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Cz a s o p i s m o z a ł o ż o n e p r z e z Ja n a Bi a ł o s t o C k i e g o re d a k C J a Grażyna Jurkowlaniec
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArtHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthCentral and Eastern Europe
Through the Angevin family, Naples and Hungary had very close relations in the 14th century. Matthias Corvinus (1458–1490) was thus reviving an old connection when he married Beatrice, daughter of King Ferdinand of Naples, in 1476. The... more
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      Art HistoryMatthias CorvinusItalian Renaissance ArtThe Kingdom of Naples
This paper seeks to give a comprehensive summary of the state of contemporary Hungarian and international Renaissance research into the activities of Giovanni Dalmata / Ivan Duknovic in the Hungarian Kingdom, as "Hofkünstler" of Matthias... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtHungarian Art History
Professore di Storia dell' Arte Moderna all'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Direttore scientifico della rivista "Artisti dei Laghi" e di APPACuVI, Coordinatore scientifico del Museo Giovanni Paolo II -Collezione Porzyński di... more
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      Renaissance ArtBaroque art and architectureEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryLombard Art
After his first wife’s death Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (1458–90) did not marry for long but kept a mistress, Austrian Barbara Edelpöck to whom his natural son, John Corvinus was born in 1473. A precondition for his marriage with the... more
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    • Renaissance History
The son of a rich German burgher family of Kassa (Kaschau, Košice, today Slovakia), György Szatmári got into state administration after his studies in Kraków. The king, Vladislav II of Jagellonian dinasty (1490-1516) recompensed him for... more
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      Renaissance ArtHistory of architectureHungarian historylate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts
The study shows the role of John Corvinus (1473-1504), natural son of Matthias Corvinus in the political representation of the Hungarian King, and also summarizes his activities as patron of arts
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      Renaissance ArtMedieval Croatian HistoryPatronage and collectingMedieval Hungarian History
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Through the Angevin family, Naples and Hungary had very close relations in the 14 th century. Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) was thus reviving an old connection when he married Beatrice, daughter of King Ferdinand of Naples, in 1476. The... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMatthias CorvinusItalian Renaissance Art
The paper was held originally as a lecture at a conference in Tours, Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, at June, 2005. The paper showed the Role of Hungarian High Priests in the Dissemination of the Early Renaissance Forms... more
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      HistoryRenaissanceMedieval and Renaissance StudiesLombard Art
Péter Farbaky THE RENOVATIO OF THE MIDDLE AGES IN 18TH CENTURY BAROQUE ART IN HUNGARY In Hungary, the special art geographical situation and the Ottoman occupation which lasted for a century and a half interrupted the continuity of... more
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      Art HistoryBaroque art and architecture
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      ArtHumanismThe Renaissance
Through the Angevin family, Naples and Hungary had very close relations in the 14 th century. Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490) was thus reviving an old connection when he married Beatrice, daughter of King Ferdinand of Naples, in 1476. The... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMatthias CorvinusItalian Renaissance Art
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      ArtGermanItalian RenaissanceChapel
A korszak kutatásában Beatrix személye eddig árnyékot vetett bátyja, Aragóniai János, azaz Giovanni d’Aragona jelentőségére, aki szintén szoros kapcsolatba került Mátyással és a Magyar Királysággal. Tanulmányom az eddig kevés figyelemre... more
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      Renaissance ArtPatronage of Arts and Education
Art History Institute at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest The art history studies consist of three parts: 3-year BA studies, 2-year MA-studies, 3-year PhD-studies. In the BA courses there are some special courses on the art of the... more
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      ArtHungaryUniversityThe Renaissance