Tsygankova Victoria Anatolyivna
Dr. Biol. Sci., Principal researcher, Senior Staff Scientist
Head of group of screening of synthetic compounds of Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic
Chemistry and Petrochemistry, NAS, Ukraine
Personal data
Year and Place of Birth: 02.05.1966, Kiev, Ukraine.
1984 – 1990 - Student of the National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv;
1990 – Master’s Degree in Pharmacy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv;
1997-2000 - Post Graduate Student, Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS of Ukraine;
2003 - Ph.D. Degree in Plant Physiology, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of NAS of Ukraine
2014 – Sci.Dr. Degree in Biotechnology, Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics of NAS of Ukraine.
Professional Experience:
1990–1993 – Pharmacist in Pharmacy № 79, Kiev;
1993-1997 - Research Assistant of Pharmacology Department, Institute of Gerontology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;
2000-2013 - Research assistant and Senior Staff Scientist, Department of Bioengineering, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine;
2014 – till now - Principal researcher, Head of group of screening of synthetic compounds of Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine.
Supervisors: Supervisor
Phone: 0681224673
Address: Kiev, Kyiv, Ukraine
Dr. Biol. Sci., Principal researcher, Senior Staff Scientist
Head of group of screening of synthetic compounds of Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic
Chemistry and Petrochemistry, NAS, Ukraine
Personal data
Year and Place of Birth: 02.05.1966, Kiev, Ukraine.
1984 – 1990 - Student of the National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv;
1990 – Master’s Degree in Pharmacy, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv;
1997-2000 - Post Graduate Student, Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of NAS of Ukraine;
2003 - Ph.D. Degree in Plant Physiology, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of NAS of Ukraine
2014 – Sci.Dr. Degree in Biotechnology, Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics of NAS of Ukraine.
Professional Experience:
1990–1993 – Pharmacist in Pharmacy № 79, Kiev;
1993-1997 - Research Assistant of Pharmacology Department, Institute of Gerontology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;
2000-2013 - Research assistant and Senior Staff Scientist, Department of Bioengineering, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine;
2014 – till now - Principal researcher, Head of group of screening of synthetic compounds of Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine.
Supervisors: Supervisor
Phone: 0681224673
Address: Kiev, Kyiv, Ukraine
InterestsView All (38)
Papers by Victoria Tsygankova
Keywords: Brassica napus L., IAA, Ivin, Methyur, Kamethur, Rostok Extra, Radix Tim forte plus
that cause significant crop losses, threatening global food security and the livelihoods
of countries that rely on those crops for their staple foods or source of income. One
example of such diseases is a mosaic disease of plants, which is caused by begomoviruses
and is spread to plants by whitefly. In order to mitigate negative impact of
mosaic disease, several different strategies have been employed over the years, including
roguing/replanting of plants, as well as using pesticides, which have recently been
shown to be potentially dangerous to the environment and humans. In this paper we
derive and analyse a mathematical model for control of mosaic disease using natural
microbial biostimulants that, besides improving plant growth, protect plants against
infection through a mechanism of RNA interference. By analysing the stability of the
system’s steady states, we will show how properties of biostimulants affect disease
dynamics, and in particular, how they determine whether the mosaic disease is eradicated
or is rather maintained at some steady level. We will also present the results of
numerical simulations that illustrate the behaviour of the model in different dynamical
regimes, and discuss biological implications of theoretical results for the practical
purpose of control of mosaic disease.
