Papers by Kutay Karabağ
Iconarp International J. of Architecture and Planning, 2020
This text intends to discuss the outcome of the graduate design studio titled 'hydrophilic struct... more This text intends to discuss the outcome of the graduate design studio titled 'hydrophilic structures'. Studio research is organized on two primary axis; revealing the potentials of floating spaces as an extension of public spaces on one hand, and digital design and fabrication technologies for prototyping on the other. Concepts such as floating structures, water interaction and public space may initially refer to human utilization however, non-human living organisms are critical for their decisive role on the qualities of the water and the urban environment. Design/Methodology/Approach Design of floating structures and water interaction had been a niche inside the traditional culture and practice of architectural design, whereas design and production skills in connection with water had historically developed mostly in the field of engineering and transportation. Floating structures and their potential for unconventional spatial experiences have recently engaged in the focus of contemporary design culture, mainly due to the increasing density and lack of public spaces on the land. Findings The proposal, designed through computational tools and fabricated through robotic technology, concentrates on various ways of interaction with water and acknowledge research on the spatial requirements for the birds, as the users of space. Research Limitations/Implications Fabrication of the floating prototype is assumed as a primary target for its observation potential enabling an original discussion of the design parameters for bird species. Limitations of the existing fabrication tools and sustainability of the practically available materials were assumed to be out of the scope of this study. Social/Practical Implications Design-research presented here covers principal case-studies of floating spaces, the buoyancy principles, material tests and essential variables of ecological dynamics in Haliç as a general framework. Originality/Value The subsequent prototype serves for a specific bird population utilizing Haliç as a part of their life cycle, rather than human utilization.
Online Journal of Art & Design, Jan 4, 2020
As one of the most important industrial heritage sites in Antalya, Textile Mill Campus have been ... more As one of the most important industrial heritage sites in Antalya, Textile Mill Campus have been a central discussion theme in terms of refunctioning and public character, for not only the city but also the whole architecture and conservation community. In this text, foundation story of the factory was studied within the context of modernisation and industrialisation efforts in Anatolia as well as the development of the textile industry. Reading this context, it is intended to establish a basis for structuring the social, historical, urban and architectural values attributed to the Factory, in order to contribute to the ongoing 'transformation' process and discussions on the refunctioning practices. The analysis for the architectural and urban values referring to the campus is based on the author's personal research as well as the outcome of undergraduate architectural design studio studies in İstanbul Bilgi University. The intervention decisions and their consequences on the authenticity and integrity of the campus and separate buildings were briefly discussed in the final part of the text, within reference to the value analysis and the contemporary conservation approaches as reflected by Nizhny Tagil Charter and Dublin Principles.
ÖZET Antalya'nın en önemli endüstri miras alanlarından birisi olan Dokuma Fabrikası Kampüsü, yeniden işlevlendirilmesine ilişkin tartışmalar ile faaliyetinin durdurulduğu tarihten itibaren hem kentin, hem de mimarlık ve koruma dünyasının gündeminde yer almaktadır. Bu yazıda, Antalya Dokuma Fabrikası'nın kuruluş süreci, Anadolu'daki sanayileşme ve modernleşme çabaları ve dokuma sektöründeki gelişmelerin bir bileşeni olarak incelenmiştir. Kampüsün halen devam eden 'dönüşümüne' katkı sağlamak üzere, fabrikaya atfedilebilecek mimari, kentsel, tarihi ve sosyal değerlerin altyapısının oluşturulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda güncel gelişmeler değerlendirilmiş, müdahale kararlarının kampüse ve yapılara etkileri, alana atfedilen değerler ve koruma ilkeleri ışığında ele alınmıştır. Sivil toplumun insiyatifi ve güçlü katkısı sayesinde, kampüsün toplumsal bellekteki yeri ve kamusal karakterinin korunmasına karşın, bütüncül bir dönüşüm stratejisi geliştirilemediği, yapı ve açık alanlar parça parça ele alınarak işlevler atandığı anlaşılmaktadır.
