Books by Natasha Artemeva
The editors of Writing in Knowledge Societies provide a thoughtful, carefully constructed collect... more The editors of Writing in Knowledge Societies provide a thoughtful, carefully constructed collection that addresses the vital roles rhetoric and writing play as knowledge-making practices in diverse knowledge-intensive settings. The essays in this book examine the multiple, subtle, yet consequential ways in which writing is epistemic, articulating the central role of writing in creating, shaping, sharing, and contesting knowledge in a range of human activities in workplaces, civic settings, and higher education. Writing in Knowledge Societies helps us conceptualize the ways in which rhetoric and writing work to organize, (re-)produce, undermine, dominate, marginalize, or contest knowledge-making practices in diverse settings, showing the many ways in which rhetoric and writing operate in knowledge-intensive organizations and societies.
An initiative of the Canadian Association for the Study of Language and Learning (CASLL)
Papers by Natasha Artemeva
ESP Today, 2017
This paper reports on the central role of disciplinary (engineering) criteria in the development ... more This paper reports on the central role of disciplinary (engineering) criteria in the development of an ESP-based diagnostic writing task and rubric, used to identify entering undergraduate engineering students in need of academic support. In this mixed methods study, Phase 1 investigated the usefulness of a generic writing task and analytic rubric used for the diagnosis. Phase 2, informed by the results of Phase 1, focused on the development of an engineering writing task. The outcomes of the two phases were merged to develop an engineering ESP-based writing task and rubric, informed by a) the collaboration of language/writing experts and engineering stakeholders, and b) criteria, indigenously drawn from the engineering community of practice. The study supports an academic literacies approach in diagnostic assessment (rather than a generic, one-size-fits-all, 'academic literacy' approach), and suggests that the demands of university study are best viewed as the practices of disciplinary communities of practice. The paper provides evidence of the increased meaningfulness and usefulness of a disciplinary, ESP-based approach in diagnosing need for academic support. Sažetak U radu se bavimo ključnom ulogom disciplinarnih (inženjerskih) kriterijuma u osmišljavanju dijagnostičkog pismenog testa zasnovanog na engleskom jeziku nauke i struke i odgovarajuće skale ocenjivanja za identifikovanje onih studenata prve godine inženjerstva kojima je potrebna akademska podrška. U prvoj fazi ove studije s mešovitom metodologijom ispitivala se korisnost generičkog pismenog testa i odgovarajuće opisne skale ocenjivanja u cilju dijagnostike. U drugoj fazi, a na osnovu saznanja dobijenih iz prve faze, u centru pažnje bilo je osmišljavanje pismenog testa iz stručnog gradiva (inženjerstvo). Rezultati obe faze potom su integrisani radi osmišljavanja pismenog testa iz inženjerstva zasnovanog na engleskom jeziku nauke i struke, kao i odgovarajuće skale ocenjivanja, što je urađeno zahvaljujući (a) saradnji između jezičkih stručnjaka i inženjera, pripadnika stručne zajednice, kao i na osnovu (b) kriterijuma svojstvenih praksi inženjerske zajednice. U studiji se zalažemo za takav pristup dijagnostičkom testiranju koji se zasniva na akademskim pismenostima (umesto generičkog, uniformnog pristupa zasnovanog na 'akademskoj pismenosti') i sugerišemo da se potrebe studenata najbolje uočavaju na osnovu prakse određenih disciplinarnih zajednica. Rad pruža dokaze o povećanom značaju i korisnosti disciplinarnog pristupa zasnovanog na engleskom jeziku nauke i struke u dijagnozi potreba za akademskom podrškom. Ključne reči akademske pismenosti, dijagnostičko testiranje, pisanje u inženjerstvu, engleski jezik nauke i struke, disciplinarni kriterijumi, testiranje nakon upisa.
Dialogo das Letras, 2018
CRISTOVÃO, V. L. L.; ARTEMEVA, N. Towads a hybrid approach to genre teaching: comparing the swiss... more CRISTOVÃO, V. L. L.; ARTEMEVA, N. Towads a hybrid approach to genre teaching: comparing the swiss and brazilian schools of socio-discursive interactionism and rhetorical genre studies. Abstract: Theoretical foundations of the Swiss School of Socio-Discursive Interactionism (SDI), North American Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) and the Brazilian School of SDI are reviewed, compared, and contrasted, and the similarities and differences in their key features and perspectives on genre analysis and pedagogy are discussed. The Brazilian School of SDI is identified as an expansion of Swiss SDI. The reviewed approaches are shown to be somewhat complementary. The recommendations are made for the future hybrid use of the Brazilian School of SDI and RGS in pedagogical applications.
