Archive for May 2013
Children's Book Spotlight - Penguin in Peril by Helen Hancocks
Penguin in Peril is written and illustrated by Helen Hancocks and is a lovely hard backed book for children aged 3+ years. It was published in February 2013 by Templar Publishing.
The story follows three very hungry cats who decide to steal a penguin to help them catch fish. So, off they go to the zoo and kidnap a poor penguin. However, the penguin soon escapes his feline captors and the story focuses on the penguin's quest to get back home to the zoo. But, he is mistaken for a nun and a waiter before finally getting home for his 'fish supper'. The cats get their just desserts for their crime - sent to jail with a lifetime of gruel!
This is a fun book that children will surely enjoy as they try to find the penguin as he tries to blend into his surroundings. The illustrations are beautiful and very colourful and Helen Hancocks uses a mixture of crayon, watercolour, ink and pen, combined digitally. A recommended read for all those parent and child bedtime story moments.
Run Rabbit Run by Kate Johnson
Sophie Green is in trouble yet again! Being an ex-spy isn't easy. It seems the universe is conspiring against her and once again someone sinister and deadly has her in their targets once again. When Sophie's old boss is found dead, Sophie is accused of his murder. She does the one thing her instincts tell her to - she runs and gets as far away as she can.
Sophie has a drop dead gorgeous boyfriend - Luke. He himself is a government agent and is desperate to know where Sophie is and whether she is safe. He adores everything about her and risks his own career in an effort to find out as much information as he can to help Sophie clear her name. However, Sophie is not alone on the run as she has the very handsome Jack with her. Like Sophie, Jack has been framed for murder also. Should Sophie trust Jack? Can she even trust Luke? As if this wasn't enough, the 'bulldog' known as Harrington is coming after her to bring her to justice for her alleged crimes. Will her life ever regain some semblance of normality?
This book is part of the Sophie Green Mystery series and is book number 4 in the series. However, it can be read as a stand alone book and nothing was taken from the story because I hadn't read the others in the series. Sophie Green is an extremely likable character and reminded me of a ditzy version of Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. Sophie is quirky, loving, headstrong and definitely unpredictable. She goes through a lot in this book and is tested beyond her physical and emotional limits.
I found this book very enjoyable. Although, the amount of travelling that main characters do throughout the story did start to make my head spin! Must have cost a fortune in air fare! I'd recommend this book for those of you who like a thriller with a leading lady wielding a gun and deciding her own fate! Go Sophie!
The Things We Never Said by Susan Elliot Wright
1964 and Maggie wakes up in a mental hospital with no recollection of why she
is there. Her memories are fuzzy and she is desperate to put all the pieces of
the puzzle together and get some answers to this mystery. In the present day
however, Jonathan and his wife are expecting their first baby. All is not well and
Jonathan feels panicked and unsure of the type of father he will become. He has
difficulties also in his job as a teacher. His relationship with his own father
is fractured and awkward and Jonathan feels he can never be good enough in his
father’s eyes. When Jonathan’s father dies, a detective starts asking questions
about crimes that happened before Jonathan was born and Maggie and Jonathan’s stories
become interweaved as the two mysteries collide and provide answers that turn both their lives
around in a way neither could imagine.
I love
the way this story was told, with flashbacks to Maggie’s life both before her
time in the psychiatric ward and to her struggle with her memory loss. Some
things for Maggie are too painful to remember. Jonathan’s story is one of a man
who is still trying to find his place in the world and within his family, striving
for acceptance. This is a beautifully told story that sees the characters deal
with grief, pain and fear. It looks at the stigma around mental illness and the expectation that one should be able to move on from grief without help or support. However, it is essentially a story about love and
the bonds that cannot be broken, no matter what life holds. A beautifully written book with wonderful and complex characters who are thrown together by a chain of events that neither has any control over. With a beautiful book cover too, this book is one I'd highly recommend.
I received an ARC of this book to provide an honest and impartial review. My review also appeared on the Lovereading site.
Promo!!! Embroiled by Darlene Jones
Brook Cottage Books is so pleased to announce that Darlene Jones has released another new book. This one is entitled Embroiled and its the fourth and last book in the Em and Yves Series. Here's a little bit about the book and Darlene too.
