Chiang Mai University
Social sciences
ปรากฏการณ์การอพยพของชาวโรฮิงญาในทศวรรษที่ผ่านมาได้รับการพูดถึงทั้งในสื่อมวลชนระดับโลก และในวงวิชาการ ประเด็นดังกล่าวถูกจุดขึ้นอย่างต่อเนื่องและรวดเร็ว ความรุนแรงจากความขัดแย้งทำให้ที่ผ่านมาภาพของชาวโรฮิงญาถูกนำเสนอเป็นเพียงสองขั้วใหญ่ๆ... more
In recent years, Rohingya arrivals in Thailand have drawn tremendous public attention. While media and academia have been the main sources in representing the Rohingya image to the international community, self-representation by the... more
This article analyzes media representations in Thailand of the Rohingya, an ethnic minority being persecuted in Myanmar, with a focus on those representations in faith-based media like the White Channel. Media representations help form... more
The body of literature on leftist movements in Thailand contains only limited information about the Hmong as an active political group in the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) from the 1960s to the 1980s. Moreover, since the end of the... more
- by Rainrai Yang
The Yunnanese from southwestern China have for millennia traded throughout upland Southeast Asia. Burma in particular has served as a "back door" to Yunnan, providing a sanctuary for political refugees and economic opportunities... more
The ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute (formerly Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) is an autonomous organization established in 1968. It is a regional centre dedicated to the study of socio-political, security, and economic trends and... more
Book Reviews 472 closely with a twelfth-century story displayed on the bas-reliefs and other features of the Bayon temple (Ang 2007, 364-381). Apart from these issues, Traces of Trauma is clearly a groundbreaking work that takes a... more
I began pursuing the idea of doing fieldwork among the Tai ethnic minority 1 group in Yunnan twenty years ago when I was a graduate student at Berkeley. China later became a tempting destination left off the itinerary in the early 1980s... more
The ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute (formerly Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) is an autonomous organization established in 1968. It is a regional centre dedicated to the study of socio-political, security, and economic trends and... more
Book Reviews 472 closely with a twelfth-century story displayed on the bas-reliefs and other features of the Bayon temple (Ang 2007, 364-381). Apart from these issues, Traces of Trauma is clearly a groundbreaking work that takes a... more
I began pursuing the idea of doing fieldwork among the Tai ethnic minority 1 group in Yunnan twenty years ago when I was a graduate student at Berkeley. China later became a tempting destination left off the itinerary in the early 1980s... more