Linked Questions

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How can I make a plane look infinite? [duplicate]

Im trying to make a forest scene of a path and I want it to seem like the path is infinite or the path goes on for a very long time. Im gonna also add trees to the side of the path and an HDRI for ...
zeet's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

What is the fastest way to create a curved plane?

For a background, a lot of times I need a vertical wall, horizontal bottom, and a nice connecting curved surface between them in front of the camera. So far, I have used two methods: Deform a plane ...
Alex Pakka's user avatar
51 votes
3 answers

How to make a model cast shadows onto the world texture/background?

In most of my models, I usually end up setting a world background using an HDRI image of some kind or another. This has always been really useful for lighting in general or as a background for my ...
Gwen's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Cycles: Shadeless "Shadow-catcher" Material for Rendering onto Footage

I am superimposing CGI over video footage, and have run into a problem in making materials for objects that act as 'shadow catchers'. Essentially I want a shader that is shadeless—like an emitter—but ...
Jollywatt's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Where can I get Blender test builds?

I know that provides downloads for official releases. I see on forums that people use newer versions of Blender. Where can I get newer version of Blender (nightly builds, alpha versions... ...
15 votes
2 answers

Render shadows over a transparent background in cycles

I'm trying to make a logo that will be on the header of a website. What I'd like to achieve, and the reason I'm using Blender, is the projected shadows on the background looking perfectly real (as ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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22 votes
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Shadowless render pass

I would like to have full control of the shadows in post production. That's why I would like to have A shadow render pass containing only the shadows of my scene A shadowless render pass containing ...
Antti's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Using scenes and render layers to composite an object isolated on white background with shadow

I composite 3 individually rendered and saved files to achieve the look of an object isolated on white with a proper shadow: image file of object floating with alpha background image file of a render ...
Qutorial's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How do you create an infinite ground plane?

How would you make a ground plane that goes on forever? Here is an example, but it is from a very very old version of blender.
spuder's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to create a shadows pass in cycles?

Everytime I am doing one thing another problem comes up, and I have a deadline to follow unless there is a way to create shadows using another software (after effects)? I want to composite this thing ...
user2883800's user avatar
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BGE Infinite Plane?

I am making an open world game (a game in which players can explore the world, rather than following a set list of events). I've tried making a plane very large, but of course, it is still finite and ...
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