What if I could go “up there?” Why does
this obsession drive Emily’s life when she doesn’t believe in heaven? Even the
wonderful Dr. David can’t help her find the answers she needs.
Learning that she has lived other lives
shocks Emily. Then Yves takes her to his world. There she meets gods and Powers
and people rescued from doomed planets—living the perfect heavenly life. She
knows she belongs“up there” with Yves, but all is not as idyllic as it appears.
Emily is the only one who sees the danger. Will she be able to save Yves and
his world?
A long time ago, I lived in Mali. Every
single day, I wished I could wave a magic wand to relieve the heart-wrenching
poverty. The story line of my books reflects my desire to wave that wand and
make the world a better place. If only wishes could come true. And of course,
every novel needs its love story, so along with the sci-fi magic, I’ve added
the requisite romance.
I've always believed we can't be the only beings existing in the
vastness of the universe. There must be others “out there somewhere” and I
brought some of them along for the ride.The setting stays, for the most part,
within the realities of our world, but I've found that I love the magic the
sci-fi element of other beings can bring to the story.
Reviewer in the Spotlight............Sharon Goodwin!
JB: Brook Cottage Books is chuffed to bits to welcome a very prestigious blogger, the lovely Sharon Goodwin! Welcome Sharon. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home!
SHARON: Hi JB, thanks for hosting me
today on Brook Cottage Books. I’m
feeling quite cosy sat here with my feet up and the heat of the wood burner J
JB: Tell
me a little about your blog

SHARON: Jera is a rune from the
Nordic divination system. I am a person
who believes in cycles (not the ones you pedal J) and the harvest … of reaping what is
sown. The time was right for my blog to
start taking shape and so this is why I chose Jera (I quite like this
definition of the rune I wanted my blog to grow and change to meet
the needs of blog readers and I hope I am achieving this! A large celebration or party? Exactly how I feel about reading and supporting
others in the writing and reading community (Jamboree).
JB: What
sort of books do you like to read?
SHARON: I’ve been through different
phases throughout my life. As a child it
was those adventures Enid Blyton took us on.
During school it was mostly those prescribed to read for the curriculum. My mum used to read Mills & Boon and
epics and they found their way to me after she had read them. A work colleague introduced me to science
fantasy and I just couldn’t get enough.
Two of my favourite series are by Robin Hobb (The Farseer Trilogy and
The Tawny Man Trilogy). My husband introduced
me to science fiction – too many authors to mention. I’ve always loved chick lit/romance. I’m open to read any genre … as long as the
writing takes me away from the world on a journey …
JB: Why
did you decide to blog?
SHARON: I was between projects. Having spent three years of my leisure time
tracing mine and my husband’s family tree and not being able to go any further,
I thought it was about time my energies were directed somewhere else! I had started entering competitions via blogs
(not books though!) and having always been an avid reader I searched for book
blogs. After spending some time reading
others, I was quite excited that this opportunity was open to me.
JB: How
long have you been blogging?
SHARON: I’ve recently celebrated my
two year blogoversary (Feb 6th).
I’m still amazed I’m still blogging and still as much in love with it as
I was when I first started!
JB: Do
you have any other blogs?
SHARON: As an extension of my book
blog I have a book tour coordinating blog (Fiction Addiction Book Tours
) and another which showcases the books on tour (Fiction Addiction Books ON
Tour ).
JB: Do you have an all-time favourite book?
SHARON: Not exactly one book …
Philip Pullman His Dark Materials. What
a trilogy!
JB: What
was your favourite book of 2012?
SHARON: I couldn’t choose just
one! I do have a top 20 Fiction of 2012
SHARON: 49 paperbacks and 59 Kindle
… a girl can never have too many books …
JB: Which
book on your TBR pile are you most looking forward to reading?
SHARON: All of them …
JB: What
book surprised you the most? (in other words what book did you read that was
not your usual genre and you found yourself enjoying?)
SHARON: I can answer this! Betrayal by Gregg Olsen (an Empty Coffin
novel). This is a YA crime/suspense
novel. This was one that came through
my letterbox unsolicited and it just went on the tbr pile so all the more
sweeter for the effect it had on me!
JB: Do
you have a favourite author?
