Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences
Vascular Plant Systematics Dept.
A single, unusual, but highly informative specimen of Trapa LINN• 1753 from Pliocene sediments collected in a gravel-pit within the Zennern Depression, near Fritzlar (Hesse, Germany), has been subjected to detailed investigation. This... more
A fossil flora is described from the opencast mine Heissler near Hinterschlagen in the Hausruck lignite area (Upper Austria, Late Miocene, Pannonian). The plant remains derive from the top of a clayey seam parting and indicate (shallow)... more
Fruits of Hemitrapa heissigii Gregor (Trapaceae) have been recognized in the weathered Lom Coal Seam in the northern part of the Most Basin, North Bohemia. This is one of earliest records of this species in Eurasia. The fossil-bearing... more
Fossil fruits of Trapa from the Late Miocene sediments of Soś nica (SW Poland), described by Goeppert as Trapa silesiaca and T. bifrons, are revised and re-illustrated. The discovery of additional morphological features has enabled a... more
A new fossil genus Schenkiella Wójcicki & Z.
The plant remains from a hydrophyte-bearing pelite of the sedimentary sequence at Pellendorf, Lower Austria (Miocene, Pannonian "zone" C) are investigated taxonomically. Mikia pellendorfensis Kovar-Eder & Wójcicki gen. et sp. nov. most... more
Fossil fruits of Trapa L. and Hemitrapa Miki (Trapaceae) known from eight late Miocene Austrian localities are characterized. Fruits morphologically intermediate between Trapa ungeri Wójcicki & Kovar-Eder and T. srodoniana Wójcicki from... more