Monday, 21 May 2012

A Little Tutorial–Colouring Folds with Alcohol Markers & Polychromos/Prismas


I have been asked to do a couple of tutorials over the last couple of weeks so i have decided I would put two together in this little post – Folds and using Polychromos/Prismas with Alcohol Markers.

Before we start just a quick note YOU MUST COMPLETE COLOURING YOUR WHOLE IMAGE BEFORE YOU START TO USE YOUR PENCILS NEVER GO BACK AND ADD MORE COLOUR WITH YOUR ALCOHOL MARKERS.  When colouring with any Alcohol Markers always use a light hand to apply,  start your first stroke immediately your nib touches the paper, if the nib is left in one pace for just a second it will start to spread, this is where bleeding occurs. 

You will need to get together before you start Paper Stumps, Sansodor (Orderless White Spirits) and of course your pencils.


Once again we will use 3 colours Dark Medium & Light, starting with the darkest colour and using thin light stokes add to the inside of the folds (on most stamps it is quite clear where the inside of the folds will be).

Now using your medium colour go over and bring out the further into the image as shown below.

Finally go over the complete image with the lightest colour, once this step has been completed you can then go in and add more depth with your darker colours, blending as you go.

Here is  the part that brings your image to life, with a toning pencil a couple of shades darker than you darkest marker add a thin line of colour around where you have used your darkest marker.

Dip your paper stump into your Sansodor (odour less white spirit) if your stump appears very wet absorb some of the spirit with a piece of kitchen towel, again using light strokes bring your pencil out into the images, taking care not to take to far out on the fold lines your image should end up looking like the picture below.  If you only have a couple of colours of Polychromos/Prisma  pencils and cannot find one to match the area you wish to colour then a light grey gives a really good result.

I have not added any pencil to her shoes but used the same 3 colour markers I think you can see the difference they make.

Hope this has been helpful


Jacs xx

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Teabag Xmas Tree Tutorial

Today I would like to show you how I made this cute little Teabag Xmas Tree, it is very easy, I promise, it has to be or I wouldn’t of been able to do a tutorial Smile.




Gather Together

I sheet of Green Plaid Paper from Nitwits Download Joyful Hearts

Colall Photo Glue from Crafters Companion

Bone folder






Xmas Tree1


Cut 4 square from Green Plaid Paper 1  x 2” Sq, 1 x 1.3/4” sq, 1 x 1.1/2” sq, 1 x 1.1/4” sq.






Starting with the 2” Square  fold in with patterned side upwards fold in half across the middle of the square,  



xmas tree4



Open out and turn square around so previous crease is diagonal fold the square in half across the centre again.



xmas tree5



Open out square and turn over,so plain side is facing you, then fold in half diagonally to make a triangle. now fold the square in half



xmas tree6



Open out square turn around and repeat previous step.



xmas tree7



Open up square and fold into triangle as above (you will find it falls easily into this shape if you have used your bone folder on each step).



xmas tree8



Now fold both sides of the triangle into the middle, making the same shape as above.



xmas tree9



Now repeat all steps on the remaining 3 squares.



xmas tree10



Open up the flaps on the 2nd Largest Square and glue largest square on top of the smaller one as shown (cannot think how to explain this more clearly Smile).



xmas tree13



Do the same with the rest of the shapes until you have your tree, cut off the points on the base of the tree.






I have added a glittered star to the top of my tree.  Hope you made sence of the tutorial, any queries just e-mail me.  For more info on the materials and embellies on this card, just pop over to me blog here



Jacs xxxx

Friday, 5 August 2011

Colouring Popcorn with Spectrum Noirs & Polychromos Pencils


Hi my effort at a little tutorial for colouring my Favourite bear Popcorn from Crafters Companion, the materials you willl need are:


IMG_0679 IMG_0680

Spectrum Noir Marker Pens in the following colour


Fur: 107, 36, 134

Ears & Heart: 91

Blanket 26, 109

Rose: 11, 23

Leaf 42


Colouring Pencils (I use Polychromos but Prismas work just as well)  Mid Brown and Raw Umber

Prisma Pencils are available at Hobbycraft


Paper Stumps – available from Hobbycraft


Start Colouring:

IMG_0666 IMG_0667 



Start colouring Popcorn’s head using light flicking strokes with 107, (picture 1) then using 36 (picture 2)and light flicking strokes take the colour further out towards the top of the head.






Complete colouring the head and muzzle with 134 (picture 3)  making sure to blend colours by starting at the top of the muzzle and lightly flicking 134  right to the top of the head. ( you will find this work best if you use very little pressure when applying the ink).   Colour down the edge of the arm and under the head with 107 (picture 4) using the same strokes as for the head



IMG_0670 IMG_0671



Complete colouring Popcorn in the same colours and using the same method as previously (Picture 5), and colour the girl bear (I have made her head a little lighter than Popcorns by not taking 107 as far up the head. (Picture 6)



IMG_0672 IMG_0674



Colour blanket with 26 adding 109 for shading  (Picture 7), then colour heart and ears with 91 (Picture 8)



IMG_0675 IMG_0676



Finally colour rose and leaf with 11, 23 42 (picture 9).  Your image is now complete but if you would like to add extra depth to your image this can be done by using Coloured Pencils.  Apply a thin line of Medium Brown Pencil around the dark edges of Popcorns fur (as in Picture 10), my line is a bit thicker than I would usually make it but I wanted to make sure you could see it.