Resumo: No artigo, revisitamos e discutimos comparativamente construtos teóricos de três escolas de estudos de gêneros, nomeadamente, a Escola Suíça do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), a Sociorretórica Norte-Americana (RGS) e a Escola Brasileira do ISD, e apontamos semelhanças e diferenças em suas características e perspectivas quanto à análise e pedagogia de gêneros. Avaliamos que as abordagens analisadas se mostram, de algum modo complementares, e que a Escola Brasileira do ISD se configura como uma expansão do ISD Suíço. A partir dessas considerações, propomos a possibilidade de uso híbrido da Escola Brasileira do ISD e a Sociorretórica em aplicações pedagógicas. Palavras-chave: Escolas Suíça e Brasileira do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD); Sociorretórica Norte Americana (RGS);abordagem híbrida de gênero .
Revista Hirizontes, 2020
Periódico Horizontes-USF-Itatiba, SP-Brasil-e020001 [1] Gênero textual/discursivo como instrument... more Periódico Horizontes-USF-Itatiba, SP-Brasil-e020001 [1] Gênero textual/discursivo como instrumento possibilitador de letramentos: práticas necessárias no contexto formal de ensino Apresentação Desde que o termo letramento apareceu no meio acadêmico, por volta dos anos 80, estudos têm apontado para a necessidade de um ensino que vise formar um sujeito capaz de interagir nas diferentes situações de uso da linguagem. Concomitante a isso, têm crescido as discussões sobre os diversos gêneros textuais/discursivos, os quais são essenciais ao agir humano. Considerando esse contexto, os artigos que compõem esse número temático têm como propósito ampliar as discussões sobre como o gênero textual/discursivo pode ser um instrumento possibilitador de letramentos ao mesmo tempo em que visa divulgar experiências exitosas que possam contribuir para uma educação de qualidade. Nesse sentido, o artigo publicado postumamente "Práticas de Alto Impacto entre disciplinas: um estudo exploratório de um gênero pedagógico", escrito em Inglês por Flavia Renon, da Universidade de Carleton, Canadá, aborda a questão de letramentos acadêmicos investigando como práticas de alto impacto no nível universitário, assim definidas no Ensino Superior norte americano, são representadas no currículo. Renon mobiliza procedimentos swalesianos do Inglês para Fins Específicos (ESP) por meio da análise de movimentos retóricos e passos de um pequeno corpus de currículos com e sem práticas de algum impacto a fim de examinar como instrutores universitários organizam e comunicam sua compreensão das funções e propósitos de tais práticas. O estudo é concluído com a sugestão de que a análise de gênero da perspectiva do ESP tem papel importante no desenho curricular entre disciplinas e no treinamento de instrutores que elaboram currículos para cursos com práticas de alto impacto e de outros tipos.
Revista da Anpoll, 2020
Abstract: Increasing numbers of autistic students are enrolling in universities worldwide. These... more Abstract: Increasing numbers of autistic students are enrolling in universities worldwide. These students are taught by mostly nonautistic instructors who try to support them in their learning of academic literacies, without always fully understanding this emerging group of neurodiverse students. Most research on the development of academic literacies, including academic writing, to date has not explored the lived experience of being an autistic student at university. In this small-scale qualitative exploratory pilot study, we draw on Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) to probe into the accounts of 12 autistic students from two Canadian universities regarding their interactions with nonautistic and autistic individuals at university. By analyzing the data from the RGS perspective, we have been able to establish and unpack the rhetorical nature of such social interactions. Understanding the rhetorical nature of these interactions provides a first step towards developing effective supports for autistic students learning to speak and write academically in the predominantly nonautistic contexts of universities.
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Professional Communication, 2009
Journal Multimodal Communication, 2012
Multimodal Communication, Jan 2011
This article explores the multimodal nature of teaching university mathematics in international c... more This article explores the multimodal nature of teaching university mathematics in international contexts. It focuses on the ‘cinematic’ art of teaching, applying a multimodal approach in the analysis of the pedagogical genre of ‘chalk talk’ as embodied disciplinary practice. The research draws on rhetorical genre studies and theories of situated learning and communities of practice. The data considered for the study consist of audio/video recorded lectures, observational notes, and semi-structured interviews collected from 50 participants teaching in 7 countries. Participants differ in linguistic, cultural, and educational backgrounds, teaching experience, and languages they use for instruction. The study suggests that a multimodal treatment of chalk talk as an embodied disciplinary pedagogical practice of teaching mathematics in the undergraduate lecture classroom allows researchers to further uncover the complexity of this genre. Better understanding the embodied pedagogical practices of the international mathematics CoP may lead to new insights regarding disciplinary-specific pedagogies.
