That's how fast and far it fell this morning! Yesterday afternoon saw an unseasonable 82 degrees fahrenheit, and this morning, it began falling... down to 42 and on down into the 20s tonight. Autumn, or, in this case... FALL!
Everyone wanted to curl up and be warm.
Gertie likes to snuggle on the back of the loveseat, where she can watch for Daddy to come home.
Jackson comes in every night and muscles everyone off the top roost. One brave hen stayed up there tonight.
Wait 'til you see what Keith has made for the rafter roosters in the new henhouse.
Fancy and April always roost on the door to the nursing cage, go figure.
We hope to tear out all the nasty drywall in this henhouse when we move the birds in the next week or so. I hate to think of all the baby mice we're going to disturb.