ICONARCP International Journal of Architecture Planning, 2021
Purpose This text intends to discuss the outcome of the graduate design studio titled 'hydrophili... more Purpose This text intends to discuss the outcome of the graduate design studio titled 'hydrophilic structures'. Studio research is organized on two primary axis; revealing the potentials of floating spaces as an extension of public spaces on one hand, and digital design and fabrication technologies for prototyping on the other. Concepts such as floating structures, water interaction and public space may initially refer to human utilization however, non-human living organisms are critical for their decisive role on the qualities of the water and the urban environment. Design/Methodology/Approach Design of floating structures and water interaction had been a niche inside the traditional culture and practice of architectural design, whereas design and production skills in connection with water had historically developed mostly in the field of engineering and transportation. Floating structures and their potential for unconventional spatial experiences have recently engaged in the focus of contemporary design culture, mainly due to the increasing density and lack of public spaces on the land. Findings The proposal, designed through computational tools and fabricated through robotic technology, concentrates on various ways of interaction with water and acknowledge research on the spatial requirements for the birds, as the users of space. Research Limitations/Implications Fabrication of the floating prototype is assumed as a primary target for its observation potential enabling an original discussion of the design parameters for bird species. Limitations of the existing fabrication tools and sustainability of the practically available materials were assumed to be out of the scope of this study. Social/Practical Implications Design-research presented here covers principal case-studies of floating spaces, the buoyancy principles, material tests and essential variables of ecological dynamics in Haliç as a general framework. Originality/Value The subsequent prototype serves for a specific bird population utilizing Haliç as a part of their life cycle, rather than human utilization.
İç Mimar, 2014
Stüdyo kapsamında düzenlenen ve Karşıyaka Tren istasyonu yerleşkesinin yeniden işlevlendirilmesi ... more Stüdyo kapsamında düzenlenen ve Karşıyaka Tren istasyonu yerleşkesinin yeniden işlevlendirilmesi konusuna odaklanan atölye çalışması, halihazırda burada restorasyon uygulamasının devam etmekte olması sebebiyle de önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, öğrencilerin kültürel mirasın korunması konusunda farkındalığını geliştirmek, korumada süreklilik kavramının önemini algılatmak, alanla ve konuyla ilgili uzmanların bulunduğu bir ortamda yeniden işlevlendirmenin gerekçeleri, parametreleri, yöntemleri ve sonuçları üzerine tartışma fırsatı yaratmak amaçlanmıştır.
Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Conservation of 20th Century Heritage, From Architecture to Landscape, 2019
Zonguldak, the primary coal production and processing centre of Turkey, is on the edge of an urba... more Zonguldak, the primary coal production and processing centre of Turkey, is on the edge of an urban transformation after the decline in local coal industry due to technical, political and financial reasons. For the city had flourished through the discovery of coal in the early 19th century, the urban and social fabric of Zonguldak is based on mining, processing and transportation of coal. Increasing mining costs together with liberal policies beginning with 2000s force the city to transform its economic and social focus, utilizing the rich industrial heritage including mining tunnels, coal preparation plants, massive underground silos, and a transportation network of railroads, harbours and conveyor bands. Urban image of this coastal city in northwestern Anatolia is composed of mediocre contemporary buildings, republican and western modernism, industrial facilities, harsh climate and steep topography, all merged into each other. This study, based on the studio research carried in Bilgi University, intends to discuss and compare the adaptive reuse potential of three industrial heritage sites with diverse scale, spatial character, context, and conservation level: The central coal handling and preparation plant, Central workshop campus of electrical equipment for mining, Üzülmez coal washing and handling workshops. Initially abstract urban scenarios transforming the focal economic and social motives to new perspectives such as culture tourism, education and new generation fabrication technologies, will be proposed. On the grounds of urban scenarios and documentation of the sites, this study aims to put forward a systematic value analysis in terms of conservation and architectural design for distinct each site.
Megaron, 2018
