Akintoye Akamoh
Akintoye majors in Relationship Management, He has acquired relevant cross-functional experience overtime in rendering exceptional quality customer service at Multichoice Nigeria and He's actively involved in the accreditation and value-chain expansion programme of Multichoice Nigeria through the Mega-Dealers, Super-Dealers, Branded stores, Moms & Pops channels Pan - Nigeria, He has worked in the business development unit at Skye bank PLC and also worked as PR and Marketing Executive at Frontline media.
'Toye is an Experienced Relationship Manager with Expertise on Client Retention Strategies, Business Development ,Team Dynamics and Customer Experience.
He is dedicated to developing himself professionally by keeping ahead of trends, challenges and changes with great enthusiasm in the modern environment. He's got great passion for relationship management thereby helping clients/channel partners gain greater value for their businesses and maximize their return on investment .
He is also extremely interested in building longer-lasting relationships with clients and advising them in a more strategic and business-focused capacity, He has the ability to successfully analyze an organization's critical business requirements, identify deficiencies and potential opportunities, and develop innovative and cost-effective solutions for enhancing competitiveness, wider profit margins, and improving customer service offerings.
Obejective: To work in an enabling environment characterized by self-direction and control, which provides for individual development and relevant skill acquisition.
Specialties: Strategic Marketing,Leadership & coordination, Customer Relationship Management, Key Account Management, Channels development, Competitive Intelligence and Supply Chain Management skills that have translated to exponential growth in Sales, Retention and Profitability.
Accomplishments: Developed 29Dealers, 90Branded stores, 1500Moms&Pops, increased the subscribers' base by 75%.
'Toye is an Experienced Relationship Manager with Expertise on Client Retention Strategies, Business Development ,Team Dynamics and Customer Experience.
He is dedicated to developing himself professionally by keeping ahead of trends, challenges and changes with great enthusiasm in the modern environment. He's got great passion for relationship management thereby helping clients/channel partners gain greater value for their businesses and maximize their return on investment .
He is also extremely interested in building longer-lasting relationships with clients and advising them in a more strategic and business-focused capacity, He has the ability to successfully analyze an organization's critical business requirements, identify deficiencies and potential opportunities, and develop innovative and cost-effective solutions for enhancing competitiveness, wider profit margins, and improving customer service offerings.
Obejective: To work in an enabling environment characterized by self-direction and control, which provides for individual development and relevant skill acquisition.
Specialties: Strategic Marketing,Leadership & coordination, Customer Relationship Management, Key Account Management, Channels development, Competitive Intelligence and Supply Chain Management skills that have translated to exponential growth in Sales, Retention and Profitability.
Accomplishments: Developed 29Dealers, 90Branded stores, 1500Moms&Pops, increased the subscribers' base by 75%.
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Papers by Akintoye Akamoh
The study examined effective strategic leadership as a process for enhancing operational performance in Multichoice Nigeria Limited (MCN), with a view to highlight the link etween strategic leadership stylesand operational performance! The context for this study was transformational leadership, within theculture of inspired performance, influencing staff to new levels of achievement, commitment and eing enthusiastic towards the organi"ational goals! #escriptive $urvey method of research was used and primary data were collected y the use of a structured %uestionnaire! The sample si"e for the study was&' respondents who were MCN franchise owners (channel partners), senior and top management staff of Multichoice Nigeria Limited! They were selected into the study through simple random sampling techni%ue! re%uency #istriution nalytical method and Charts were employed to analy"e the data! *ased on the findings of this study and having considered availale strategic options through Matrix #ecision Model, it was concluded that transformational leadership strategy would enhance operational performance vis+a+vis divisional structure in MCN! t was also revealed that significant relationship exist etween strategic leadership and operational performance in -ay T., and that effective implementationof strategic leadership shapes the organi"ation/s purpose, meaning, and sustainale values ! 0ence, it was recommended that management of MCN should adopt transformational leadership strategy toaddress the challenges identified at the 1rgani"ational 0ealth ndex (10) survey conducted in Multichoice Nigeria Limited!
:t%ate$i( Mana$ement& :t%ate$i( Lea)e%ship& Ope%ational Pe%7o%man(e& T%ans7o%mation*
The study examined effective strategic leadership as a process for enhancing operational performance in Multichoice Nigeria Limited (MCN), with a view to highlight the link etween strategic leadership stylesand operational performance! The context for this study was transformational leadership, within theculture of inspired performance, influencing staff to new levels of achievement, commitment and eing enthusiastic towards the organi"ational goals! #escriptive $urvey method of research was used and primary data were collected y the use of a structured %uestionnaire! The sample si"e for the study was&' respondents who were MCN franchise owners (channel partners), senior and top management staff of Multichoice Nigeria Limited! They were selected into the study through simple random sampling techni%ue! re%uency #istriution nalytical method and Charts were employed to analy"e the data! *ased on the findings of this study and having considered availale strategic options through Matrix #ecision Model, it was concluded that transformational leadership strategy would enhance operational performance vis+a+vis divisional structure in MCN! t was also revealed that significant relationship exist etween strategic leadership and operational performance in -ay T., and that effective implementationof strategic leadership shapes the organi"ation/s purpose, meaning, and sustainale values ! 0ence, it was recommended that management of MCN should adopt transformational leadership strategy toaddress the challenges identified at the 1rgani"ational 0ealth ndex (10) survey conducted in Multichoice Nigeria Limited!
:t%ate$i( Mana$ement& :t%ate$i( Lea)e%ship& Ope%ational Pe%7o%man(e& T%ans7o%mation*