Arsitektura : Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur dan Lingkungan Binaan, 2024
Pela Village is in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, this village is unique in... more Pela Village is in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, this village is unique in that part of its area is a water area. Pela Village is designated as a lake and river-based tourist village with the Mahakam Pesut ecosystem, this is due to the geographical position of Pela village which is at the mouth of the Mahakam river and Lake Semayang. The challenge of developing tourist attractions in the region is the large tourism potential it has, but the limited capacity of community resources to develop it. The aim of the research is to determine the level of sustainability of Pela Village from social and economic aspects in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), using the exploratory descriptive qualitative method. The results of the research explain that the people of Pela Village have a good level of sustainability because they practice environmentally friendly living and are supported by the conservation of the Mahakam Pesut. There needs to be good planning so that the Pela tourist village can continue to develop so as to produce ecotourism and a sustainable built environment.
Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the cultural and historical development of the c... more Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the cultural and historical development of the city, especially regarding the entry of Islam into Kutai Kartanegara. The arrival of Islam in the Kutai kingdom certainly brought great cultural influence and acculturation, including the mosque style. In the context of the development of an increasingly globalized city and as a symbol that supports the image of the city, the architectural identity of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin Mosque needs to be identified as a guide in facing possible changes. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data were collected through interviews and field observations. The units of observation are determined based on the research framework compiled from the theory of architectural identity. The unit of observation for architectural identity includes spatial organization, time, semantics, design principles, building form, building materials, and context with the environment. From the results of the study, it was found that there was acculturation of Kutai, Javanese, Malay, Middle Eastern, and Dutch Indis architecture from each unit of observation of Architectural Identity.
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities, 2023
The existence of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the progress of the Islamic... more The existence of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the progress of the Islamic religion in Kutai Kartanegara. The mosque is also a landmark of urban area identity and has ideology, concepts, history, culture, forms and acculturation that describe the identity of a society. An architecture with an identity needs to have a sense and concept that truly represents the built space in accordance with the culture and ideology of the community, so there is a need for research on the architectural semantics of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach using observations and interviews related to architectural semantics in mosques. The results of the research include position, shape, size, ornamental patterns and construction, it was found that Javanese, Middle Eastern, Kutai and Malay styles as well as connotative meanings related to the beliefs of the Kutai people. Abstrak: Keberadaan masjid Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin merupakan simbol kemajuan agama Islam di Kutai Kartanegara, masjid juga menjadi Landmark identitas kawasan perkotaan serta memiliki ideologi, konsep, sejarah, budaya dan bentuk yang menggambarkan identitas dari sebuah masyarakat. Sebuah arsitektur beridentitas perlu memiliki sense dan konsep yang benar-benar merepresentasikan ruang binaan yang sesuai dengan budaya dan ideologi masyarakat sehingga perlu adanya penelitian mengenai Semantik arsitektur pada masjid Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan observasi dan wawancara terkait semantik arsitektur pada masjid. Hasil penelitian mencakup posisi, bentuk, ukuran, pola ornamen dan konstruksi ditemukan adanya langgam Jawa, Timur Tengah, Kutai dan Melayu serta adanya makna konotatif yang menyangkut kepercayaan masyarakat Kutai.
The Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque building is a symbol of the entry of Islam in the Kutai Kar... more The Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque building is a symbol of the entry of Islam in the Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom which was previously the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia. The entry of Islam in Kutai Kingdom certainly brought influences such as the construction of places of worship. The large enthusiasm of the Kutai people to deepen Islamic knowledge caused an increase in the need for space which was originally only a small prayer room on the banks of the Mahakam River, until the construction of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin Mosque. Now Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin Mosque has been designated as a Cultural Heritage building, so it is important to examine how the spatial character of the mosque after undergoing large-scale construction. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach with observations and interviews related to the original state of the building, which is based on theories related to spatial characters. From the results of the study, it was found that the formation of spatial characters in the architecture of Middle Eastern Mosques became a determinant and catalyst for the process of building Islamic civilization which lies in function with all its dimensions. In the archipelago itself Islam entered and developed slowly until it entered Kalimantan
East Borneo has a lot of potential and natural resources that have not
been fully developed, in... more East Borneo has a lot of potential and natural resources that have not
been fully developed, including in the tourism sector. Kutai Kartanegara
Regency is experienced rapid progress in the tourism sector and continues
to be developed until now. One of the popular tourist objects is Kumala
Island as a cultural tourism object. However, within one year this tourist
attraction experienced a decrease in the number of visitors because the
management was considered less than optimal. Therefore, there is a need
for a study of the level of visitor satisfaction at a tourist attraction to see
what facilities must be improved in order to attract visitors again. This
study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a Likert scale to see the
level of satisfaction of visitors to Kumala Island tourism. From the
research results, the Attractions and Accessibility aspects in Kulau
Kumala have been satisfactory, but the amenities are still unsatisfactory
so they must be addressed to attract visitors again.
