Have you been to Hetti's
blog? Hetti offers many free workshops and free designs on her blog. She is from and lives in the Netherlands. I learned of Hetti from EMS website. For 2012 Hetti has Stitch-A-Long called "SAL Delft Blue Tiles". The 1st tile was offered in January and every month there is a new one. 12 tiles in all. I started in January and completed the first 2 tiles then fell behind. I just finished stitching Tile 6. There is no sign up for Hetti's SAL and you can start at any time. Hetti's blog is in 2 languages, I honestly don't know the 1st language (I think it's Dutch) and in ENGLISH:) So if you visit her blog please look thru her posts and you will see the English words. On the left side column on her blog, scroll down a little and you will see "SAL Delft Blue Tiles 2012" click on it and Hetti has very conveniently consolidated all the tile charts together for you. All in one place. She also offers many wonderful different ways/possibilities in stitching the tiles. It's a great blog for cross stitching and learning new finishing techniques. She has step by step and with photos. Well that's a no brainer for me.

I did change the colors she used to suit myself. Hers are traditional blues with a touch of red and green. I decided to go with browns and lighter blues. I'm stitching on 28ct Irish Linen by Charles Craft. I had this linen in my stash and I remembered I did buy it from Micheal's. I'm sure I had a coupon:) The threads I'm using are: DMC 801, 931, and DMC color variations 4010, Caron's Wildflowers Azure skies and Walnut. That's it. I am thinking of making a needle roll when this project is done. I honestly am not sure but I have time to decide.

Our very special friend from New Zealand has been blessing us with her Love, Talent and Kindness...Lee. I cried when I opened her gift to me. Lee's gifts were not only for me but for my sister Nicole, and for my mother. Nicole received a the Beautiful stitched Heart ornament from Lee. The darling Blue Bird ornament pictured, decorated the outside of my gift - also hand stitched by Lee. The fabric is felt and is beautifully made. I can't believe I did not take any close-up photos of the heart and blue bird.

And this is my gift from Lee. Isn't it remarkable. Oh yes I couldn't believe my eyes, I was and am so very honored & touched. The design is called Yellow Bird, and she is stitched in chocolate silk. That's a glass stone off to the side of the cover.

Then I opened her up. Is your heart singing? Mine was. My jaw dropped open. There is a scissor holder and a scissor fob (the fob is removable). On the left side of the case there are pockets. Lee tucked some very lovely silk threads for me.
The above photo speaks for it self...

And then the lovely needlecase had yet another magical page that opened.....(a very deep sigh...)
Yes there are more pockets on the left and a flip-able needle wool page. The whole needlecase is decorated with lots of lovely silver charms.
See the crystal beaded pins.....The raised pincushion is perfect...
I don't know how Lee stitched that.

Lee sent an Angel to my mom. I think she did make this...Its so beautiful and incredibly perfectly stitched...I tell you Lee is a Master of needlework. I'm still in awe.
To Wonderful, Loving, Talented & Thoughtful Lee, your gifts of love will always be cherished and remembered by us. You know we love you but it is always great to hear & can never be said enough XXOO. That's from me , mom and Nicole..

What a wonderful week I had receiving such lovely gifts. Liz from our EMS exchange had me for our Scissor Fob exchange. Liz stitched this beautiful Hearts Design for me. How did she know what some of my favorite colors are? :))) Reds, Greens and plums...I love it Liz - thank you so very much. Hmm I guess I get to go scissor shopping for these beautiful fobs I received.
I love that Liz included her name and year on the back. Time tends to go by to fast and before I know it I think "what year was that?" I won't forget who stitched it for me:) She also made the hanger for me. I have yet to make one.

And an update on Ann Dale....
I finished stitching all the yellow and green rows below the motifs. There were lots.
I love stitching this sampler. Stitching with silk is wonderful.
Just a quick update on mom. As you know I & my sister have been caring for mom. Yes we have seen a change in her. The last time mom was in the living room, was for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. She did not see all of it, but did get to see & enjoy the festivities. Time is so very PRECIOUS with our loved ones! We are laughing and sharing wonderful memories with her. I mean we truly are making every moment count that we have left with mom. Time for tears will come later but right now, we are celebrating With Her. She is still here...
Always with Love and Appreciation - Annette in California