Papers by Gabriela Alejandra Veronelli
Ikala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, Sep 16, 2022
da colonialidade da língua, para que possamos superá-las através da comunicação decolonial.
Es este articulo explico como trabaja la colonialidad del lenguaje en relacion la distincion huma... more Es este articulo explico como trabaja la colonialidad del lenguaje en relacion la distincion humano/no-humano, posicionando a poblaciones colonizadas como seres no humanos linguistica, comunicativa y mentalmente. El centro de atencion en este articulo esta puesto en el concepto de “monolenguajear” como practica comunicativa deshumanizante. El monolenguajear permite analizar practicas comunicativas que recrean el racismo no por el contenido del acto de habla sino por sus expectativas comunicativas y las presuposiciones que sostienen tales expectativas.
IntroductionThis article theorizes the relation between race and language through the Modernity/C... more IntroductionThis article theorizes the relation between race and language through the Modernity/Coloniality-Decoloniality conceptual and methodological frame. The intent is to present a framework to analyze linguistic relations of power that underscores the importance of colonialism in the Americas as a relational mode continuously rearticulated and reactivated until today. In the last three decades, the Modernity/Coloniality-Decoloniality (MCD) collective project has pursued the implications of an epistemic "Decolonial Turn" that assumes the perspectives and life experiences of peoples from the Global South as points of departure to a critique of the failures of Eurocentered modernity. Formed as a network of U.S. Latina/o, Latin American, and Caribbean scholars who come from a variety of disciplines,2 the collective project presents itself as a type of critical theory that does not fit into a linear history of paradigms or epistemes. On the contrary, it is a way of doing ...
Este artigo apresenta um novo marco teórico para analisar relações linguísticas de poder e examin... more Este artigo apresenta um novo marco teórico para analisar relações linguísticas de poder e examina os efeitos linguísticos do que Aníbal Quijano chamou de a colonialidade do poder. A colonialidade da linguagem refere-se a um processo de racialização de populações colonizadas como agentes comunicativos (ou seja, possíveis interlocutores), que começa com a Conquista da América e que continua até hoje. A pesquisa foi focada na desumanização das populações colonizadas e escravizadas, e o concomitante desprezo das suas linguagens e maneiras sociais de dar sentido, interpretadas como expressões de “natureza” inferior. Os resultados são uma contribuição original ao debate sobre a relação histórica entre colonialismo, raça, etnicidade e linguagem na América. O argumento levantado sugere que há conexão entre a redução das populações colonizadas e racializadas a um status de seres não-humanos, e uma ideologia linguística analisada como monolinguajar, que esconde a opressão colonial dialógica ...
Estudios Sociales del Estado
International Studies in Philosophy, 2003
Universitas Humanística, 2015
Este artículo presenta un nuevo marco teórico para analizar relaciones lingüísticas de poder que ... more Este artículo presenta un nuevo marco teórico para analizar relaciones lingüísticas de poder que examina los efectos lingüisticos de lo que Aníbal Quijano ha teorizado como “la colonialidad del poder.” La “colonialidad del lenguaje” refiere a un proceso de racialización de poblaciones colonizadas como agentes comunicativos que comienza con la Conquista de América y continúa hasta hoy. La investigación está centrada en la deshumanización de las poblaciones colonizadas y esclavizadas, y el concomitante desprecio de sus lenguajes y maneras sociales de dar-sentido en tanto que expresiones de su “naturaleza” de “seres inferiores”. Los resultados son una contribución original al debate sobre la relación histórica entre colonialismo, raza, etnicidad, y lenguaje en América. El argumento plantea que existe una conección entre la reducción de las poblaciones colonizadas y racializadas a un status de seres no-humanos, y una ideología lingüística analizada como “monolenguajeo” que oculta la opr...
International Studies in Philosophy, 2003
manuscript , 2018
En este artículo se realiza una reflexión crítica en torno a las consideraciones sobre el Estado,... more En este artículo se realiza una reflexión crítica en torno a las consideraciones sobre el Estado, la colonialidad y el poder realizadas en el marco de la perspectiva descolonial. La tesis central del artículo apunta a que la dimensión política ha recibido escasa atención en los estudios inscriptos en la perspectiva, aun cuando la historicidad particular del Estado-nación en Latinoamérica sea puesta en relación a la marca de la colonialidad. Con este fin, se propone revisitar una serie específica de autores que pertenecen a los estudios descoloniales en un doble gesto: por un lado, presentar sus contribuciones al análisis de la dimensión política; por otro lado, establecer una puesta en diálogo en torno a las formas de abordaje metodológico del Estado y los términos en que dichos autores plantean la programática de la descolonización del Estado. En este sentido, este artículo constituye un esfuerzo de sistematización de las contribuciones de la perspectiva descolonial al análisis de la dimensión política de modo de establecer los consensos estabilizados tanto como los debates no saldados que abren a la posibilidad de vinculación con otros abordajes teórico-metodológicos.