Keywords Mosaic disease · RNAi · Stability and bifurcations · Numerical
Встановлено, що похідний піридину - Івін та похідні піримідину - Метіур та Каметур, застосовані у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М, стимулювали приріст довжини пагонів (мм) на рослинах кукурудзи на 119%, 103% та 47%, відповідно; кількість листків (шт) на рослинах під впливом цих хімічних сполук збільшувалась на 8%, 14% та 19%, відповідно; маса коренів (г) зростала на 12%, 10% та 67%, відповідно; кількість коренів (шт) на рослинах зростала на 107%, 91% та 196%, відповідно; загальна довжина коренів (мм) на рослинах збільшувалась на 7%, 7% та 106%, відповідно, порівняно із показниками контрольних рослин кукурудзи. За показником приросту довжини найдовшого кореня (мм) на рослинах кукурудзи найвищу стимулюючу активність виявив похідний піримідину - Каметур, застосований у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М, під впливом цієї сполуки довжина найдовшого кореня (мм) на рослинах збільшувалась на 30%, порівняно із аналогічним показником контрольних рослин.
Досліджено вплив похідного піридину - Івіну, та похідних піримідину - Метіуру та Каметуру на вміст загального розчинного білку в листках рослин кукурудзи (Zea mays L.) сорту Діалог ФАО 300. Проведені дослідження показали позитивний вплив похідного піримідину - Метiуру, застосованого у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М, на підвищення вмісту загального розчинного білку у листках 3-тижневих рослин кукурудзи на 7%, відповідно, порівняно із показниками контрольних рослин.
Таким чином, проведені дослідження показали можливість застосування похідних піридину - Івіну, та похідних піримідину - Метіуру та Каметуру у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М як нових ефективних регуляторів для поліпшення росту та розвитку рослин кукурудзи (Zea mays L.) сорту Діалог ФАО 300.
Key words: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), pyrimidine derivatives, sodium and potassium salts of Methyur, plant growth and development, hydroponic conditions.
Key words: cherry (Prunus cerasus L.), auxins, pyrimidine derivatives, sodium and potassium salts of Methyur, rooting of cherry microshoots.
and development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant cultivar Antonivka. The growth parameters of the 6th-week-old wheat seedlings' roots and shoots grown in the water solution of the synthetic heterocyclic compounds used at the concentration 10-8M were
higher to the roots and shoots growth parameters of the wheat seedlings grown in the distilled water (control) or water solution of auxin IAA used at the same concentration 10-8M on average: to 31 - 54 % – for total number of roots, to 39 – 104 % – for total length of roots, to 53 - 66 % – for length of the longest root. The content of photosynthetic
pigments in the leaves of the 6th-week-old wheat seedlings grown in the water solution of the synthetic heterocyclic compounds used at the concentration 10-8M was increased on average: to 15-34 % – for content of chlorophyll a, to 10 - 61 % – for content of chlorophyll b, to 16 – 34 % – for content of chlorophylls a+b, to 14 – 28 % – for content of carotenoids, as compared with similar indices of the wheat seedlings grown in the distilled water (control) or in the 10-8M solution of IAA, respectively. The obtained results confirmed the possibility of using pyrazole derivatives as new effective regulators
to improve growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant cultivar Antonivka.
Key words: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), plant growth regulators, pyrazole derivatives, auxin IAA.
are used to treat ailments and diseases. Azadirachta indica (Neem) is used in traditional medicine as a source of
many therapeutic agents in the Chinese and African cultures. The anti-microbial efficacy of the stem back of
Azadirachta indica was evaluated using its solvent extracts. The solvents used were Petroleum ether (PE), Hexane
(HE), Methanol (ME), Water. Four different bacterial isolates and one fungal isolate were used in the study. The
bacterial isolates were Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.
The fungal isolate was Candida tropicalis. Antibiotic sensitivity of the bacterial isolates was tested using standard
Gram positive and Gram negative antibiotic sensitivity discs. Agar well diffusion technique was used in investigating
the efficacy of the solvent extracts of the stem bark of Azadirachta indica. It was observed that the Petroleum
ether (PE), Ethanol (EE) and Hexane (HE) extracts of the stem bark of Azadirachta indica were effective on
Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida tropicalis at undiluted
concentration (100%) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 100mg/ml). None of the solvent extracts used in concentration (100%) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 100mg/ml). None of the solvent extracts used in
this investigation was effective on Escherichia coli. Escherichia coli was susceptible to the actions of ofloxacin,
gentamicin and nitrofurantoin. Klebsiella pneumonia was susceptible to the actions of ofloxacin. Phytochemical
analysis of the stem bark of Azadirachta indica showed the presence of alkaloids, steroids and anthraquinones.