IMG_0677 IMG_0678



Using your Paperstump dipped into Sansodor (Odourless White Spirits)  blend your pencilled line our into the image using light circular strokes (Picture 11), then add Raw Umber Pencil to the edges of the Blanket and blend out in the same way.


I hope this has all made sense if you need any help pjust leave a message


Hugs Jacs xx

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Colours for Mid Brown, Dark Blonde & Blonde Hair with Spectrum Noirs

Another Spectrum Noir question I have been asked a number of times is “What colours do you use for hair” so here are the colours for Mid Brown, Dark Blonde and Blonde hair


On all of these I have started with the darkest first, but these colours should work whatever way you prefer to colour, a little tip for you that I find helps me when I am trying to find colour combos for whatever pens I use, stamp out or print 2 of the images you are working on use one for practise and when you are happy colour the final image, it looks quite funny when you have an image with rainbow coloured hair but this works for me, I then file the image I used for practise with a note of the colours in my colouring folder.


Colours for Mid Brown Hair:  94, 96, 97, 25, 142


Colours for Dark Blonde: 101, 104, 31, 44, 45


Colours for Blonde hair: 44, 35, 37, 38

Hope this helps, if there is anything else I can help with let me know.  I will be back later with a card.


Jac xx

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Slanted Easel card


Had a few request for the Slanted Easel card I made, these are just so simple but effective,  I am sure lots of you know how to make these anyway.




I have made this card to face the other way just so you can see how easy it is to ring the changes.


All you need to start is:

A Score Board

Double Sides Tape

A 5.1/2” square Base Card

A square of white card 5.1/2” square.

Your Image, backing papers and embellies




Now you need to score diagonally from corner to corner on the front of your card, use a score board to get a perfect fold, to make sure the corners line up I run a pencil down the scoring line I am going to use, it is much easier than doing it by eye, I think you can pick up the pencil line in the picture below





Fold along scored line and your card should look like this, ( when folding a scored line always make sure you go down the fold a couple of times with your bone folder this gives a really crisp fold).


Now add double sided tap[e down the triangle, on this picture I have only added it to 2 sides you would actually add it to all 3 sides.




Now add the 5.1/2” sq white card to the triangle.




Now its up to you to decorate as you wish.


On this blog I havent really explained how I decorate my cards from start to finish but if you feel that would be helpful leave me a comment.




Jacqui xx

Saturday, 5 February 2011

4 Drawer Card Box - Tutorial


Here is the 4 Drawer Card Box tutorial that lots of you have been asking for, before I start I would like to say that this is not my design I originally made the Box following a tutorial by the fantastically talented Kirsten, but I have altered some of the sizes to make it easier to make on my Martha Stewart Scoreboard.  If you have not visited Kirsten's blog  I cannot recommend it enough there are some truly stunning creations on there.  I have left a message on her blog telling her I would be posting this tutorial.

Here is the finished Box, I have not given details on here on how I decorated the box and card, more info on this will be posted on my Original Blog, I have stuck to basic details of making the box as I am sure you will have your own ideas on how you would like yours to look.

To start cut 2 pieces of heavyweight card (over 300gms) and 2 pieces of lighter weight (220 will do) card 6” square, glue one square of the lightweight card onto the top of the heavyweight card (NOTE;  YOU WILL NEED TO USE EXTRA TACKY WET GLUE THROUGHT OUT MAKING THIS BOX), these 2 squares form the top and bottom of your box.

Now we make the Drawers

Cut 4 pieces of card to measure 5” x 4.1/8”


Score 1” in from the edge of all 4 sides on each piece of card


Cut corner as shown above

Spread glue as shown on each corner


Stick corners inside to make an open topped box shape as shown above


Cover the fronts of the drawers with paper of your choice and add a brad (I have actually used Tim Holtzs Hitch Fasteners on mine).


Now Cut 4 strips of card 7.1/4” x 3.1/8”, score and fold along the long side of each strip at 1”, 3.1/8”, 4.1/8”, 6.3/8”

Add glue to the narrow edge to form a cover for your drawer as above.


Now glue drawer onto the bottom square (It is better to do this with the Drawer inside its cover as it makes the whole thing firmer).


Carry on glueing  drawers to base as above and below


Add glue to the top of the drawers as shown and attach to the 2nd square to form the top of the box

Your Box is almost finished now

All thats left is to add a base to the top of you box to adhere your card to.  I have used a Martha Stewart Round the Corner Punch on a 7” square piece of white card to make the pretty lace edging then added a 6” square of card and a 5.7/8” square of backing paper to match your card.

Make your 5.1/2” card in the usual way and attach to the top of the card.

I hope this is cl;ear but if you have any queries just e-mail me at [email protected] and I will try to help

Hugs Jacqui xx