Kutay KARABAĞ Teke Yarımadası'nda, Fethiye'den Kaş'a kadar olan kıyıdaki tek korunaklı koyda yer ... more Kutay KARABAĞ Teke Yarımadası'nda, Fethiye'den Kaş'a kadar olan kıyıdaki tek korunaklı koyda yer alan Kalkan, tarih boyunca Akdağlar'ın batısındaki verimli Eşen Ovası ve doğusundaki yüksek yaylaların denizle bağlantısını sağlamıştır. Koydaki su kaynağı ve ticari potansiyelin daha eski zamanlarda da kullanıldığı bilinmekle birlikte, yerleşimin muhtemelen 19. yüzyılın başında gelişerek, ikinci yarısında canlı bir liman kasa-basına evrildiği, bu dönemde Likya yerleşimlerini ziyaret eden batılı gezginlerin notlarından anlaşılmaktadır. 1924'teki nüfus mübadelesi-ne kadar Rum ağırlıklı bir Osmanlı nahiyesi olan Kalkan'da, ticaret ve canlılık, Türk nüfusun kontrolüne geçtikten sonra da, 20. yüzyılın orta-larına kadar sürmüştür. Tarım, hayvancılık ve orman ürünleri, eski adıyla 'Kalamaki' iskelesinden Meis ve Rodos gibi bağlantılarla Akdeniz'in çeşitli limanlarına gönderilirken, sanayi ürünleri de iç bölgelere dağıtılmaktadır. Kalamaki'de, bu ticaret bağlantılarının sağladığı sürekli kültür alışverişi sonucunda, bazı adalar başta olmak üzere çevre yerleşimlerde görülen mimari niteliklerle, yerel parametrelerin birlikte şe-killendirdiği özgün bir mimari doku oluşmuştur. Geleneksel dokuda, birkaç bitişik yapıdan oluşan yapı adaları, manzara ve esintiyi kesme-yecek şekilde konumlanırken, aralarında kalan açık alanlar da sokakları oluşturmaktadır. Küçük ölçekli yapılarda parsel sınırı yapı sınırıyla örtüşürken, büyük örneklerde bahçe ve avlu gibi açık alanlar da kullanılmaktadır. Çoğunlukla eğime dik yerleşen, 2 katlı basit dikdörtgen prizma formlu yapı kütleleri, birbirini engellemeden denizle bakı ilişkisi kurabilecek şekilde kurgulanırken, açık mekanlar sıcaktan koruna-cak biçimde konumlanmıştır. Tipik ön cephede dar ve uzun açıklıklar ve üst katta ortada bir balkon yer almakta, cephe üçgen bir alınlıkla tamamlanmaktadır. 1980'lerden itibaren bir turizm kasabasına dönüşen Kalkan'da, 2000'lerde yoğunlaşan plansız ve kontrolsüz büyüme geleneksel dokunun özgün niteliklerini tehdit etmektedir. Bu konudaki yaklaşımların tartışılması için bütüncül bir taban oluşturmayı da amaçlayan bu makale; saha çalışması ve kaynaklara dayanarak, yerleşimdeki geleneksel dokunun özgün mimari ve kentsel niteliklerini, onları şekillendiren tarihsel, coğrafi ve sosyal etkenler ışığında incelemektedir. Makalenin son bölümünde, dokunun özgün nitelikleri ve müdahaleler değerlendirilmekte ve dokunun korunması konusunda uluslararası tüzüklere dayalı öneriler ortaya konmaktadır. Anahtar sözcükler: Geleneksel doku; Kalkan; Kalamaki; koruma; turizm; yerel mimari. ÖZ As the only sheltered bay between Fethiye and Kaş, Kalkan have connected fertile Eşen Plain and high plateaus on both sides of Akdağlar, with the abroad locations. Although the water supply and the commercial potential of the coast had been utilized throughout the history, the settlement sprouts at the beginning of the 19 th century and evolves into a lively port town in the second half. To use the old name, `Kalamaki`, was an Ottoman 'nahiye' with Greek majority until the population exchange in 1924, and the liveliness had lasted until 1950s. The port had functioned for the transfer of agriculture and forest products to various Mediterranean ports, as well as distribution of imported industrial products throughout the hinterland. These trade connections had brought a continous cultural exchange, which is also eminent in the local fabric and architectural features, as a function of various cultures and local factors. Building islands are usually composed of a few adjacent blocks in order to avoid hindering the view and the breeze, while the space in-between operates as street. In general, buildings are simple rectangular stone blocks of 2 stories nestled on the slope. Whilst plot borders correspond to the building borders in small examples, larger buidings utilize other types of open spaces such as garden and courtyard. Although, the town is under conservation and still possess a level of authenticity, Kalkan turned into a tourism town in 1980s, and particularly around 2000 intensification of uncontrolled growth have begun to threaten the overall integrity of the settlement. This article aims to present the architectural and urban qualities of the traditional fabric regarding historical, geographical and social factors shaping it. In the final part, author discusses the authenticity of the architectural and urban features of the fabric followed with some proposals.
Drafts by Kutay Karabağ
TICCIH Bulletin, 2023
Assembly of the steel frame of Battersea Power Station B around 1939, the complete station A on t... more Assembly of the steel frame of Battersea Power Station B around 1939, the complete station A on the right. The protracted re-use of this massive building in central London is discussed on page 8 (Crown Copyright: Sir William Arrol Collection, HES Image No. SC554987).
The city of Zonguldak on the north-western coast of Anatolia developed rapidly in the nineteenth ... more The city of Zonguldak on the north-western coast of Anatolia developed rapidly in the nineteenth century from a simple dock into a coal mining and transportation town, and then in the twentieth century into a regional industrial centre. Its urban identity and social fabric have been shaped primarily by the industrial policies, institutions and culture of various periods, creating a unique urban image composed of industrial, architectural and landscape components collaged on various scales. Thus, Zonguldak is an extensive industrial heritage site composed of interconnected layers of heritage, including sub-themes such as industrial periods, Turkish modernism, industrial landscape, labour culture, and Republican policies, all of which are diversified by the unique topography and climate. This study provides an overview of Zonguldak’s spatial history and a comparative examination of the diversity of its industrial heritage in connection with its unique urban image. It presents a basis for discussing contemporary conservation and redevelopment strategies that anticipate new industries and tourism as substitutes for coal, the lost driving force of the urban economy and culture.
