Brynwood Needleworks - Liljegren's Hickory Hill Farm - Turning Leaves
Even though we always expect it in Wisconsin, it's still a little bittersweet when Summer yields to Autumn. That's taking into account that Autumn is my favorite time of year, too! Our stately maple in the front yard has begun turning color. The sky was Handsome's and my favorite...dark sky backdrop with sunshine in the foreground. Can you see it?
While the weather was brisk and breezy outdoors, I spent most of the day cleaning our attic. For at least the short term, when we bring in the "acorn bed", the farmhouse bed will be set up in the clean, walk-up attic space. It won't be the only thing I have in mind, but it's going to be a while before I share any of that with you.
By the end of the day, I was gassed. A cup of tea, an Ibuprofen, and putting my feet up for a spell. Then, Handsome said, let's just go out to grab a bite to eat. Exactly what I needed! I ended the day with quite the sense of accomplishment.
So, now, let me tell you what else I have in mind. Fabrics (and more) are taking over two rooms in the upstairs. They're my two studio spaces. Some Most of the fabrics I couldn't sew through if I lived to be one hundred fifty. Likewise with many of my quilting/sewing books. There are some things I really want to make, but the rest I've decided to let go. I want to spend more time with my needlework, and sometimes I'll incorporate it into my sewing projects, but I'll keep more of those items, and make space by letting the fabrics go.
I'm going to keep the fabric lines for those projects I know I'll make; the cork fabric and coordinates for my handbags, wallets and such; and other things like that. I'm going to sort through my books and the rest of the fabrics, with the plan that I'm going to donate some things and list up the rest to sell.
Because I want to part with these things at reasonable prices, I don't really want to list them up on Etsy. I'm contemplating opening a special group on Facebook with the express purpose of promoting my items to sell. If I don't go through Facebook, I'll bite the bullet and figure out how to open a shop space through my Square account. Either way, buyers could safely and securely use their credit cards, but I wouldn't have the piled on fees levied by Etsy. I'd love feedback on this. I'm open to other ideas if you have some.
I'm almost shocked that it's already Friday again. Is someone stealing other days of the week? Are we missing a few of the early months? Someone, please slow down time. I have too much yet to accomplish this year!! I guess I'd better get busy.
Today, I'll be in the fabric studio, pulling bolts of fabric and setting them aside to photograph - and my donation pile, too. I know it won't be easy. Some of these bolts are like old friends, but I know it's time to bite the bullet and let a lot of these beautiful cottons go to new homes. I really hope you'll take the time to give me feedback on your ideas of the best way to accomplish this. (Thanks in advance!)
Oh, one more thing. In case you're wondering how I'm managing to get these projects done with this knee of mine, I need to share something I decided to try. In the past, Handsome has shared his ice pump machine. I sit in a chair with the cooling pad wrapped around my knee. Once the pump is turned on, ice water circulates up through the pad to offer up some serious relief. Twenty to thirty minutes on, and then twenty to thirty minutes off. Great help, but limited (like no) mobility. I have to sit in the chair the entire time.
Three days ago, on a whim, I tried a Turmeric capsule (only one a day). I actually took my first one at dinnertime. The next morning, I realized that my limp and attendant discomfort was greatly diminished. I told Handsome I was looking forward to seeing how I felt after a week of this therapy. I was on my feet all day yesterday, pushing a vacuum, lifting boxes, and moving things around. I was sore, but not in pain like I have been these past few months. Turmeric (at least for me) seems to be a minor miracle.
I'm not promoting it for others. I'm not remotely qualified to do that, but I know that Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory. I can say that (with only three days of using it) it sure is working for me. I don't think I'll go back to wearing my high heels any time soon, but walking without a pronounced limp is a real blessing. I just thought I'd share that today.
Reading this back, I see that this post is a potpourri of words. This is what happens when I sit and chat with my BFF. I've always said that writing my blog posts is like sharing a cuppa tea with a good friend. I guess this is the best example of that. Hope you've got a coffee or tea handy while you're reading this. I could use a plate of cookies right about now. How about you?