deteriorated barley seeds placed onto potato dextrose agar slants and plates at 25oC. Sterile barley-seed medium (1% w/v) and a defined growth medium consisting MgSO4.7H20, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, aspartic acid, biotin, thiamine and FeSO4.7H2O with a nitrogen source and a carbon source for fungal growth were inoculated with spore suspensions of approximately 5 x 106 spores per ml of one hundred and twenty-hour-old cultures of each isolate. Incubation was at 25°C. The carbon source was varied and was independently starch, maltose, sucrose, lactose, glucose or galactose when the nitrogen source
was potassium nitrate. The nitrogen source was also varied and was independently ammonium chloride, urea, potassium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, glycine, sodium nitrate, tryptone or peptone, when the carbon source in the growth medium was starch. Extracellular proteins produced within a ten day incubation period were extracted and assayed for á-amylase activity using the Pfueller and Elliott (1969) method. Extracellular proteins with expression of á-amylase activities were
produced by the tropical fungal strains: Aspergillus vadensis and Aspergillus oryzae grown on the barley-seed medium and the
defined growth medium used in this investigation within a period of ten days at 25°C. For the production of the most active á-amylases, the best carbon sources were maltose and glucose while the best nitrogen sources were ammonium chloride and ammonium sulphate when fungal strain Aspergillus vadensis was used as an inoculum. However, the best carbon sources were barley-seed medium, starch and sucrose while the best nitrogen sources were urea, glycine and sodium nitrate when the
fungal strain Aspergillus oryzae was used as an inoculum. The exploration of this innovative is an a venue for the industrial production of á-amylases. This is encouraged in tropical Nigeria, West Africa, Ukraine, and East Europe.
Keywords: á-Amylase; Aspergillus vadensis; Aspergillus oryzae; Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.); Growth medium.
1. V. Tsygankova, Y. Andrusevich, O. Shtompel, O. Myroljubov, A. Hurenko, R. Solomyanny, G. Mrug, M. Frasinyuk, O. Shablykin, V. Brovarets. Study of Auxin, Cytokinin and Gibberellin-like Activity of Heterocyclic Compounds Derivatives of Pyrimidine, Pyridine, Pyrazole and Isoflavones. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience, 2016, 4(12): 29-44.
2. Shah T.R., Prasad K., Kumar P. Maize-A potential source of human nutrition and health: A review. Cogent Food & Agriculture. 2016, 2: 1166995.
winter wheat and soya bean plants on the infectious backgrounds. The high biological efficiency against phytopathogens was obtained at preseeding treatment of plants and spraying of crops in
vegetation period by Regoplant (up to 98 %) and Stimpo (up to 78 %) according to control (without treatment by bioregulators). Application of bioregulator Regoplant in combination with herbicides
Herbitox or Grenadier for cultivation of sugar sorghum and winter wheat showed the best indexes of plant growth and yield quality. Obtained results, may be explained by synergistic effect of bioregulator Regoplant and herbicides, as well as bioprotective effect of biostimulator Regoplant against damaging action of herbicides on plant cells. In the molecular-genetic experiments the 2nd generation of the wheat plants (infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L. genus without
treatment by bioregulators) showed the increased resistance to pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L. genus. Using DOT-blot hybridization method the considerable difference in the degree
of homology between mRNA of control wheat seedlings and small regulatory si/miRNA of experimental seedlings (obtained from seeds of the 1st generation, infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L. genus and treated by bioregulators) was found. It is proposed that
indicated difference connected with reprogramming of plant genome under impact of bioregulators - inductors of synthesis si/miRNA with antipathogenic properties.
