Michelangelo Antonioni = *29.09.1912 - +30.07.2007

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Michelangelo Antonioni - (29 September 1912 – 30 July 2007) was an Italian modernist film director, screenwriter, editor and short story writer and extremely inteliggent and passionet man.
Vitti et Antonioni, une passion italienne
Michelangelo Antonioni et Monica Vitti à Rome en 1962. En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/m-actu/article/2015/07/31/vitti-antonioni-une-passion-italienne_4705836_4497186.html#VVOdyz53WajwvVrQ.99
Red Desert - 1024
Michelangelo Antonioni and Monica Vitti at the Venice International Film Festival in 1964 with their then latest collaboration the Red Desert which won its prestigious Golden Lion.
Antonioni aux origines du pop à la Cinémathèque Française - L'Œil de la Photographie Magazine
Monica Vitti et Michelangelo Antonioni à la Biennale de Venise de 1962, DR.