This article presents a critical reflection of issues regarding the State, coloniality and power as examined within the decolonial perspective. The article’s central thesis is that the political dimension has received little attention in the studies that follow this perspective, despite that the particular historicity of the Nation-state in Latin America has been related to the understanding of coloniality. To this end, this article offers a review of a number of authors that work on decolonial studies. The purpose is twofold: present their contributions to the analysis of the political dimension, and put into conversation these authors’ methodological approach to the State and to the programmatic regarding the decolonization of the State. In this respect, this article is an effort to systematize the contribution that the decolonial perspective offers to the analysis of the political dimension in order to establish both points of agreement and divergence that could open possible links to other theoretical-methodological approaches to the subject.
This article begins by examining the importance that critical intercultural dialogues have within... more This article begins by examining the importance that critical intercultural dialogues have within the Modernity/Coloniality Research Program toward reaching an alternative geopolitics and body-politics of knowledge, in order to raise the question whether the colonial difference creates conditions for dialogical situations that bring together critiques of coloniality emerging from different experiences of coloniality. The answer it offers is twofold. On the one hand, if one imagines such situations to be communicative exchanges a la Bakhtin that put logos at the center, given what is termed the coloniality of language and speech, the possibility of such exchanges is feasible only as an abstract gesture. On the other hand, when one faces the complications of the erasure of dialogue produced by coloniality, the kind of decolonial communicative relations that seem possible among people thinking and acting from the colonial difference are less conscious or agential than emotive. By articulating the relations between coalitional methodologies (Mar ıa Lugones) and a global sense of connection (Edouard Glissant) the article proposes a nondialogical theory of decolonial communication: a way of orienting ourselves with a sense of permeability and recognition of being on the same side that doesn't need to be politically motivated but is always active. Decoloniality today is used in many frames. As I embrace the understanding articulated in the past twenty years by the Modernity/Coloniality Research Program (MC henceforth), I see that the project of decoloniality is twofold: it seeks a relocation and re-embodiment of knowledge to unmask the Eurocentric and provincial horizons of modern reason and its links to the coloniality of power, knowledge, gender, and being, and it calls for plurality and intercultural dialogue in the building of decolonial futures. It is this call and its connections to the project of decoloniality that I wish to examine here. I wish to do so from the pragmatic intervention of the decolonial turn. Shifting the geopolitics and body-politics of knowledge includes attention to questions and problems that didn't exist before: questions and problems that emerge in the efforts to liberate ourselves from the confines of modernity and the setups of the
This article presents a new framework to analyze linguistic relations of power that examines the ... more This article presents a new framework to analyze linguistic relations of power that examines the linguistic effects of what
Drafts by Gabriela Alejandra Veronelli
Papers by Gabriela Alejandra Veronelli
This article presents a critical reflection of issues regarding the State, coloniality and power as examined within the decolonial perspective. The article’s central thesis is that the political dimension has received little attention in the studies that follow this perspective, despite that the particular historicity of the Nation-state in Latin America has been related to the understanding of coloniality. To this end, this article offers a review of a number of authors that work on decolonial studies. The purpose is twofold: present their contributions to the analysis of the political dimension, and put into conversation these authors’ methodological approach to the State and to the programmatic regarding the decolonization of the State. In this respect, this article is an effort to systematize the contribution that the decolonial perspective offers to the analysis of the political dimension in order to establish both points of agreement and divergence that could open possible links to other theoretical-methodological approaches to the subject.
Drafts by Gabriela Alejandra Veronelli
This article presents a critical reflection of issues regarding the State, coloniality and power as examined within the decolonial perspective. The article’s central thesis is that the political dimension has received little attention in the studies that follow this perspective, despite that the particular historicity of the Nation-state in Latin America has been related to the understanding of coloniality. To this end, this article offers a review of a number of authors that work on decolonial studies. The purpose is twofold: present their contributions to the analysis of the political dimension, and put into conversation these authors’ methodological approach to the State and to the programmatic regarding the decolonization of the State. In this respect, this article is an effort to systematize the contribution that the decolonial perspective offers to the analysis of the political dimension in order to establish both points of agreement and divergence that could open possible links to other theoretical-methodological approaches to the subject.