Saturday, August 12, 2017

No cavities...

Today we ventured back to the dentist for cleanings for the older two. For some reason our dentist does exams and cleanings separate. Inconvenient, but I really like our dentist so I put in the extra effort.

Keagan and Libby did great, got their new tooth brushes, and treats from the treasure chest. Turns out being 12 and 10 doesn't make you too grown up for the treasure chest, but again who wouldn't love getting a little treat after a dentist appointment. Sometimes I wish us adults could pick from the treasure chest. I mean I'm good during my cleanings too ::wink::

Tallia did not enjoy the dentist visit at all. It was nap time, she was exhausted and she made sure everyone knew it. The only respite we had was when I found these glasses in my diaper bag. Libby picked them out of the treasure chest when they had their exams a week ago. They entertained Tallia for a few minutes....enough time for me to capture a few pics and a short video. She then resumed her vocalizations of "mama". Poor tired thing. She's now napping and I can go make brownies for dessert. It's all about the priorities during nap time :)

Oh and last week, when the kids had exams, they had no cavities. No cavities meant a trip to Culver's for ice cream. We celebrate no cavities in this house. :) Also it is seriously hard to get three kiddos to look at the camera and smile at the same time. This was the best one, out of the five I took :)

XO Danielle

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