University of Bradford
Computer Science
Agile Development Methods adalah sekelompok metodologi pengembangan perangkat lunak yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip yang sama atau pengembangan sistem jangka pendek yang memerlukan adaptasi cepat dari pengembang terhadap perubahan... more
Agile Development Methods adalah sekelompok metodologi pengembangan perangkat lunak yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip yang sama atau pengembangan sistem jangka pendek yang memerlukan adaptasi cepat dari pengembang terhadap perubahan... more
الشاعر والمفكر والفيلسوف العلامة محمد اقبال واحد من اشهر الشعراء خلال حقبة النصف الاول من القرن العشرين, و هو من الهند المستعمرة من قبل بريطانيا مسبقا و حاليا الباكستان .كتب العديد من القصائد العتيدة والمقالات حول الدين والاخلاقيات في... more
The application of metaheuristic search techniques in test data generation has been extensively investigated in recent years. Most studies, however, have concentrated on the application of such techniques in structural testing. The use of... more
In this paper, a hardware system for Sobel Edge Detection Algorithm is designed and simulated for a 128 pixel, 8-bit monochrome line-scan camera. The system is designed to detect objects as they move along a conveyor belt in a... more
Contour representation of binary object is increasingly used in image processing and pattern recognition. Chain code and crack code are popular methods of contour encoding. However, by using these methods, an accurate estimate of... more
Over the past two decades, research has focused on simplifying dependability analysis by looking at how we can synthesise dependability information from system models automatically. This has led to the field of model-based safety... more
ISO 26262, titled Road Vehicles–Functional Safety, is the new automotive functional safety standard for passenger vehicle industry. In order to accomplish the goal of designing and developing dependable automotive systems , ISO 26262 uses... more
Critical technological systems exhibit complex dynamic characteristics such as time-dependent behaviour, functional dependencies among events, sequencing and priority of causes that may alter the effects of failure. Dynamic fault trees... more
Over the years, several approaches have been developed for the quantitative analysis of dynamic fault trees (DFTs). These approaches have strong theoretical and mathematical foundations; however, they appear to suffer from the state-space... more
- by Sohag Kabir
Temporal fault trees (TFTs), an extension of classical Boolean fault trees, can model timedependent failure behaviour of dynamic systems. The methodologies used for quantitative analysis of TFTs include algebraic solutions, Petri nets... more
- by Sohag Kabir
This article proposes an approach named SafeML II, which applies empirical cumulative distribution function-based statistical distance measures in a designed human-in-theloop procedure to ensure the safety of machine learning-based... more