtiums, they’re not really my favorite to eat. “Wild Fermentation” talks about making capers with the seeds, it would be interesting to try sometime. I’ve always wanted to try swash blossoms, but I always end up not wanting to pick them and waiting for the squash!

    Reply to Adriana's comment

    • Susy on October 31, 2013 at 9:28 am

      I too am hoping to someday make capers from nasturtium pods of daisy buds, but I never can seem to grow enough plants to get the buds/seeds that I need all at once.

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      • Misti on October 31, 2013 at 9:51 am

        Garden Betty did a great post on pickled ‘capers’ from nasturium pods. I’ve not been daring enough to try.

        I planted a few JJUs but the deer at most of them—apparently they like their vit C too.

        to Misti's comment

    • Pat on November 1, 2013 at 1:41 am

      I look for the male blossoms on the squash plants. They really only need a couple males on the plant to help produce the fruit so I pick the excess to stuff with crab/cream cheese and sauté. This leaves the female blossoms to do the hard work.

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  2. Joan on October 31, 2013 at 7:36 am

    In the springtime, before much else is available, violets are usually a big component in my salads. I love the peppery bite of nasturtium flowers as well. I should remember to put flowers in more often – they are so pretty!

    Reply to Joan's comment

  3. Nebraska Dave on October 31, 2013 at 8:43 am

    Susy, edible flowers, huh. What will you be getting me to eat next. I suppose the first thing I really should do is grow flowers. I’ve had intentions but have not taken the time to grow them. Oh, yes, I have Iris, Tulips, Daffodils, and peonies but I’m not sure they are edible. The flowers are all dead here. Jack Frost has made his visit and breathed his frosty breath on everything. The days are still some what warm during daylight but are mostly freezing at night.

    Have a great pretty salad day.

    Reply to Nebraska Dave's comment

    • Susy on October 31, 2013 at 9:29 am

      Broadening your horizons Dave!

      Reply to Susy's comment

    • Joan on October 31, 2013 at 11:04 am

      Do you grow daylilies Dave? They are supposed to be delicious!

      Reply to Joan's comment

      • Nebraska Dave on October 31, 2013 at 2:56 pm

        Joan, daylilies grow wild on Terra Nova Gardens. They are every where. Some times they are practically a nuisance. Why? Can they be eaten?

        to Nebraska Dave's comment

    • Joan on October 31, 2013 at 5:54 pm

      The buds are supposed to be delicious, but most parts of the plant are edible. I’ve had them in Chinese food, but never cooked with them myself. I need to try them sometime!

      Reply to Joan's comment

  4. PennyAshevilleNC on October 31, 2013 at 8:47 am

    Definitely nasturtiums. They are great companion plants and I love the leaves and flowers. My mom made a cold cucumber soup for parties and would toss Johnny Jump Ups on the top with nasturtium cut into ribbons- it was like fireworks!
    One flower I haven’t tried yet is day-lily– I have several recipes for stuffing them but I missed my chance this year.

    Reply to PennyAshevilleNC's comment

    • Susy on October 31, 2013 at 9:29 am

      I have been wanting to try them as well, I’m guessing they might taste like squash blossoms, which we LOVE.

      Reply to Susy's comment

  5. amy on October 31, 2013 at 11:13 am

    I have added nasturtiums..violets…borage…roses….I have always wanted to try squash but haven’t done it for some bizarre reason….I think I just get so greedy for the actually squash :)

    Reply to amy's comment


This is a daily journal of my efforts to cultivate a more simple life, through local eating, gardening and so many other things. We used to live in a small suburban neighborhood Ohio but moved to 153 acres in Liberty, Maine in 2012.

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A Sunny Afternoon

Yesterday afternoon was a lovely time in the garden. The night before it was cold, down in the mid 20's...