Activation of Silahtarağa Power Plant (SSP) in 1914 marks a significant point on the course of in... more Activation of Silahtarağa Power Plant (SSP) in 1914 marks a significant point on the course of industrialisation and westernisation of the Ottoman society, bringing late but widespread distribution of the most recent form of energy to the Capital. Electrification of İstanbul triggered transformations on the social and economic life of people as well as urban form.
Silahtarağa Power Plant – Establishment, Operative life and Shutdown
Refunctioning of Power Plant into a Cultural Hub
Evolution of SantralIstanbul Project / Transformation from a cultural hub into a large university
Conference Presentations by Kutay Karabağ
Abstracts of III International Congress on Industrial Heritage – Reuse of Industrial Sites: A Challenge for Heritage Conservation, 2016
7 th semester's theme in the curriculum of Department of Architecture in Bilgi University is defi... more 7 th semester's theme in the curriculum of Department of Architecture in Bilgi University is defined as adaptive reuse, for the concept becoming a prominent field in architecture. The curriculum proposes a secondary studio, where students are introduced with the primary concepts of conservation, so that each participant is expected to develop skills for structuring an individual consistent design approach, coherent with the context and based on case-dependent analysis. This study intends to discuss the studio process in fall semester of 2015, where design studio problematized the adaptive reuse of Antalya Weaving Factory, a typical institution of Turkish industrialization movement.
Papers by Kutay Karabağ
ÖZET Antalya'nın en önemli endüstri miras alanlarından birisi olan Dokuma Fabrikası Kampüsü, yeniden işlevlendirilmesine ilişkin tartışmalar ile faaliyetinin durdurulduğu tarihten itibaren hem kentin, hem de mimarlık ve koruma dünyasının gündeminde yer almaktadır. Bu yazıda, Antalya Dokuma Fabrikası'nın kuruluş süreci, Anadolu'daki sanayileşme ve modernleşme çabaları ve dokuma sektöründeki gelişmelerin bir bileşeni olarak incelenmiştir. Kampüsün halen devam eden 'dönüşümüne' katkı sağlamak üzere, fabrikaya atfedilebilecek mimari, kentsel, tarihi ve sosyal değerlerin altyapısının oluşturulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda güncel gelişmeler değerlendirilmiş, müdahale kararlarının kampüse ve yapılara etkileri, alana atfedilen değerler ve koruma ilkeleri ışığında ele alınmıştır. Sivil toplumun insiyatifi ve güçlü katkısı sayesinde, kampüsün toplumsal bellekteki yeri ve kamusal karakterinin korunmasına karşın, bütüncül bir dönüşüm stratejisi geliştirilemediği, yapı ve açık alanlar parça parça ele alınarak işlevler atandığı anlaşılmaktadır.
Drafts by Kutay Karabağ
Silahtarağa Power Plant – Establishment, Operative life and Shutdown
Refunctioning of Power Plant into a Cultural Hub
Evolution of SantralIstanbul Project / Transformation from a cultural hub into a large university
Conference Presentations by Kutay Karabağ
ÖZET Antalya'nın en önemli endüstri miras alanlarından birisi olan Dokuma Fabrikası Kampüsü, yeniden işlevlendirilmesine ilişkin tartışmalar ile faaliyetinin durdurulduğu tarihten itibaren hem kentin, hem de mimarlık ve koruma dünyasının gündeminde yer almaktadır. Bu yazıda, Antalya Dokuma Fabrikası'nın kuruluş süreci, Anadolu'daki sanayileşme ve modernleşme çabaları ve dokuma sektöründeki gelişmelerin bir bileşeni olarak incelenmiştir. Kampüsün halen devam eden 'dönüşümüne' katkı sağlamak üzere, fabrikaya atfedilebilecek mimari, kentsel, tarihi ve sosyal değerlerin altyapısının oluşturulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda güncel gelişmeler değerlendirilmiş, müdahale kararlarının kampüse ve yapılara etkileri, alana atfedilen değerler ve koruma ilkeleri ışığında ele alınmıştır. Sivil toplumun insiyatifi ve güçlü katkısı sayesinde, kampüsün toplumsal bellekteki yeri ve kamusal karakterinin korunmasına karşın, bütüncül bir dönüşüm stratejisi geliştirilemediği, yapı ve açık alanlar parça parça ele alınarak işlevler atandığı anlaşılmaktadır.
Silahtarağa Power Plant – Establishment, Operative life and Shutdown
Refunctioning of Power Plant into a Cultural Hub
Evolution of SantralIstanbul Project / Transformation from a cultural hub into a large university