Written Communication, Jan 1, 2011
ABSTRACT This article reports on an international study of the teaching of undergraduate mathemat... more ABSTRACT This article reports on an international study of the teaching of undergraduate mathematics in seven countries. Informed by rhetorical genre theory, activity theory, and the notion of Communities of Practice, this study explores a pedagogical genre at play in university mathematics lecture classrooms. The genre is mediational in that it is a tool employed in the activity of teaching. The data consist of audio/video-recorded lectures, observational notes, semistructured interviews, and written artifacts collected from 50 participants who differed in linguistic, cultural, and educational backgrounds; teaching experience; and languages of instruction. The study suggests that chalk talk, namely, writing out a mathematical narrative on the board while talking aloud, is the central pedagogical genre of the undergraduate mathematics lecture classroom. Pervasive pedagogical genres, like chalk talk, which develop within global disciplinary communities of practice, appear to override local differences across contexts of instruction. Better understanding these genres may lead to new insights regarding academic literacies and teaching.
Journal of Business and Technical …, Jan 1, 2010
This article explores the role of students' prior, or antecedent, genre knowledge in relation to ... more This article explores the role of students' prior, or antecedent, genre knowledge in relation to their developing disciplinary genre competence by drawing on an illustrative example of an engineering genre-competence assessment. The initial outcomes of this diagnostic assessment suggest that student ability to successfully identify and characterize rhetorical and textual features of a genre does not guarantee their successful writing performance in the genre. Although previous active participation in genre production (writing) seems to have a defining influence on student ability to write in the genre, such participation appears to be a necessary but insufficient precondition for genre competence development. The authors discuss the usefulness of probing student antecedent genre knowledge early in communication courses as a potential source for macrolevel curriculum decisions and microlevel pedagogical adjustments in course design, and they propose directions for future research.
Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Jan 1, 2008
This article discusses the development of a unified social theory of genre learning based on the ... more This article discusses the development of a unified social theory of genre learning based on the integration of rhetorical genre studies, activity theory, and the situated learning perspective. The article proposes that these three theoretical perspectives are compatible and complementary, and it illustrates applications of a unified framework to a study of genre learning by novice engineers. The author draws examples from a longitudinal qualitative study of a group of novice engineers who developed their professional genre knowledge through both academic and workplace experiences. These examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework for the study of professional genre learning.
Journal of Business and Technical …, Jan 1, 2005
Carleton papers in applied …, Jan 1, 2003
Journal of Business and Technical …, Jan 1, 2001
Using activity theory as a supplement to genre studies, this article explores a case of the disin... more Using activity theory as a supplement to genre studies, this article explores a case of the disintegration of a traditional engineering firm. It focuses on the causes of such disintegration and the role of different types of communication in serving as sites where contradictions can be brought to visibility and resolution. The authors' goal is both to show the power of activity theory in illuminating issues of tension, contradiction, and dissonance that lead to the breakup of the original organization into two separate firms and point to fundamental differences in the cultures of traditional engineering firms and software design enterprises.
Books by Natasha Artemeva
Papers by Natasha Artemeva
Resumo: No artigo, revisitamos e discutimos comparativamente construtos teóricos de três escolas de estudos de gêneros, nomeadamente, a Escola Suíça do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), a Sociorretórica Norte-Americana (RGS) e a Escola Brasileira do ISD, e apontamos semelhanças e diferenças em suas características e perspectivas quanto à análise e pedagogia de gêneros. Avaliamos que as abordagens analisadas se mostram, de algum modo complementares, e que a Escola Brasileira do ISD se configura como uma expansão do ISD Suíço. A partir dessas considerações, propomos a possibilidade de uso híbrido da Escola Brasileira do ISD e a Sociorretórica em aplicações pedagógicas. Palavras-chave: Escolas Suíça e Brasileira do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD); Sociorretórica Norte Americana (RGS);abordagem híbrida de gênero .
Resumo: No artigo, revisitamos e discutimos comparativamente construtos teóricos de três escolas de estudos de gêneros, nomeadamente, a Escola Suíça do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), a Sociorretórica Norte-Americana (RGS) e a Escola Brasileira do ISD, e apontamos semelhanças e diferenças em suas características e perspectivas quanto à análise e pedagogia de gêneros. Avaliamos que as abordagens analisadas se mostram, de algum modo complementares, e que a Escola Brasileira do ISD se configura como uma expansão do ISD Suíço. A partir dessas considerações, propomos a possibilidade de uso híbrido da Escola Brasileira do ISD e a Sociorretórica em aplicações pedagógicas. Palavras-chave: Escolas Suíça e Brasileira do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD); Sociorretórica Norte Americana (RGS);abordagem híbrida de gênero .