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This study entitled "PERFORMANCE OF MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Performance Studies Member of Legislative Assembly Perspective Public Opinion in the City Tasikmalaya)". The purpose of this study is to investigate in depth and... more
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Profil Singkat bank Kalteng
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Indonesia merupakan negara hutan tropis yang luas, maka tak heran negara ini menjadi negara megabiodiversitas. Jamur tiram merupakan salah satu hasil kekayaan alam Indonesia yang memiliki potensi sebagai tanaman kesehatan dan obat.... more
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Indonesia merupakan negara hutan tropis yang luas, maka tak heran negara ini menjadi negara megabiodiversitas. Jamur tiram merupakan salah satu hasil kekayaan alam Indonesia yang memiliki potensi sebagai tanaman kesehatan dan obat.... more
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Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is not a new food for the community. Long time ago oyster mushrooms is food but not so well known. Now oyster mushrooms have been accepted by the community as a healthy food. This is the background of... more
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R. mucronata has been widely used as a traditional medicinal plant because it is capable of producing secondary metabolites such as tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids, sapponins and flavonoids. This study discusses the potential of leaf and... more
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White-oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a favorite meal in Indonesia. Previously this fungus was known as a useless plant, but after the nutrition is known, everything changes. People tried to cultivate it because the nutrients... more
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Tanaman paku merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh subur dan liar di wilayah tropis, kehadirannya dalam dunia pertanian sebagai gulma, namun di sisi lain juga bermanfaat sebagai tanaman obat (hortikultur). Kehadiran tanaman paku sebagai obat... more
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Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) was a group of plants included in the Magnoliophyta division which can be found in tropical or subtropical areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of Ketepeng leaves to inhibit the growth... more
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Utilization of endophytic bacteria such as actinobacteria is one of the alternatives to obtain the bioactive compounds similar to the host plant. This study aimed to identify compounds produced by rhizosphere and endophytic actinobacteria... more
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Spodoptera litura F. is one of the important pests in Horticulture commodities which can cause damage 80% and up to 100%. Karamunting (Melastome malabathricum) is a wild plant that grows in Tarakan City. This plant is known to contain... more
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In the aim of this works was to investigate the antibacterial activity of twelve essential oils against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, oral pathogen causing dental caries. The essential oils were collected by a steam... more
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    • Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences
Xylocarpus granatum is mangrove plant that traditionally used as face powder in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia which related to antioxidant, antiglycation and tyrosinase inhibition activities. This study aimed to evaluate the potency of X.... more
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Kalimantan Island in Indonesia is covered by tropical rain forests that are rich in biodiversity. Species, include a stingless bee (Trigona spp.). Recently, stingless bee beekeeping (Meliponiculture) in this region has become popular... more
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White oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a mushroom that has a variety of basidiomycetes that grow in tropical forests with high humidity. This mushroom is classified as edible, has even been cultivated for a long time by the... more
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Abstrak. Pengeringan merupakan faktor penting dari pengolahan kopi, tanpa pengeringan yang tepat baik itu pengeringan mekanis maupun secara tradisional kualitas biji kopi tidak akan memenuhi standar yang disyaratkan. Proses pengeringan... more
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Parepat/pidada putih (Sonneratia alba) is a type of mangrove plant that is used by the traditional tribe for natural medicine. This study uses leaves and stem bark extracted with ethanol. Antibacterial assay uses Ralstonia Solanaceaerum... more
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Kalimantan is known as mega-biodiversity region where medicinal plants, for instance Dayak onion, are naturally utilized by local inhabitant as natural pesticide. Dayak onion has been widely used by local community as medicinal plant and... more
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