Cities are becoming more and more crowded, but they remain as the commercial and business centers. Therefore, developers are continuing to create new urban developments to cater for growing population of cities, however, they usually lack...
moreCities are becoming more and more crowded, but they remain as the commercial and business centers. Therefore, developers are continuing to create new urban developments to cater for growing population of cities, however, they usually lack mixed-use opportunities for new residents to work and do business, so constant travel to the main city center is needed. The lack of proper access to public transportation to these areas increases the need for automobile infrastructure to support its continued growth. A transit-oriented development (TOD) integrates various land uses around transit areas for economic growth and pleasurable travel experience, while protecting and conserving the environment. TODs for urban developments will increase integrated green spaces, green infrastructure development, and better connectivity between urban developments. The study elaborates on a tool (The TOD-Suitability Index (TSI)) that empowers planners, decision makers, and designers that integrate public transportation access, land-use planning and zoning, place-making, and green infrastructure, therefore improving quality of life and human well-being, better use of the public transportation system, improved streetscape, and public space conditions. Case studies were done in three scales of transit-areas (neighborhood, city, and regional). The case study areas have either a prominent residential area, commercial zone, or is a central business district that have access to multiple modes of public transportation. The results of the case studies showed that all areas failed because they scored low in Place Value and Market Potential even though they had average to high Node Value scores. Recommendations generated by the TSI provide basis for items that need to be developed to improve transit areas which allows the project prioritization, budget allocation, and comprehensive development plan integration.