and corn plants on infectious backgrounds. The best biological efficiency against phytopathogens was obtained at presowing seed treatment and spraying of crops in vegetation period by Regoplant
(up to 98%) and Stimpo (up to 89%), according to control (without treatment with biostimulants). At 2nd generation of the wheat and chickpea plants (infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L.
genus without treatment with biostimulants) the increased resistance to pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium genus was found too. Using DOT-blot hybridization method the considerable difference between mRNA of control winter wheat and chickpea seedlings and small regulatory si/miRNA of experimental seedlings (obtained from seeds of the 1st generation of plants infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium genus and treated with biostimulants) was found. It is proposed that
indicated difference connected with partial reprogramming of plant cell genome under the impact of biostimulants – inducers of si/miRNA synthesis with antipathogenic properties.
Keywords: plant resistance to pathogenic and parasitic organisms, biostimulants, si/miRNA, DOT-blot hybridization si/miRNA with mRNA
Keywords: Brassica napus L., IAA, Ivin, Methyur, Kamethur, Rostok Extra, Radix Tim forte plus
that cause significant crop losses, threatening global food security and the livelihoods
of countries that rely on those crops for their staple foods or source of income. One
example of such diseases is a mosaic disease of plants, which is caused by begomoviruses
and is spread to plants by whitefly. In order to mitigate negative impact of
mosaic disease, several different strategies have been employed over the years, including
roguing/replanting of plants, as well as using pesticides, which have recently been
shown to be potentially dangerous to the environment and humans. In this paper we
derive and analyse a mathematical model for control of mosaic disease using natural
microbial biostimulants that, besides improving plant growth, protect plants against
infection through a mechanism of RNA interference. By analysing the stability of the
system’s steady states, we will show how properties of biostimulants affect disease
dynamics, and in particular, how they determine whether the mosaic disease is eradicated
or is rather maintained at some steady level. We will also present the results of
numerical simulations that illustrate the behaviour of the model in different dynamical
regimes, and discuss biological implications of theoretical results for the practical
purpose of control of mosaic disease.
Keywords Mosaic disease · RNAi · Stability and bifurcations · Numerical
Встановлено, що похідний піридину - Івін та похідні піримідину - Метіур та Каметур, застосовані у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М, стимулювали приріст довжини пагонів (мм) на рослинах кукурудзи на 119%, 103% та 47%, відповідно; кількість листків (шт) на рослинах під впливом цих хімічних сполук збільшувалась на 8%, 14% та 19%, відповідно; маса коренів (г) зростала на 12%, 10% та 67%, відповідно; кількість коренів (шт) на рослинах зростала на 107%, 91% та 196%, відповідно; загальна довжина коренів (мм) на рослинах збільшувалась на 7%, 7% та 106%, відповідно, порівняно із показниками контрольних рослин кукурудзи. За показником приросту довжини найдовшого кореня (мм) на рослинах кукурудзи найвищу стимулюючу активність виявив похідний піримідину - Каметур, застосований у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М, під впливом цієї сполуки довжина найдовшого кореня (мм) на рослинах збільшувалась на 30%, порівняно із аналогічним показником контрольних рослин.
Досліджено вплив похідного піридину - Івіну, та похідних піримідину - Метіуру та Каметуру на вміст загального розчинного білку в листках рослин кукурудзи (Zea mays L.) сорту Діалог ФАО 300. Проведені дослідження показали позитивний вплив похідного піримідину - Метiуру, застосованого у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М, на підвищення вмісту загального розчинного білку у листках 3-тижневих рослин кукурудзи на 7%, відповідно, порівняно із показниками контрольних рослин.
Таким чином, проведені дослідження показали можливість застосування похідних піридину - Івіну, та похідних піримідину - Метіуру та Каметуру у концентрації у водному розчині 10-7М як нових ефективних регуляторів для поліпшення росту та розвитку рослин кукурудзи (Zea mays L.) сорту Діалог ФАО 300.
Key words: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), pyrimidine derivatives, sodium and potassium salts of Methyur, plant growth and development, hydroponic conditions.
