University of Durham
Theology and Religion
Wie immer man sie bezeichnet, ob als Prädikantinnen, Laienprediger oder Laien mit Predigterlaubnis: Sie predigen und feiern mit der Gemeinde Gottesdienst, gestalten Taufe und Abendmahl, manchmal auch Abdankungen und Trauungen. Sie bringen... more
Liturgische Gesten und Bewegungen gehören ja nicht zum Lieblings- und Kernrepertoire reformierter Pfarrpersonen. Es lohnt sich aber über die theologischen Aussagen hinter so mancher vermeintlich nebensächlichen Entscheidung nachzudenken.... more
Welche Rolle hat dieehrenamtliche Verkündigungin der reformierten Kirche der Schweiz?
Church Fathers. Four years later he became a keen priest and minister. In Athens he also made contact with Apostolos Makrakis and he served as a chaplain, as we saw, in the School of Logos, where his spiritual personality and charisma... more
Church Fathers. Four years later he became a keen priest and minister. In Athens he also made contact with Apostolos Makrakis and he served as a chaplain, as we saw, in the School of Logos, where his spiritual personality and charisma... more
By reading Deuteronomy and Joshua in their canonical sequence and applying the framework of a three-stage accession process, the ceremony at Mount Ebal (Josh 8:30–35) emerges as the confirmation of Joshua as Moses’s successor. After... more
xxiv + 155 pp., €21.99 (ISBN 9780334042167).
This paper was presented at the 2016 Institute for Biblical Research annual meeting, in a session on 'Suffering, Evil, and Divine Punishment in the Bible.' The basic question is if Gen 1-3 conceive of suffering, pain, and danger as an... more
Durham PhD Thesis, 2017
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
This paper examines the emergence of the doctrine of creation ex nihilo in the Christian tradition in the second century. It argues, in particular, that the church's commitment to read Genesis 1 in the context of the two-testament... more
The interaction between God and creatures is central to biblical narratives. There are several possible models for understanding the relationship between divine and creaturely agency. This article argues that a ‘non-competitive’ model for... more
This is the introduction to my monograph Nathan Chambers, Reconsidering Creation Ex Nihilo in Genesis 1, JTISup 19 (Eisenbrauns, 2020)--
Invited response delivered at Dabar Conference at the Henry Center for Theological Understanding, Deerfield, IL 2019.e
In this article, Joshua 5.13-6.5 is used as a test case for looking at possible models for understanding theophany narratives. First, I argue that Benjamin Sommer’s historical model of divine fluidity draws attention to the prominence of... more
In contrast to the contemporary trend of reading Gen. 1.1 as either a heading to the chapter or a subordinate clause, this essay argues that the verse can be responsibly read as the first step in the process of creation. In particular, it... more
We introduce UFO, a modular aerial robotic platform for transforming a rigid object into a multirotor robot. To achieve this, we develop flight modules, in the form of a control module and propelling modules, that can be affixed to an... more