University Of Tanjungpura
Chemistry Education
THE EFFORTS OF SULFIDE MINERALS EMPLOYIOO AT BM-179 URANIUM ORE KALAN-KALBAR TO PRODUCE H2SO4 USING CONTACT PROCESS. Eko remaja BM-179 uranilJll ore processing conducted by BATAN to obtain U30S seems to be inefficient because at leaching... more
ABSTRAK UPAYA PEMANFAATAN MINERAL SULFIDA PADA BIJIH URANIUM BM-179 KALAN-KALBAR UNTUK PEMBUATAN H2S0. DENGAN PROSES KONTAK. Pengolahan Bijih BM-179 Eko remaja untuk memperoleh U30S yang dilakukan BATAN tampaknya kurang efisien karena... more
RACHMAT SAHPUTRA. Model of Spacial Distribution of Radionuclide on an Accident at PLTN (Accident Simulation of PLTN Muria). Under direction of TUN TEDJA IRAWADI, ALINDA FITRIANY M ZAIN and PURWANTININGSIH PLTN has a disadvantage that can... more
The BM-179 uranium ore is the ore rock from Kalan that derived shaft 179 m at Ekoremaja Hill in Kalan-West-Kalimantan Indonesia that has uranium and sulphide minerals and mineral complex combinations. This study aims to identify of... more
THE EFFORTS OF SULFIDE MINERALS EMPLOYIOO AT BM-179 URANIUM ORE KALAN-KALBAR TO PRODUCE H2SO4 USING CONTACT PROCESS. Eko remaja BM-179 uranilJll ore processing conducted by BATAN to obtain U30S seems to be inefficient because at leaching... more
Learning in the understanding of acid-base chemistry in schools needs to be improved so research to determine differences in learning outcomes between students taught using environmental approaches and methods lectures in class XI SMA on... more
The purposed of this research is to finded out there are differences in SAINS student learned outcome before and after the applied problem based learning model in grade VI student of SDN 13 Nanga Pinoh. Besided this research also provide... more
This study aims to see the significance effect of bamboo dancing learning model on learning outcomes in natural science subjects (IPA). The location of this research is at State Elementary School No. 11 Nanga Pinoh. The location of this... more
Increasing Student Interest With Inquiry Approach Lesson In Natural Sciences (IPA) Primary School. Students' interest in learning Natural Sciences (IPA) which is characterized by relatively low less attention and less active students... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuaan alatalat praktikum kimia peserta didik kelas X Sains SMA Swasta Indonesia Muda. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus. Sampel penelitian ini adalah... more
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan perbedaan minat dan hasil belajar siswa serta pengaruh model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis lingkungan terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi... more
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi redoks siswa kelas XB SMA Negeri 4 Sungai Raya menggunakan model pembelajaran CUPs ( Conceptual Understanding Procedures ). Penelitian ini... more
Abstrak: Penelitian ini betujuan untuk: 1) menentukan ada tidaknya perbedaan sikap ilmiah dan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri metode praktikum dengan siswa yang menggunakan model konvensional metode... more
The BM-179 uranium ore is the ore rock from Kalan that derived shaft 179 m at Ekoremaja Hill in Kalan-West-Kalimantan Indonesia that has uranium and sulphide minerals and mineral complex combinations. This study aims to identify of... more
A good understanding of the three levels of chemical representations is required to understand the concepts of chemical bonding. However, most students are difficult to understand chemical bonding topics due to the abstract concepts and... more