Kawasan Timbau merupakan kawasan yang berada di pesisir sungai Mahakam tepatnya di Kabupaten Kuta... more Kawasan Timbau merupakan kawasan yang berada di pesisir sungai Mahakam tepatnya di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Kawasan Timbau menjadi pusat kegiatan dan pariwisata yang memanfaatkan pesisir sungai Mahakam. Pemanfaatan ruang yang tidak merata pada Kawasan Timbau di sebabkan kurangnya fasilitas untuk mewadahi aktivitas seperti tidak ditemukan adanya teduhan sehingga memanfaatakan vegetasi pohon, selain itu area parkir yang kurang optimal karena dimanfaatkan PKL untuk berdagang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan Pola Pemanfaatan Ruang Pesisir Sungai Kawasan Timbau Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan pendekatan behavioral mapping yang digambarkan dalam sketsa atau pemetaan semua aktivitas sehingga dapat terlihat pola yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan adalah segmen 1 memiliki intensitas tinggi dengan aktivitas membentuk pola linier dan aktivitas makan membentuk pola cluster mengikuti titik parkir adanya pedagang, segmen 1 lebih ramai karena memanfaatkan teduhan vegetasi dengan tajuk pohon yang rindang. Sedangkan segmen 2 memiliki intensitas sedang dengan aktivitas secara keseluruhan membentuk pola linier dan aktivitas makan yang ditemukan membentuk pola cluster mengikuti titik area parkir, dan aktivitas bersantai mengikuti area vegetasi.
Arsitektura : Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur dan Lingkungan Binaan, 2024
Pela Village is in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, this village is unique in... more Pela Village is in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, this village is unique in that part of its area is a water area. Pela Village is designated as a lake and river-based tourist village with the Mahakam Pesut ecosystem, this is due to the geographical position of Pela village which is at the mouth of the Mahakam river and Lake Semayang. The challenge of developing tourist attractions in the region is the large tourism potential it has, but the limited capacity of community resources to develop it. The aim of the research is to determine the level of sustainability of Pela Village from social and economic aspects in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), using the exploratory descriptive qualitative method. The results of the research explain that the people of Pela Village have a good level of sustainability because they practice environmentally friendly living and are supported by the conservation of the Mahakam Pesut. There needs to be good planning so that the Pela tourist village can continue to develop so as to produce ecotourism and a sustainable built environment.
Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the cultural and historical development of the c... more Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the cultural and historical development of the city, especially regarding the entry of Islam into Kutai Kartanegara. The arrival of Islam in the Kutai kingdom certainly brought great cultural influence and acculturation, including the mosque style. In the context of the development of an increasingly globalized city and as a symbol that supports the image of the city, the architectural identity of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin Mosque needs to be identified as a guide in facing possible changes. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data were collected through interviews and field observations. The units of observation are determined based on the research framework compiled from the theory of architectural identity. The unit of observation for architectural identity includes spatial organization, time, semantics, design principles, building form, building materials, and context with the environment. From the results of the study, it was found that there was acculturation of Kutai, Javanese, Malay, Middle Eastern, and Dutch Indis architecture from each unit of observation of Architectural Identity.
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities, 2023
The existence of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the progress of the Islamic... more The existence of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque is a symbol of the progress of the Islamic religion in Kutai Kartanegara. The mosque is also a landmark of urban area identity and has ideology, concepts, history, culture, forms and acculturation that describe the identity of a society. An architecture with an identity needs to have a sense and concept that truly represents the built space in accordance with the culture and ideology of the community, so there is a need for research on the architectural semantics of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach using observations and interviews related to architectural semantics in mosques. The results of the research include position, shape, size, ornamental patterns and construction, it was found that Javanese, Middle Eastern, Kutai and Malay styles as well as connotative meanings related to the beliefs of the Kutai people. Abstrak: Keberadaan masjid Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin merupakan simbol kemajuan agama Islam di Kutai Kartanegara, masjid juga menjadi Landmark identitas kawasan perkotaan serta memiliki ideologi, konsep, sejarah, budaya dan bentuk yang menggambarkan identitas dari sebuah masyarakat. Sebuah arsitektur beridentitas perlu memiliki sense dan konsep yang benar-benar merepresentasikan ruang binaan yang sesuai dengan budaya dan ideologi masyarakat sehingga perlu adanya penelitian mengenai Semantik arsitektur pada masjid Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan observasi dan wawancara terkait semantik arsitektur pada masjid. Hasil penelitian mencakup posisi, bentuk, ukuran, pola ornamen dan konstruksi ditemukan adanya langgam Jawa, Timur Tengah, Kutai dan Melayu serta adanya makna konotatif yang menyangkut kepercayaan masyarakat Kutai.
The Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque building is a symbol of the entry of Islam in the Kutai Kar... more The Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin mosque building is a symbol of the entry of Islam in the Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom which was previously the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia. The entry of Islam in Kutai Kingdom certainly brought influences such as the construction of places of worship. The large enthusiasm of the Kutai people to deepen Islamic knowledge caused an increase in the need for space which was originally only a small prayer room on the banks of the Mahakam River, until the construction of the Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin Mosque. Now Jami Adji Amir Hasanoeddin Mosque has been designated as a Cultural Heritage building, so it is important to examine how the spatial character of the mosque after undergoing large-scale construction. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach with observations and interviews related to the original state of the building, which is based on theories related to spatial characters. From the results of the study, it was found that the formation of spatial characters in the architecture of Middle Eastern Mosques became a determinant and catalyst for the process of building Islamic civilization which lies in function with all its dimensions. In the archipelago itself Islam entered and developed slowly until it entered Kalimantan
East Borneo has a lot of potential and natural resources that have not
been fully developed, in... more East Borneo has a lot of potential and natural resources that have not
been fully developed, including in the tourism sector. Kutai Kartanegara
Regency is experienced rapid progress in the tourism sector and continues
to be developed until now. One of the popular tourist objects is Kumala
Island as a cultural tourism object. However, within one year this tourist
attraction experienced a decrease in the number of visitors because the
management was considered less than optimal. Therefore, there is a need
for a study of the level of visitor satisfaction at a tourist attraction to see
what facilities must be improved in order to attract visitors again. This
study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a Likert scale to see the
level of satisfaction of visitors to Kumala Island tourism. From the
research results, the Attractions and Accessibility aspects in Kulau
Kumala have been satisfactory, but the amenities are still unsatisfactory
so they must be addressed to attract visitors again.
Kawasan Timbau merupakan kawasan yang berada di pesisir sungai Mahakam tepatnya di Kabupaten Kuta... more Kawasan Timbau merupakan kawasan yang berada di pesisir sungai Mahakam tepatnya di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Kawasan Timbau menjadi pusat kegiatan dan pariwisata yang memanfaatkan pesisir sungai Mahakam. Pemanfaatan ruang yang tidak merata pada Kawasan Timbau di sebabkan kurangnya fasilitas untuk mewadahi aktivitas seperti tidak ditemukan adanya teduhan sehingga memanfaatakan vegetasi pohon, selain itu area parkir yang kurang optimal karena dimanfaatkan PKL untuk berdagang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan Pola Pemanfaatan Ruang Pesisir Sungai Kawasan Timbau Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan pendekatan behavioral mapping yang digambarkan dalam sketsa atau pemetaan semua aktivitas sehingga dapat terlihat pola yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan adalah segmen 1 memiliki intensitas tinggi dengan aktivitas membentuk pola linier dan aktivitas makan membentuk pola cluster mengikuti titik parkir adanya pedagang, segmen 1 lebih ramai karena memanfaatkan teduhan vegetasi dengan tajuk pohon yang rindang. Sedangkan segmen 2 memiliki intensitas sedang dengan aktivitas secara keseluruhan membentuk pola linier dan aktivitas makan yang ditemukan membentuk pola cluster mengikuti titik area parkir, dan aktivitas bersantai mengikuti area vegetasi.
Papers by Ema Dwi Arsita
been fully developed, including in the tourism sector. Kutai Kartanegara
Regency is experienced rapid progress in the tourism sector and continues
to be developed until now. One of the popular tourist objects is Kumala
Island as a cultural tourism object. However, within one year this tourist
attraction experienced a decrease in the number of visitors because the
management was considered less than optimal. Therefore, there is a need
for a study of the level of visitor satisfaction at a tourist attraction to see
what facilities must be improved in order to attract visitors again. This
study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a Likert scale to see the
level of satisfaction of visitors to Kumala Island tourism. From the
research results, the Attractions and Accessibility aspects in Kulau
Kumala have been satisfactory, but the amenities are still unsatisfactory
so they must be addressed to attract visitors again.
been fully developed, including in the tourism sector. Kutai Kartanegara
Regency is experienced rapid progress in the tourism sector and continues
to be developed until now. One of the popular tourist objects is Kumala
Island as a cultural tourism object. However, within one year this tourist
attraction experienced a decrease in the number of visitors because the
management was considered less than optimal. Therefore, there is a need
for a study of the level of visitor satisfaction at a tourist attraction to see
what facilities must be improved in order to attract visitors again. This
study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a Likert scale to see the
level of satisfaction of visitors to Kumala Island tourism. From the
research results, the Attractions and Accessibility aspects in Kulau
Kumala have been satisfactory, but the amenities are still unsatisfactory
so they must be addressed to attract visitors again.