Key words: cherry (Prunus cerasus L.), auxins, pyrimidine derivatives, sodium and potassium salts of Methyur, rooting of cherry microshoots.
and development of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant cultivar Antonivka. The growth parameters of the 6th-week-old wheat seedlings' roots and shoots grown in the water solution of the synthetic heterocyclic compounds used at the concentration 10-8M were
higher to the roots and shoots growth parameters of the wheat seedlings grown in the distilled water (control) or water solution of auxin IAA used at the same concentration 10-8M on average: to 31 - 54 % – for total number of roots, to 39 – 104 % – for total length of roots, to 53 - 66 % – for length of the longest root. The content of photosynthetic
pigments in the leaves of the 6th-week-old wheat seedlings grown in the water solution of the synthetic heterocyclic compounds used at the concentration 10-8M was increased on average: to 15-34 % – for content of chlorophyll a, to 10 - 61 % – for content of chlorophyll b, to 16 – 34 % – for content of chlorophylls a+b, to 14 – 28 % – for content of carotenoids, as compared with similar indices of the wheat seedlings grown in the distilled water (control) or in the 10-8M solution of IAA, respectively. The obtained results confirmed the possibility of using pyrazole derivatives as new effective regulators
to improve growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant cultivar Antonivka.
Key words: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), plant growth regulators, pyrazole derivatives, auxin IAA.
are used to treat ailments and diseases. Azadirachta indica (Neem) is used in traditional medicine as a source of
many therapeutic agents in the Chinese and African cultures. The anti-microbial efficacy of the stem back of
Azadirachta indica was evaluated using its solvent extracts. The solvents used were Petroleum ether (PE), Hexane
(HE), Methanol (ME), Water. Four different bacterial isolates and one fungal isolate were used in the study. The
bacterial isolates were Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.
The fungal isolate was Candida tropicalis. Antibiotic sensitivity of the bacterial isolates was tested using standard
Gram positive and Gram negative antibiotic sensitivity discs. Agar well diffusion technique was used in investigating
the efficacy of the solvent extracts of the stem bark of Azadirachta indica. It was observed that the Petroleum
ether (PE), Ethanol (EE) and Hexane (HE) extracts of the stem bark of Azadirachta indica were effective on
Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida tropicalis at undiluted
concentration (100%) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 100mg/ml). None of the solvent extracts used in concentration (100%) and diluted concentrations (133.3mg/ml and 100mg/ml). None of the solvent extracts used in
this investigation was effective on Escherichia coli. Escherichia coli was susceptible to the actions of ofloxacin,
gentamicin and nitrofurantoin. Klebsiella pneumonia was susceptible to the actions of ofloxacin. Phytochemical
analysis of the stem bark of Azadirachta indica showed the presence of alkaloids, steroids and anthraquinones.
deteriorated barley seeds placed onto potato dextrose agar slants and plates at 25oC. Sterile barley-seed medium (1% w/v) and a defined growth medium consisting MgSO4.7H20, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, aspartic acid, biotin, thiamine and FeSO4.7H2O with a nitrogen source and a carbon source for fungal growth were inoculated with spore suspensions of approximately 5 x 106 spores per ml of one hundred and twenty-hour-old cultures of each isolate. Incubation was at 25°C. The carbon source was varied and was independently starch, maltose, sucrose, lactose, glucose or galactose when the nitrogen source
was potassium nitrate. The nitrogen source was also varied and was independently ammonium chloride, urea, potassium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, glycine, sodium nitrate, tryptone or peptone, when the carbon source in the growth medium was starch. Extracellular proteins produced within a ten day incubation period were extracted and assayed for á-amylase activity using the Pfueller and Elliott (1969) method. Extracellular proteins with expression of á-amylase activities were
produced by the tropical fungal strains: Aspergillus vadensis and Aspergillus oryzae grown on the barley-seed medium and the
defined growth medium used in this investigation within a period of ten days at 25°C. For the production of the most active á-amylases, the best carbon sources were maltose and glucose while the best nitrogen sources were ammonium chloride and ammonium sulphate when fungal strain Aspergillus vadensis was used as an inoculum. However, the best carbon sources were barley-seed medium, starch and sucrose while the best nitrogen sources were urea, glycine and sodium nitrate when the
fungal strain Aspergillus oryzae was used as an inoculum. The exploration of this innovative is an a venue for the industrial production of á-amylases. This is encouraged in tropical Nigeria, West Africa, Ukraine, and East Europe.
