Mobi-Miners is a mobile game which is presented in the format of most board games. It has a turn-based game flow between multiple players and movement is restricted to a tile grid.
The objective of the game is to explore the game world to locate and mine various minerals, to then sell them and make enough money to achieve victory.
As well as being able to sell the minerals for a profit, different types of mineral can also be used in different ways to provide utility to the player to give them an edge over others. Such as increasing mobility, gathering minerals in a more efficient way, or even sabotaging your opponents!
On the left is my visualization artwork for Mobi-Miners & on the right is my vertical slice of the game created in Unreal Engine 4.
You can view my Game Design Document for this game Here, or by clicking on the image below:
During the production of Mobi-Miners I focused on the following elements of game-dev and developed my skills within related areas and new game systems:
This Portfolio is a WIP, please email me at [email protected] to enquire about a meeting or chat.
You can find my older projects on my old portfolios at: