Carleton University
This article is intended to get the reader more involved than to just look at pictures. In this process I hope to: 1. Present the reader with sufficient history to better understand the dynamics of the Japanese porcelain industry,... more
- by John Henley
I initial intention was to give a short introduction to the Kinkozan studio, as the producer of Royal Nishiki Nippon porcelains, and then use my modest collection as illustrations. That intention, as I soon discovered, was akin to... more
- by John Henley
In this study we have found that he history of Ohio China Company and the technical advances in porcelain production in Japan, around the turn of the century, fit. The “quality control” and trademark protection strategies of Morimura... more
- by John Henley
In order to appreciate the continental, cultural and stylistic interrelationships between Japanese, European and North American, I would that I had to go back in history to fully understand how porcelains and related artworks, especially... more
This is a continuation of my paper on the influence/influencing of Japanese arts associated with Japanism, Arts and Crafts and most importantly Art Nouveau
This is a continuation of The Legacy of Japanese Artistic Influence on Art Nouveau -The Tides of Change. In this section I focus on the major changes in the Japanese porcelain industry as they respond to pressures to "westernize". As I... more
This is a continuation of the Gallery with focus on the cultural influence within the art world.
Parts 5 A & B almost exclusively deal with illustrations of the art, primarily on ceramics, as it appeared in many countries and, more importantly, how the art of one country influenced the output of others.
As this is primarily an educational/informational paper for Japanese porcelain collectors, primarily Noritake and Nippon era export porcelains, I felt it essential to illustrate as many features of Art Nouveau, Rococo and/or Arts and... more
The warp and the weft of the weave provide the framework of the cloth, rug or other textile the weaver is about to produce and varies by the threads per inch, spacing, colour and the design. Over time, the fundamentals remain but the... more
I have been collecting Japanese porcelains, predominantly Old Noritake and other Nippon era artifacts, for over thirty years and I love the learning and sharing aspect of my hobby and passion. As I learned I became more aware of an... more
- by John Henley
"Soon after the opening of several Japanese ports in 1859, Westerners began to head for Japan to Yokohama, looking for business opportunities. These gaisho traders, protected by treaties, had dominated Japan's international trade for... more
- by John Henley
This could be considered an ode to the Peacock but with the qualification that it is largely about the global presence of the peacock in art. While many of the artifacts are "high" in both artistic merit and value, that is not the main... more
The story of the development of wireless cloisonne, the Golden Age of enamels in Japan and a pictorial history of Namikawa Sosuke. This is a blend of the research and findings of academics and the postings of research analysts and... more