Jake and I wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the Best in 2013! To all my customers, family, friends ... and new friends, I have met this year, "Thank You" for loving my art, encouraging me, and sharing in this wonderful new venture I call Charmed Confections!
Jake and I are finished with the preparations and we are ready to celebrate with our loved ones. This will be Jake's first Christmas and he is doing it up right in his little elf hat. He is all ready to go visit Grandma and Grandpa, as we are spending Christmas at their house. He looks a little preoccupied in this picture ... must be visions of sugar plums going round his head ... or maybe he's just embarrassed by the hat. :)
Regardless, we wanted to send you all some love today and hope that you make a lot of wonderful memories this holiday season. As I look back on this year, so much has happened in my life. I am so very grateful for all the blessings God has given me (including Jake). Take time to hug your family tight, count your blessings and keep the true meaning of Christmas alive in your heart everyday!
May God bless you always!
XOXOXO - LeeAnn & Jake