SHARON: Hard one to answer. Well actually it isn’t because my answer is
no. I like different writing styles and
different genres so it really would be difficult to choose.
JB: Give
3 book recommendations for the readers of Brook Cottage Books.
1. A Treacherous Likeness by
Lynn Shepherd (literary mystery)
2. Queen’s Gambit by Elizabeth
Freemantle (historical fiction debut)
3. The First Last Kiss by Ali
Harris (romance/chick lit) Have the
tissues ready ...
Thanks to the lovely Sharon Goodwin for appearing as the Reviewer in the Spotlight! Make sure you pop over to her blog!
Illicit Love by Jane Lark
Brook Cottage Books is thrilled to be part of the book tour for Illicit Love by Jane Lark.
Set in Regency England, the book's main character Ellen Harding is trapped in an arrangement that means she is nothing more than a rich man's plaything. Life's cruel set of circumstances have left her living a life she hates and leaves her being used and abused and nothing more than a commodity. Of course she wants for nothing, as the mistress of Lord Gainsborough, a savage brute of a man. But at what cost? This is a life she is desperate to escape. But, just what does Gainsborough hold over her? What is she so afraid of? Then, a chance meeting with the extremely handsome Edward Marlow leaves Ellen confused by the strength of her feeling and her desire for a man she barely knows. Is it possible that Edward feels the same? Could he be her very own hero, if Ellen wants him to be or will he use her like most of the men she has known? There is much at risk for Ellen, and indeed Edward if the couple give in to their desires. The stakes are high and both stand to lose so much.
Not usually a reader of historical romances I have to say I loved this book. Its fantastically written and the language used by the characters is rich with the language of Regency England and at times I felt like I was in right there in that particular period of time. It was amazing. Jane Lark has obviously researched this book well and has developed such likable characters and some wonderful villains! The plot is full of twists and turns and the romantic and erotic love scenes are very tastefully done but will leave you hot under the collar! Edward is a wonderful lover, romantic, dashing and is not afraid to share his feelings. Though, there is a dark and brooding side to him too. Where can I get an Edward Marlow? Bravo to Jane Lark for this wonderful debut novel. A great piece of writing that will have me following Jane Lark's career with interest.
Secrets of the Red Box - Author Q& A with Vickie Hall.
Brook Cottage Books is thrilled to have Vickie Hall, author of Secrets
of the Red Box in the hot seat today!!! She has kindly agreed to interrogation
tell us a little about herself. Welcome Vickie.
What do you love most about writing?
VH: I love creating characters, deciding their back-story and what makes them tick. I try to make them a complete person with a history so I know how they'll react in the situations I place them in. They become real to me, and I have to admit there's been more than one time after completing a book, that I've actually missed a character and was sorry the story had ended!
Tell us about your writing process.
VH: Once I have an idea, I
flesh it out with character, complete with full back stories. Then I do an
outline, not really detailed, but just enough to sketch out the beginning,
middle, and end. Once I have that I begin whatever research might be necessary
until I’m comfortable with my era, or subject matter. Next, I start writing.
One trick I like to use when I have to stop for the day is to leave the story
in the middle of a scene. When I come back to it the next day, I re-read
several preceding pages and then pick up the writing where I left off. It’s as
if I never stopped. Anyway, it works for me!
What is the best writing tip you ever received?
VH: Years ago, I was reading about Charles Dickens. He offered some writing advice that has been with me ever since (in fact I did a needlepoint picture of it and it hangs in my office): “Make then laugh, make them cry, make them wait.”
VH: Years ago, I was reading about Charles Dickens. He offered some writing advice that has been with me ever since (in fact I did a needlepoint picture of it and it hangs in my office): “Make then laugh, make them cry, make them wait.”
Who or what inspired you to become a writer?
VH: I'd always enjoyed writing, and when I got to junior high I had a very influential English teacher who encouraged me. She asked me if I'd ever thought of becoming a writer. I guess she saw something in my assignments that must have prompted her to say this. As I thought about her question, I realised that, yes; maybe I could be a writer. I owe her a debt of gratitude for her belief in me and her suggestion. Thank you, Mrs. Harvey.
do your ideas come from?