Keywords: á-Amylase; Aspergillus vadensis; Aspergillus oryzae; Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.); Growth medium.
1. V. Tsygankova, Y. Andrusevich, O. Shtompel, O. Myroljubov, A. Hurenko, R. Solomyanny, G. Mrug, M. Frasinyuk, O. Shablykin, V. Brovarets. Study of Auxin, Cytokinin and Gibberellin-like Activity of Heterocyclic Compounds Derivatives of Pyrimidine, Pyridine, Pyrazole and Isoflavones. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience, 2016, 4(12): 29-44.
2. Shah T.R., Prasad K., Kumar P. Maize-A potential source of human nutrition and health: A review. Cogent Food & Agriculture. 2016, 2: 1166995.
winter wheat and soya bean plants on the infectious backgrounds. The high biological efficiency against phytopathogens was obtained at preseeding treatment of plants and spraying of crops in
vegetation period by Regoplant (up to 98 %) and Stimpo (up to 78 %) according to control (without treatment by bioregulators). Application of bioregulator Regoplant in combination with herbicides
Herbitox or Grenadier for cultivation of sugar sorghum and winter wheat showed the best indexes of plant growth and yield quality. Obtained results, may be explained by synergistic effect of bioregulator Regoplant and herbicides, as well as bioprotective effect of biostimulator Regoplant against damaging action of herbicides on plant cells. In the molecular-genetic experiments the 2nd generation of the wheat plants (infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L. genus without
treatment by bioregulators) showed the increased resistance to pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L. genus. Using DOT-blot hybridization method the considerable difference in the degree
of homology between mRNA of control wheat seedlings and small regulatory si/miRNA of experimental seedlings (obtained from seeds of the 1st generation, infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L. genus and treated by bioregulators) was found. It is proposed that
indicated difference connected with reprogramming of plant genome under impact of bioregulators - inductors of synthesis si/miRNA with antipathogenic properties.
and corn plants on infectious backgrounds. The best biological efficiency against phytopathogens was obtained at presowing seed treatment and spraying of crops in vegetation period by Regoplant
(up to 98%) and Stimpo (up to 89%), according to control (without treatment with biostimulants). At 2nd generation of the wheat and chickpea plants (infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium L.
genus without treatment with biostimulants) the increased resistance to pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium genus was found too. Using DOT-blot hybridization method the considerable difference between mRNA of control winter wheat and chickpea seedlings and small regulatory si/miRNA of experimental seedlings (obtained from seeds of the 1st generation of plants infected by pathogenic micromycetes of Fusarium genus and treated with biostimulants) was found. It is proposed that
indicated difference connected with partial reprogramming of plant cell genome under the impact of biostimulants – inducers of si/miRNA synthesis with antipathogenic properties.
Keywords: plant resistance to pathogenic and parasitic organisms, biostimulants, si/miRNA, DOT-blot hybridization si/miRNA with mRNA
Keywords: wheat; biostimulants; salt and drought stresses.
1. Tsygankova V.A., Spivak S.I., Shysha E.N., Pastukhova N.L., Biliavska L.A., Iutynska G.A., Kyrylenko V.M., Yemets A.I., Blume Ya.B. The role of polycomponent biostimulants in increasing plant resistance to the biotic and abiotic stress factors. Pp. 1 – 86. Chapter 1. In: Agricultural Research Updates. Vol. 46. Editor(s): Prathamesh Gorawala and Srushti Mandhatri. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, USA. 2023, 307 p.
