Well no sign of any Two-barred Crossbills, Crossbills or even birds really, but that doesn't mean there aren't any, they're just hiding for later in the autumn....
So without any rare distractions JWR and myself had to concentrate on other wildlife in the wood.
A lot of butterflies were around, especially
Speckled Woods with 47 seen on a couple of miles walk. To go with them were 9
Wall Brown plus several Whites, Peacocks , Small Coppers etc.
Wall Brown |
Southern Hawkers showed well hunting along the tracks, but only a female sat for a pic.
Further up the wood a lovely large female
Adder dashed across the track before I could get the camera out of my bag, but a couple of
Lizards were more obliging...
Common Lizard |
There is no prize but click on the above pic to enlarge and see what is unusual about this Lizard...I've never seen the like. It must have had an injury at one time...
Eyebright sp |
Although they are unidentifiable to the lay person,
Eyebrights are always nice to see.
Marmalade Hoverfly |
Although sunny and warm , it was quite windy in open places, but the light did have an autumn feel to it.
Any help with the identification of these would be of assistance and gratefully received.