VH: Some of my ideas come
in my dreams. I am a very vivid dreamer, full colour, very detailed, and I am
able to remember most of them. Because I enjoy writing historical fiction, I
often watch the history channel and find some inspiration from that.
Do you have a favourite
character you have written so far?
VH: I loved my character,
Bonnie Cooper, the protagonist in Secrets of the Red Box. She's very complicated, flawed, and far more real than
most fictional characters. The great thing about her, though, is how she is
transformed by love - something she's known little about in her life. She is
somewhat tragic, but also very vulnerable and a tenacious survivor.
Please tell us in 20 words or less, why we should read your book Secrets of the Red Box?
VH: Not only will you be
dying to know what secrets are in the red box, you won’t be disappointed!
VH: I'm a strawberry blonde, I wear size 11 shoes (I know!), I love muscle cars, I compose music and play 5 different instruments, and I hate avocados.
Any new projects coming up?
What do you like to do when
you’re not writing?
VH: Shopping, watching old
movies on TCM, and researching my next idea.
State 5 random facts about
VH: I'm a strawberry blonde, I wear size 11 shoes (I know!), I love muscle cars, I compose music and play 5 different instruments, and I hate avocados.
Any new projects coming up?
VH: Yes! I'm working on a new manuscript about a
fake medium in 1910 Baltimore who gets drawn into solving a murder. It's really
progressing well and will be quite different than some of my other books.
Do you have a favourite
quote, quip, or saying? What is it?
VH: My favourite quote is
from George Eliot: “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”
I started seriously submitting manuscripts in my early thirties and got nothing
but rejection letters. I became discouraged and decided to stop writing. Still,
I always believed I was meant to be a writer, and so pursued my efforts again
several years later. This quote holds special significance for me!
Lets find out a bit more
about the book.................................
' Bonnie has secrets to keep - secrets with the potential to destroy
lives, including her own. Running from her destructive and pain filled past,
she recreates herself, believing she has escaped the damning evidence hidden in
the red box. When her former life is revealed by a cruel twist of fate, Bonnie
faces losing everything, including Glen, the only man she’s ever loved. But is
Bonnie the woman he thinks she is? A psychological suspense set against the
backdrop of the 1940s, Secrets of the Red Box is sure to keep you guessing to
the very end!'
How to Party Online by Janice Horton
Many of the regular readers of the blog will recognise the name Janice Horton. Janice has written some fabulous books such as How do you Voodoo and Reaching for the Stars, to name but a few. I am such a fan of Janice's work I was hugely interested when Janice alerted me to the fact that she was writing a new book called How To Party Online. This is not a work of fiction but an invaluable guide on how to promote your book in the wonderful virtual world that is the Internet.
I really wish I had read this book before hosting my very first Giveaway. It is full of valuable tips on how to promote your product. The handy tips could be used to promote any product, not just books. In the book, Janice takes us through each of the planning stages of all her virtual book promotions and points out that you don't have to have much, if any, experience of hosting your own online parties and promotions. Janice herself was a novice when she first began and after attending a couple of her online parties I can safely say that Janice hosts one mean party! The book sets out in easy to follow steps how to prepare for your party and engage your audience. As a blogger, I have found a few things in this book that I will be using to promote my blog and prepare for my next giveaway.
Janice's parties are fun, inventive and has those elements that are vital for promotion - reader participation and heaps of fun! From the perspective of a book blogger I was thrilled to read in the book this invaluable advice that Janice offers to other authors - '....most book blogger reviewers read and review books as a hobby and, although they appreciate receiving review copies free of charges from authors and publishers, they do not get paid for their honest reviews and often have to fit in reading time in and around working full time.' Well said that woman! This is such a handy little book that I devoured in one sitting and have lots of notes highlighted throughout. I'm off to check out a few things mentioned in the book. Thanks Janice!
Twitter @JaniceHorton
Author Facebook Page
Amazon Author Page
Associate Author & Editor at:
I received a free copy of this book for a honest and unbiased review.
The Dinner by Herman Koch
This book spends an evening
with two couples in an Amsterdam restaurant; two brothers and their wives. One
is an up and coming politician and the other a teacher. Throughout the evening,
the conversations are stilted and the tension palpable. Many words are left
unspoken, creating great awkwardness throughout each course of the dinner. Not
only are the couples linked through blood and marriage but also because their
two 15 year old sons are friends. However, their children have committed a
heinous crime and the couples must decide what course of action to take. Who
will protect their child and turn a blind eye?
