
Porsche Racing Poster Collection

Posted by Scott

Pelican Parts has a fairly sizable collection of Porsche Racing posters and have kindly posted high-res scans on their site. There are several eras represented, each with their own distinct style. Really shows off how classic the Porsche logo is, it seems to work pretty much anywhere you put it. Note the various 917’s in there.

I remember seeing some similar posters up on Grain Edit a while back with a link to VP Racing where you could buy some. I always meant to pick one up, but I just checked back and pretty much all the ones I wanted are gone. Someone really needs to reprint these.

There’s an article over at the Porsche site about Eric Strenger, who designed a lot of the Porsche racing posters during these periods. Looking through his work it’s amazing how much range he had as an artist. I would never have guessed some of these were by the same person.

Source Pelican Collection via a time to get

13 Comments Leave A Comment


Vegard says:

August 6, 2010 at 4:28 am

The poster37_big is really amazing. Does that painting/illustrating style have a name? Reminds me a little bit of Syd Mead.


shawn says:

August 9, 2010 at 8:31 am

i grew up south of sebring… and these are the coolest posters i’ve ever seen of the race.

12 hours of sebrng gets crazy after a while.


Alex says:

September 1, 2010 at 10:58 am

These are great!
Can anyone tell me how I can get these images high res? Need to get one printed for a birthday present!



Anonymous says:

October 1, 2010 at 10:26 am

I would love to have one of the original posters which can be found on eBay as well. They are a but pricey though. There is a company that I believe has obtained permission from Porsche to print reporoductions of these great posters at a very reasonable cost. I pirchased one and was very happy with the quality of the print. Here is a link for their eBay store.