низькомолекулярних азагетероциклічних сполук, похідних тієнопіримідину на процес фотосинтезу у рослин сорго зернового (Sorghum bicolor L.) сорту Одеське 202. Регуляторний ефект похідних тієнопіримідину, застосованих у концентрації 10-7М, порівнювали з ефектом гормону рослин ауксину ІОК (1H-індол-3-оцтова кислота) та синтетичними регуляторами росту рослин, похідними натрієвої і калієвої солей 6-метил-2-меркапто-4-гідроксипіримідину (Метіур і Каметур), застосованих в аналогічній концентрації. Встановлено, що похідні тієнопіримідину підвищують біосинтез фотосинтетичних пігментів (хлорофілів а та б, а також каротиноїдів) в листках рослин сорго, порівняно з аналогічними показниками контрольних рослин.
Запропоновано практичне застосування регуляторів росту Метіуру та Каметуру, а також найбільш біологічно активних синтетичних сполук, похідних тієнопіримідину для підвищення процесу фотосинтезу у рослин сорго зернового (Sorghum bicolor L.)
сорту Одеське 202. Ключові слова: сорго зернове, ауксин ІОК, регулятори росту Метіур та Каметур, похідні тієнопіримідину.
Keywords: Pleurotus ostreatus, mycelium, growth, biological activities
Таким чином, грунтуючись на отриманих результатах, запропоновано практичне застосування синтетичних регуляторів росту рослин, похідних N-оксид-2,6-диметилпіридину (Івін), 6-метил-2-меркапто-4-гідроксипіримідину натрієвої та калієвої солей (Метіур та Kаметур) та нових синтетичних сполук, похідних піримідину № 4, 5, 6 та 7 для підвищення біосинтезу фотосинтетичних пігментів в листках рослин сорго цукрового (Sorghum saccharatum L.) сорту Зубр протягом періоду вегетації.
The regulatory effect of new synthetic compounds, thioxopyrimidine derivatives, used in a concentration of 10-6 M, was compared with the regulatory effect of a plant hormone auxin IAA (1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acid) or synthetic plant growth regulators, derivatives of sodium and potassium salts of 6-methyl-2-mercapto-4-hydroxypyrimidine (Methyur, Kamethur), N-oxide-2,6-dimethylpyridine (Ivin), used in a similar concentration of 10-6 M. The new synthetic compounds, derivatives of thioxopyrimidine as well as synthetic plant growth regulators, derivatives of sodium and potassium salts of 6-methyl-2-mercapto-4-hydroxypyrimidine (Methyur, Kamethur), N-oxide-2,6-dimethylpyridine (Ivin) were synthesized at the Department for Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds, V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Auxin IAA (1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acid) was manufactured by Sigma-Aldrich, USA. Morphometric parameters (average length of shoots (mm), average length of roots (mm), and average biomass of 10 plants (g)) of barley plants were measured after 4 weeks according to the methodological manual [3].
The conducted study showed the similarity of the regulatory effects of the plant hormone auxin IAA, synthetic plant growth regulators Methyur, Kamethur, Ivin and synthetic compounds, derivatives of thioxopyrimidine on the vegetative growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) variety Acordine. Morphometric parameters of barley plants (average length of shoots (mm), average length of roots (mm), and average biomass of 10 plants (g)) treated with synthetic compounds, thioxopyrimidine derivatives in a concentration of 10-6M, significantly increased as compared to control barley plants treated with distilled water. The dependence of the plant growth regulatory effect of new synthetic compounds, thioxopyrimidine derivatives on their chemical structure was analyzed. The use of selected synthetic compounds, thioxopyrimidine derivatives as new growth regulators of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) variety Acordine is proposed.
Key words: pea (Pisum sativum L.), auxins, pyrimidine derivatives, plant
growth regulators.
Key words: Biotechnology, Genetics