Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Potatoes are a Sweet Treat.....
Well, they can be :0)
Irish Potatoes are an easy, fast and super sweet treat to make yourself and with the kids! Simple ingredients, simple steps and a simply sinful sugar rush.
The true time tested recipe....yes that is TYPED out. As is a type writer folks (lol). See below for the full recipe, just in case your PC doesn't pick up the photo well enough to read.
Finished bite sized product ready to eat!
Variations: when you taste the mixture you may think of those large chocolate coated Easter Eggs you would get as a kid..the ones that were so big your mom would slice you off a piece! So pretty much you could use this sweet butter and coconut mixture with a cocoa coating OR shape and then dip in melted chocolate. YUM! Have fun with it...if you come up with your own tempting treat variation let me know, ok?!
Recipe in full:
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
2/3 cup Eagle Brand Condensed Milk (NOT "evaporated" anywhere on the can)
6 cups sifted confectioners sugar
1 1/2 cups coconut (I used a non sweetened organic myself, recipe is sweet already)
cinnamon for rolling and coating
In medium bowl cream butter, vanilla and salt. Blend in condensed milk until smooth. Add sugar slowly, 1-2 cups at a time. Blend well after each addition of sugar, until stiff. Then add coconut, mix. Shape into balls and toll to coat in cinnamon. Refrigerate. (NOTE: in pic above directions call for rolling and kneading in remaining sugar...I've never done this step, so I omitted here)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Winter's Delight......

The ingredients are simple enough and the results are FAB! I HIGHLY recommend trying. Not a recipe to make with the kids. The sugar liquid is hot and needs extra adult care to handle, but kids could definitely help with the eating part :)
Mini Marshmallows
Monday, February 16, 2009
Felt Fun.....
My niece loves to host tea parties. She likes to make cups of pretend tea and then serve to everyone in the room. We must of course sip and sing praises of :). For being just under 2 years old she's very generous and will without hesitation share her last cracker with you over a cup of tea.
Her birthday is coming up next month and since I prefer homemade gifts I thought I'd have a go at felt food. And guess's fun! Fun, but I won't is time consuming to get it just right. (Can you say 100 french knots??!!)
The stuff I'm making is super safe for a toddler, no beads for example. And it's really so much nicer than the typical play foods out there. What I'm making will be like heirloom toys she can play with (they're tough), pack away easily and then hand down if she wants to. She could even make them into Christmas tree ornaments if she wanted too :)
Here are the pieces I managed to make over the weekend. I'm hoping for a breakfast set, a pizza, and some random cookie designs. If time allows some veggie and fruit slices.
These here are made from the same felt I use on my bears, merino wool (the good stuff!). Since starting these I've found whole books (via random google searches) dedicated to felt foods. Most are written in Japanese, but the illustrations and photos are beyond adorable.
So, my first attempt at felt foods includes 2 doughnuts, an oreo type cookie, and a half dozen strawberries. (Now I'm hungry! lol)