Friday, August 11, 2017

Not ready to walk away...

So crazy how the Lord works sometimes. I had been thinking and praying about what to do with my little blog. I go through spurts of having time to write and not having time. It's in these moments, where things are just crazy, that I start to feel the pressure. I start convincing myself blogging is an all or nothing thing, which is so silly. This blog always has been and always will be a place for me to journal my family's journey through this life and our journey with the Lord. It's not about budgeting, fashion, groceries, homeschool, etc. I write about those things, but they're aren't the focus.

This blog is a way to share my testimony and my faith. It's my little ministry and I'm thankful for I may be sporadic in posting, but I'll always come back to it because I'm not ready to walk away. I've been blogging, since Libby was born. She's 10 now and I love being able to look back on our days, weeks, months, and years.

This blog has become a dear friend for memory keeping and one I'm so thankful for.

And thank you for your kind, encouraging comments and messages. You guys are such a blessing :)

Sidenote: Our family picture above is from when we did a walk through of the new LDS Tucson Temple. It was absolutely stunning!!

XO Danielle


  1. Please don't walk away!! I may not always comment, and I am a grandma, not in my youth with children, but I still love to read your blog! You are an inspiration to so many, your beautiful testimony really does lift me up and give me hope!

  2. I am with Barb, Please don't walk away for all of us who need your realistic view on life, faith, and family. I started reading your blog because of your frugal way of living and I wanted to some how replicate it. I have found, while I am not a good budgeter or meal planner, I look forward to your blogs. It gives me ideas and helps me not feel so bad about not working out or i did frozen pizza because I was just too tired after a 60 hour work week. You don't have to blog every day or even ever week. When you do blog, don't worry, Ill be there to read it!

  3. I found your blog not too long ago (maybe through Money Saving Mom? I can't remember...) I feel like we have a lot of the same goals and parenting styles and it's nice to read about your life and thoughts. I live in an area of the country that does not value frugal living (high cost of living, almost no thrift shops, etc.) It can get overwhelming and hard to find like-minded friends. Thank you for sharing your life with this little world of homemakers, striving to make a home out of experiences rather than stuff. May God bless you in your efforts!


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