Conferences by Camilla Zeviani
Urbanisation is a process in which people have to cope with changing conditions and increasing co... more Urbanisation is a process in which people have to cope with changing conditions and increasing complexity. Such conditions not only involve an increase of population numbers and density, but also social competition, a competition for resources and development of new modes of interaction. Urbanity can be seen as a lifestyle or interaction system which addresses issues of continuously increasing complexity and necessarily requires corresponding mechanisms of conflict resolution and de-escalation. Both escalation, potentially leading to the annihilation of at least one of the conflict parties, and de-escalation, potentially leading to cooperation, may present themselves as changes in this system. Inevitably different elements of society will be differentially affected and may be caught somewhere between fluidity and resistance. Given the high potential for competition within urban places, we might expect an interrelation between urbanity and violence. However, urbanity apparently exhibits a rather low frequency of violent conflict. Urbanity is thus a telling example of successful resolution of conflict escalation and de-escalation, a topic which is essential for the understanding of resilient urbanity and urbanisation. This session may evolve around questions such as: • How can processes of escalation and de-escalation be found in the material record? • What evidence do written sources introduce? • Which insights can ethnography bring to the debate? • Are there other possible sources of insight? In this session, we aim for contributions addressing the identification and analysis of conflict escalation and de-escalation within urban places and processes, and especially the analysis of de-escalating strategies in urban contexts. We want to find out, how people cope(d) with strains on personal and communal identity in urbanity. Contributions from prehistoric and historic archaeology, from sociology, from ethnography as well as from other fields of research and a global perspective are warmly encouraged.
Papers and Talks by Camilla Zeviani
The conference will take place online on the 9 th of May 2022. Mediterranean mountains have been ... more The conference will take place online on the 9 th of May 2022. Mediterranean mountains have been looming on the background of modern scholarship for many years, and, with few exceptions, they have often been regarded as secondary or not relevant at all in the grand scheme of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean Archaeology. This tendency has changed in the last few years and new and timely projects are now thriving around the Mediterranean uplands. Mountains, indeed, have often been perceived by lowland people as inaccessible, savage and distant places, where mythical creatures dwell and where the laws of "civilisation" do not
Papers by Camilla Zeviani
Le frontiere sono una manifestazione materiale di costruzione e di mantenimento dell’identità, un... more Le frontiere sono una manifestazione materiale di costruzione e di mantenimento dell’identità, un tema particolarmente caro alla letteratura antropologica. Questo articolo presenta un’interpretazione dei cippi di confini, recuperati in Etruria nordorientale, una frontiera tra diverse realtà culturali, per illustrare le potenzialità di queste teorie applicate ai contesti antichi. L’attitudine e la visione del mondo etrusca fu molto orientata verso la costruzione di confini e frontiere: la minaccia rappresentata dall’ «altro» e dal «diverso», inaugurata dalle invasioni galliche e dall’ascesa militare di Roma durante il iv secolo a.C., non fece altro che acuire questa tradizionale e ben radicata visione della realtà. Incoraggiò infatti le potenti città dell’Etruria nordorientale, in particolare Perugia, Cortona e Fiesole, ad investire nella definizione dei confini e ad affermare da una parte un’identità di lignaggio, dall’altra un’identità «nazionale», per far fronte a realtà diverse, ...
Conferences by Camilla Zeviani
Papers and Talks by Camilla Zeviani
Papers by Camilla Zeviani