Papers by Elizabeth (Liz) Christie
The purpose of this thesis is to augment our empirical knowledge of the English resultative and t... more The purpose of this thesis is to augment our empirical knowledge of the English resultative and to provide a theoretical treatment of the syntax and semantics of the resultative using current linguistic tools. This involves using both theoretical and experimental methods to ensure that the model reflects human usage of natural language and follows the principles required for formal language modelling. have faced the sheer volume of effort this took if I had not had your unwavering support. To my mother, father and sister, you endlessly fielded questions about whether or not a given sentence was still considered "Englsih" or not, and you did so without thinking (or at least without saying) how weird my questions were becoming. You kept me grounded and never let me forget what the world was like outside of of academia. And, Deirdre, my best friend, you reminded me that my struggles were normal, that I could handle whatever life threw at me, and, most importantly, you always gave me the boost I needed to feel confident about myself and my ideas. Finally, and most important in the process of writing a thesis, my supervisors: Ash Asudeh and Ida Toivonen. Ash, your constant honesty and keen eye for the theoretical implications of my work kept me balanced and on track (no matter what speed I may, or may not, have been going). I could always count on your advice when things weren't at their best. Ida, although we didn't always see eye-to-eye on theory in our meetings, I always knew that you were there to support me and to make sure that I also enjoyed the social side of grad school. I know I could not have succeeded in completing my thesis without the two of you there to guide and support me.
The purpose of this thesis is to augment our empirical knowledge of the English resultative and t... more The purpose of this thesis is to augment our empirical knowledge of the English resultative and to provide a theoretical treatment of the syntax and semantics of the resultative using current linguistic tools. This involves using both theoretical and experimental methods to ensure that the model reflects human usage of natural language and follows the principles required for formal language modelling.
The main questions addressed are 1) Is the result phrase an argument, an adjunct, or something else (an added/derived argument, sometimes called an argument-adjunct)? 2) How do we best capture the properties of the resultative in a formal model? In order to address these questions, it must be determined what falls into the overall category of the resultative and how the resultative can be sub-classified into further sub-categories to best reflect the potentially distinctive properties of related resultative constructions. These divisions are then tested for fit with the theoretical categories of argument, adjunct and added/derived argument. Lastly, an analysis is provided using Lexical-Functional Grammar and Glue Semantics.
This paper investigates the English way-construction and the English fake reflexive resultative co... more This paper investigates the English way-construction and the English fake reflexive resultative construction to determine what aspects of each construction should be included in a grammatical model. It details a model which reflects similarities and differences between the two constructions.
This paper attempts to account for the English Resultative through the use of templates in Lexica... more This paper attempts to account for the English Resultative through the use of templates in Lexical Functional Grammar. This account will involve the use of LFG templates as an interface between the syntax and semantics and employ Glue Semantics as a logical means to combine the components. It will introduce two new templates for the data, and attempt to show how the notions introduced by Asudeh et al. (2008) can be extended to fit the resultative without having to introduce any new formal mechanisms. † I am very thankful to Louisa Sadler, for pointing me in this direction in the first place, and Ash Asudeh for his patient comments on the many drafts of my poster and presentation.
The English resultative construction is a secondary predication relationship in which the main ve... more The English resultative construction is a secondary predication relationship in which the main verbal predicate is affected by the existence of a resultant state.
Papers by Elizabeth (Liz) Christie
The main questions addressed are 1) Is the result phrase an argument, an adjunct, or something else (an added/derived argument, sometimes called an argument-adjunct)? 2) How do we best capture the properties of the resultative in a formal model? In order to address these questions, it must be determined what falls into the overall category of the resultative and how the resultative can be sub-classified into further sub-categories to best reflect the potentially distinctive properties of related resultative constructions. These divisions are then tested for fit with the theoretical categories of argument, adjunct and added/derived argument. Lastly, an analysis is provided using Lexical-Functional Grammar and Glue Semantics.
The main questions addressed are 1) Is the result phrase an argument, an adjunct, or something else (an added/derived argument, sometimes called an argument-adjunct)? 2) How do we best capture the properties of the resultative in a formal model? In order to address these questions, it must be determined what falls into the overall category of the resultative and how the resultative can be sub-classified into further sub-categories to best reflect the potentially distinctive properties of related resultative constructions. These divisions are then tested for fit with the theoretical categories of argument, adjunct and added/derived argument. Lastly, an analysis is provided using Lexical-Functional Grammar and Glue Semantics.