Wow - well I bet a shot of a red bucket filled with crab apples has seriously got your interest. This is where it all started yesterday. I got fed up with the darned things falling on our heads while we ate underneath the crab apple tree, so I pulled some off. There are still masses and I have no desire whatsoever to make jelly, so I'll put the bucket outside and hope someone takes them away.
After that the Bun's and I had a look at the greengages and we were so excited to find that we had got to them before the wasps this year.
The greengage tree was a Mother's day present from Woolies (so a tree of historical significance now too). It moved with us from our old house and seems to like it here too.
I planted it a few days before little Bun was born so they're the same age.
The other tree that is as old and moved with us is her apple tree. We planted that for little Bun when she was born. Eldest Bun has a beautiful Rose. For probably quite obvious reasons.
While we were picking the greengages our neighbour popped over with the smallest sweetest tomatoes. Starting to see chutney developing before our eyes I got the urge to go fruit picking. The nursery we go to is a slice of heaven for us, so a great afternoon is guaranteed. I love ramshackle places with animals running everywhere as do the Bun's. We all have a dream to live somewhere like the Darling Buds of May one day.
Before fruit picking I thought a mystery tour for a picnic venue would be just the thing. Picnic packed and off we went.
Before fruit picking I thought a mystery tour for a picnic venue would be just the thing. Picnic packed and off we went.
Once we drove past one of the many windmills that are dotted around the Norfolk Broads, the Bun's guessed where we were headed.
A ride on the chain ferry to picnic on the other side. We could eat here, but that's not as much fun is it.While we sat on the embankment munching merrily we saw this fabulous yacht go by. The sails were full of wind so it whipped by at quite a speed. It reminded me of the boat GR-J sailed on the Broads on Sunday (if any of you caught that great rivers programme). My earliest years were spent messing about on the water as my dad had a boatyard on the Broads. My strongest memory is of the eccentric community who lived on houseboats there. I loved visiting them and having squash and cake with them while my parents worked at the yard.
For a moment we thought they might collide.
Picnic eaten and one return journey back to the car on the other side and off we go to find
The Bun's were thrilled that Mr Cottonslippers (their name for this elusive feather footed gent) was around. He dashed off each time I got the camera near him though.
Then we saw this sign and knew we were in for a treat. You never know where you might find them as there are so many places for them to hide.
This hen actually had fifteen chicks around her. I'm sure she must have been chicksitting.
So beautiful this lady.
That's only a few of the hens and chicks we saw as they were also amongst the bushes with us as we ate (picked I meant). Little Bun gave the game away completely as she was covered in purple juice with a big splodge on her cheek.
Look at all the jewels we came home with, plus the tomatoes from earlier. I've never paid to pick blackberries before, but they're so disappointing on our hedges at the moment and these were delicious. There are sloes though and with a spot of gin and a long wait I might try to rustle up something for those winter months ahead.
I really must say a big thankyou to all of you who are following my blog and who leave me such lovely comments. They are truly appreciated and mean that I keep finding loads more fantastic blogs to visit too. Even when I'm slow in getting round to say hello I do get there in the end. One of the newest blogs to me lately Maminka Girl had a great quote which I'll share with you.
'You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.' (Charles Buxton). Sums up a day really, constantly chasing my tail and trying to squeeze that little bit extra out of it before the sun goes down. See you in a day or two.