A dual-function breakwater model with a function as a coastal protector and as a wave energy converter with an overtopping concept was investigated experimentally in the laboratory. Laboratory investigations were conducted to find out how...
moreA dual-function breakwater model with a function as a coastal protector and as a wave energy converter with an overtopping concept was investigated experimentally in the laboratory. Laboratory investigations were conducted to find out how the wave run-up that occurs in the dual-function breakwater model to support as a wave energy converter with an overtopping concept. Research on wave run-up in dual-function breakwaters is still very rarely carried out, considering that in this study, it is hoped that a large run-up wave can occur so that overtopping can occur, whereas generally, the run-up studies that have been carried out on conventional breakwaters expect the opposite. In this study, a dual-function breakwater model was created which has a combination of slopes and is made smooth and impermeable. The research was conducted on a two-dimensional wave flume, with regular waves and carried out several variations of hydraulic parameters and structural model parameters. The results of this study indicate that the wave run-up that occurs is influenced by the incident wave height and the Irribaren Number. It was found that the greater the height of the incident waves, the greater the wave run-up. It was also found that the large Irribaren Number resulted in a large relative wave run-up as well, wherein this study the relative wave run-up obtained reached a value of about 4.8.