Lotr QuizLotr ChristmasHobbit DwarvesJ Rr TolkienBuzzfeed Quizzes DisneyTolkien FunnyMiddle Earth ElvesSamwise GamgeeLotr ElvesWithin The Vastness Of Middle Earth, Which Race Do You Belong To?Which of these races does your personality best match?53
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Tolkien ElvesHeroic FantasyLord Of The RingThe SilmarillionFellowship Of The RingThranduilJrr TolkienLegolasDark LordTolkien ElvesNoldor / Sindar / Silvans . www.ImmortalTolkien.com . . . . -------------------------------------- Follow @immortal.tolkien -------------------------------------- Tag Your Friends Below -------------------------------------- Hashtags #lordoftherings #tolkien #tolkienjrr #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #ganfalf #gondor #peterjackson #newzealand #elves #wizzard #theonering #onering #oneringtorulethemall #mordor #nazgul #sauron #darklord --------------------------------------544
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