This is an interesting
story, albeit I felt a little slow to start. However, once the reader’s
interest is piqued, the story draws you in, and you become intrigued as to how far will their
parents go to do what they consider the right thing? It poses a serious moral
dilemma for every parent – how far would you go to protect your child? What sort of secrets would you keep? Would you break the law yourself? Would you risk your marriage?
The story is told through a
series of flashbacks and dinner conversation, and you can almost feel the
tension between the characters. Polite conversation is made when you feel all
they really want to do is hide away and forget they know the truth about their
children. The book has a few surprising twists and the reader is left surprised
by who makes certain decisions and who takes the moral high ground. We find out a lot of background information in relation to the
central characters and there are definitely a few surprises there too. A good and interesting read that will be the basis for many a dinner conversation between parents. Lets face it. Who wants to ever be put in the position these characters find themselves in? Would your relationship with your child ever be the same again?
I received a free copy of this book to write an honest and unbiased review for and you can read my review HERE and buy the book directly from the site.
Author in the Spotlight - Richard F Holmes
Brook Cottage Books is thrilled to have Richard F Holmes as our very interesting Author in The Spotlight! I'll let Richard tell you a little about himself..................
I was born in London in
1955 and have lived a very topsy turvey life. I left school at 15 with no
qualifications, and had I not left voluntarily, I would have been asked to
leave. I always felt that I didn't fit in anywhere, and as a result, by the
time I reached the age of 17 I'd had 24 jobs. I joined the army in 1976 hoping that it would give me a purpose in life but instead I became even more disillusioned and turned to alcohol. I hated the army because I found it to be such a hypocritical organisation and as soon as I was eligible I bought myself out.
in the military however, I did enjoy my experiences in Germany and in 1980 went
back there to work, staying for six years. My heavy drinking continued during
my time in Germany and by the time I returned to the UK in 1986 I was heading down
into a deep depression. I managed to haul myself out of it in the mid-to-late
1990's but my life hit an all-time low in 2000.
In early
2001 I found my spiritual pathway and started to turn my life around. I now
live in Gloucestershire in the UK and I'm a successful medium and healer. I'm
also the author of eight spiritual publications and have produced five
meditation and two chanting CDs. I'm a workshop facilitator in various
spiritual topics and I also give profound interpretations of dreams.
There are plans in 2013 for another two CDs and another two books
There are plans in 2013 for another two CDs and another two books
is the first book in the Fragments Of Divinity series, and like all my other
books, is for anyone and everyone from age very young to very old who is
searching for a deeper spiritual understanding.
The book itself is written in the style of a blog; the idea to create it
in this way came from the works of Paramahansa Yogananda.
was the first Indian yogi to take up residence in the West and he was the
founder of The Self Realisation Fellowship in the US. He departed this Earth in 1952, but left an
amazing legacy of profound spiritual insights totalling over 1,700 pages. In order to keep their guru’s work alive the
fellowship released it in a series of smaller volumes. Having purchased a number of these truncated
works myself I noted how helpful it was to have potentially very complicated
texts condensed down into small volumes.
One such book is only 28 pages long and can fit neatly into a breast
pocket. So, having read a number of
these smaller volumes I came up with the idea for the Fragments Of Divinity series.
In keeping with my previous work I have written Fragments in a very reader friendly and easy-to-understand way; some
of the first spiritual books I read when I was first discovering my own
spiritual pathway were written in such a way that when I got to the end I still
didn’t have a clue.
I tend to write about my own actual experiences my books are self-researching,
which is a bonus, because it tends to reduce the writing time as well. Once I finished procrastinating and actually
started the project, the book was finished very quickly and I decided on the
name Fragments Of Divinity because of
the blog style nature, in other words, because it is essentially a series of
short spiritual articles.
who is searching for a deeper meaning to life or who is looking for answers to
those seemingly unanswerable questions that tend to nag away at us will find
Fragments Of Divinity a very interesting and thought provoking read.
Thanks so much to Richard for providing us with such an interesting feature today.