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A Sunny Afternoon

October 30th, 2013

Yesterday afternoon was a lovely time in the garden. The night before it was cold, down in the mid 20’s – BRRRR. The chicken water was frozen and I needed a hat and boots to stay warm during my morning chores. That afternoon it was very pleasant, around 50 degrees and sunny, the perfect day for planting garlic.
Planting Garlic 3
Planting Garlic 5
The Sweets though so too, she was out helping me plant garlic all afternoon. She rubbed on my legs, stole cloves of garlic to bat around and searched for moles and voles.
Planting Garlic 2
I soaked the garlic overnight in liquid kelp, drained it and let it sit overnight again. It was raining on Monday when I planned on planting it. When I started placing the closed in the ground I was amazed to see that they were all developing roots, exactly why soaking in kelp is a good idea. It gets them off to a strong start right away, these guys will have a strong set of roots to get them through winter.
Planting Garlic 4
Loads of garlic went in the ground. I planted 8 different varieties and ended up with three 55 foot long rows of garlic.
Planting Garlic 1
This year I also saved all the small cloves and planted them close together, next spring/early summer I’ll harvest them as garlic scallions. I’m not sure where I heard about this, but I thought it was a great idea.

Are you planting garlic this year?

15 Comments to “A Sunny Afternoon”
  1. daisy on October 30, 2013 at 5:31 am

    Great tip about the kelp. Garlic is a staple here, so I look forward to growing it and harvesting our own. Enjoy!

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  2. kristin @ going country on October 30, 2013 at 5:34 am

    I did it last Saturday, in between hauling the toddler out of the blackberry canes, dodging the three-year-old “helping” with the hoe, frequently admonishing said three-year-old for stepping on the newly prepared soil and compacting it, running to the front of the house to hand up various tools to the husband who was on the roof putting glass in his newly-built storm windows, stopping to feed everyone, put some down for naps, find my yard stick . . .

    I started preparing the bed at 7:30 a.m. The cloves weren’t actually in the ground until about three that afternoon. Such is gardening at Blackrock these days.

    Reply to kristin @ going country's comment

  3. Mich on October 30, 2013 at 6:11 am

    That’s a lot of garlic! I’ve planted up a few rows of garlic in some raised beds, see how it grows in those this winter.
    My main garden was flooded last winter so I have decided not to plant any of my overwintering crops in it…..just in case.

    Reply to Mich's comment

  4. kathi Cook on October 30, 2013 at 6:41 am

    I just planted about 60 cloves yesterday.

    Reply to kathi Cook's comment

  5. Erika Keller on October 30, 2013 at 8:38 am

    Last fall was the first year I planted garlic and I was very happy with the results. Monday I planted 2- 14 foot rows using your suggestion of soaking first in liquid kelp. I also planted shallots for the first time. Looking forward to seeing how they grow here.
    And while I didn’t have a cat helper, 9 chickens were more than happy to assist.

    Reply to Erika Keller's comment

  6. Nebraska Dave on October 30, 2013 at 8:43 am

    Susy, you have been talking so highly about raising garlic that it’s on the list for next fall. This fall is fast getting away from me and now as you know I’m deep into plumbing which bites into my garden time.

    I use some garlic in cooking but it’s mostly powder. Three 55 foot rows of garlic is allot of garlic. Apparently, it’s one of the seasonings I need to learn how to use when cooking? I’m still struggling along with seasonings but every day is a new delightful taste day. I stick to recipes with seasonings and having ventured out on my own just yet.

    Have a great garlic planting day in the garden.

    Reply to Nebraska Dave's comment

  7. Erika on October 30, 2013 at 10:03 am

    We’re planting garlic today and we are trying the soaking this time around. This is the 2nd place I’ve read that suggestion. We had to replant some of our winter garden yesterday due to rabbits and we fenced it in. I’m thinking rabbit stew is in our near future.


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    • Lemongrass on October 30, 2013 at 10:23 am

      Be careful Erika, the rabbits might turn around and want to make some human stew in their future.

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  8. Lemongrass on October 30, 2013 at 10:38 am

    I planted my garlic on Monday, with no kelp soaking. In a few months I will be able to gather some on the beach. Will give it a try. Garlic scallions……….when I uprooted my young garlic to use, I called them baby garlic.

    Reply to Lemongrass's comment

  9. Jennifer Fisk on October 30, 2013 at 12:51 pm

    I planted my 10×10 plot last week. I buried the rows under a summers worth of bunny berries and then straw. Can’t wait to see the first green shoots in late March or early April and then scapes in early June. Won’t be long now, just 5 months and lots of snow.

    Reply to Jennifer Fisk's comment

  10. aruna on October 30, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    I would like to plant some garlic this weekend. Since I did not order any, it is possible to guy organic garlic and plant it? Thanks.

    Reply to aruna's comment

    • Susy on October 30, 2013 at 1:31 pm

      See if you can find some at a local produce stand or the farmers market. Generally the stuff at the grocery store has been treated with sprout inhibitors.

      Reply to Susy's comment

  11. aruna on October 30, 2013 at 1:41 pm

    Thank you.

    Reply to aruna's comment

  12. amy svob on October 30, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    I was hoping to get mine in the ground here but started raining. Also waiting for my fish emulsion to arrive in the mail to soak. Hoping it’s not too late. I have invested quite a bit in them.

    Reply to amy svob's comment

  13. KimH on October 31, 2013 at 1:05 pm

    Yep.. I plant garlic every fall.. This past year was a horrible year for me.. including garlic.. Hopefully this coming year will be a thousand times better!

    Reply to KimH's comment


This is a daily journal of my efforts to cultivate a more simple life, through local eating, gardening and so many other things. We used to live in a small suburban neighborhood Ohio but moved to 153 acres in Liberty, Maine in 2012.

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