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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Archaeometallurgy
Tin is a rare metal that is essential for making bronze, the defining technology of the Bronze Age. The source(s) of tin for Aegean bronze is undetermined but several small Bronze Age tin mines have been documented in the circum-Aegean... more
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Tin is a rare metal that is essential for making bronze, the defining technology of the Bronze Age. The source(s) of tin for Aegean bronze is undetermined but several small Bronze Age tin mines have been documented in the circum-Aegean... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyProvenance studies of archaeological material
Isotopic analysis has proved to be an effective approach to determine the provenance of copper ore sources for the production of bronze artifacts. More recently, methods for Sn isotopic analysis of bronze have been developed. However, the... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeologyMetal Finds (Archaeology)
Increased interest in the fractionation of Sn isotopes has led to the development of several techniques for preparing cassiterite (SnO 2 , the primary ore of Sn) for isotopic analysis. Two distinct methods have been applied in recent... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisArchaeometry
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyStable Isotope GeochemistryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyBalkan prehistory
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Cambrian Burgess Shale Seeps Mud mounds Cathedral Escarpment Sequence stratigraphy
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
Tin is a rare metal that is essential for making bronze, the defining technology of the Bronze Age. The source(s) of tin for Aegean bronze is undetermined but several small Bronze Age tin mines have been documented in the circum-Aegean... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyProvenance studies of archaeological material
Study of noncalcareous algal fossils is problematic due to their broadly defined taxonomy and lack of preserved features by which modern algae are classified. Four distinct morphologically simple, enigmatic fossils from the Wheeler... more
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    • Burgess Shale
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    • Burgess Shale
Many aspects of the timing and genesis of the Archean Hemlo gold deposit are unresolved; pre-, syn-and postmetamorphic models have been proposed. The presence of abundant low-temperature sulfide minerals udthin highly deformed,... more
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    • Gold Mineralization
Textural relations between Al 2 SiO 5 phases, and deformation fabrics, provide constraints on the metamorphic history of the Hemlo gold deposit. Kyanite in the deposit is most common within and on the margins of boudinaged quartz ±... more
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      Gold MineralizationIgneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Four science programs at our public urban liberal arts college have struggled to attract and retain majors: physics, environmental studies, geology, and teaching science. The Brooklyn Opportunities in Science and Careers (BOSC) program... more
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    • Science Education
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    • Science Education
Deciphering the oxygenation potential of bottom waters during deposition of the fossiliferous strata of the Burgess Shale is key to understanding the paleoecology of the organisms preserved as fossils and the processes involved in their... more
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    • Burgess Shale
Metamorphosed silty mudstones of the Burgess Shale and Stephen Shale formations record a polymetamorphic history. An early greenschist-facies event associated with burial by Paleozoic strata produced a nearly ubiquitous bedding-parallel... more
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      Metamorphic PetrologyBurgess Shale
TRUST, or Teacher Renewal for Urban Science Teaching, is a National Science Foundation funded Earth science teacher preparation partnership between the American Museum of Natural History and Brooklyn and Lehman Colleges of the City... more
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      Geoscience EducationGeoscienceCurriculum and Pedagogy
Abstract: In the context of two summer courses (a science methods course and a geology course), the authors worked with 40 elementary and high school teachers enrolled in Brooklyn College's MSE programs in elementary education or... more
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      Science EducationHigher Education
Mineral equilibria in the system Ca0-Mg0-A120,-Si02-H20 provide a basis for mapping of four reaction isograds and one bathograd in the low-pressure transition from subgreenschist to greenschist facies. Most of the Matachewan area of the... more
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      GeologyMetamorphic Geology