Topical Encyclopedia
In biblical times, pools were significant both for practical purposes and symbolic meanings. They served as essential water sources in arid regions and were often sites of important events and miracles. The Bible mentions several notable pools, each with its own historical and spiritual significance.
Pool of SiloamThe Pool of Siloam is one of the most well-known pools in the Bible. Located in Jerusalem, it was constructed during the reign of King Hezekiah as part of a water system to protect the city from siege (
2 Kings 20:20;
2 Chronicles 32:30). The pool is famously mentioned in the New Testament when Jesus healed a man who had been blind from birth. Jesus instructed him to wash in the Pool of Siloam, and upon doing so, the man received his sight (
John 9:7: "So the man went and washed and came back seeing"). This miracle highlights the pool's role as a place of divine intervention and healing.
Pool of BethesdaAnother significant pool is the Pool of Bethesda, also located in Jerusalem. It is described in the Gospel of John as having five covered colonnades and being a place where many disabled people would gather, hoping for healing. According to the account, an angel would occasionally stir the waters, and the first person to enter the pool afterward would be healed of their ailment (
John 5:2-4). Jesus performed a miracle here by healing a man who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years, demonstrating His authority over sickness and the limitations of human tradition (
John 5:8-9: "Then Jesus said to him, 'Get up, pick up your mat, and walk.' Immediately the man was made well, and he picked up his mat and began to walk").
Pool of GibeonThe Pool of Gibeon is mentioned in the context of a battle between the forces of King David and those loyal to Saul's son, Ish-bosheth. The pool served as a meeting place for the two armies, and a fierce contest ensued, resulting in a significant conflict (
2 Samuel 2:12-17). This pool is a reminder of the turbulent times during the early monarchy of Israel and the struggles for power and legitimacy.
Symbolic SignificancePools in the Bible often symbolize cleansing, healing, and divine provision. They are places where physical and spiritual transformations occur, reflecting God's power and mercy. The act of washing in a pool, as seen in the healing of the blind man at Siloam, can also symbolize spiritual renewal and obedience to God's commands.
Archaeological InsightsModern archaeology has provided insights into the historical and cultural contexts of these biblical pools. Excavations have uncovered the remains of the Pool of Siloam and the Pool of Bethesda, confirming their locations and offering a glimpse into the architectural and social aspects of ancient Jerusalem. These findings support the biblical narratives and enhance our understanding of the daily life and religious practices of the time.
In summary, pools in the Bible are more than just physical locations; they are imbued with spiritual significance and serve as settings for divine encounters and miraculous events. They remind believers of God's provision, healing, and the transformative power of faith.
Smith's Bible Dictionary
PoolPools, like the tanks of India, are in many parts of Palestine and Syria the only resource for water during the dry season, and the failure of them involves drought and calamity. (Isaiah 42:15) Of the various pools mentioned in Scripture, perhaps the most celebrated are the pools of Solomon near Bethlehem called by the Arabs el-Burak , from which an aqueduct was carried which still supplies Jerusalem with wafer. (Ecclesiastes 2:6) Ecclus. 24:30, 31.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
A pond, or reservoir, for holding water (Hebrews berekhah; modern Arabic, birket), an artificial cistern or tank. Mention is made of the pool of Gibeon (
2 Samuel 2:13); the pool of Hebron (
4:12); the upper pool at Jerusalem (
2 Kings 18:17;
20:20); the pool of Samaria (
1 Kings 22:38); the king's pool (
Nehemiah 2:14); the pool of Siloah (
Nehemiah 3:15;
Ecclesiastes 2:6); the fishpools of Heshbon (Cant. 7:4); the "lower pool," and the "old pool" (
Isaiah 22:9, 11).
The "pool of Bethesda" (John 5:2, 4, 7) and the "pool of Siloam" (John 9:7, 11) are also mentioned. Isaiah (35:7) says, "The parched ground shall become a pool." This is rendered in the Revised Version "glowing sand," etc. (marg., "the mirage, " etc.). The Arabs call the mirage "serab," plainly the same as the Hebrew word sarab, here rendered "parched ground." "The mirage shall become a pool", i.e., the mock-lake of the burning desert shall become a real lake, "the pledge of refreshment and joy." The "pools" spoken of in Isaiah 14:23 are the marshes caused by the ruin of the canals of the Euphrates in the neighbourhood of Babylon.
The cisterns or pools of the Holy City are for the most part excavations beneath the surface. Such are the vast cisterns in the temple hill that have recently been discovered by the engineers of the Palestine Exploration Fund. These underground caverns are about thirty-five in number, and are capable of storing about ten million gallons of water. They are connected with one another by passages and tunnels.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (
n.) A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon.
2. (n.) A small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle.
3. (n.) The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a snare; also, the receptacle for the stakes.
4. (n.) A game at billiards, in which each of the players stakes a certain sum, the winner taking the whole; also, in public billiard rooms, a game in which the loser pays the entrance fee for all who engage in the game; a game of skill in pocketing the balls on a pool table.
5. (n.) In rifle shooting, a contest in which each competitor pays a certain sum for every shot he makes, the net proceeds being divided among the winners.
6. (n.) Any gambling or commercial venture in which several persons join.
7. (n.) A combination of persons contributing money to be used for the purpose of increasing or depressing the market price of stocks, grain, or other commodities; also, the aggregate of the sums so contributed; as, the pool took all the wheat offered below the limit; he put USD10,000 into the pool.
8. (n.) A mutual arrangement between competing lines, by which the receipts of all are aggregated, and then distributed pro rata according to agreement.
9. (n.) An aggregation of properties or rights, belonging to different people in a community, in a common fund, to be charged with common liabilities.
10. (v. t.) To put together; to contribute to a common fund, on the basis of a mutual division of profits or losses; to make a common interest of; as, the companies pooled their traffic.
11. (v. i.) To combine or contribute with others, as for a commercial, speculative, or gambling transaction.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ASPHAR, THE POOLas'-far, (lakkos Asphar): When Jonathan and Simon fled from Bacchides they encamped by this pool in the wilderness of Tekoa (1 Maccabees 9:33; Ant, XIII, i, 2). It is probably identical with Ez-Za`feraneh, a ruined site with an ancient cistern, to the South of Tekoa, and East of Chalchul. Bir Selhub about 6 miles Southwest of `Ain Jidy is favored by some (EB, under the word), the hills around it being known as Cafra, in which there may be a survival of the old name.
Use of Terms
1. General
2. Wells or Cylindrical Cisterns
3. Private Cisterns
4. Public Cisterns
5. Pools and Aqueducts
6. Figurative Uses
Several words are rendered by "cistern," "well," "pool," the relations of which in the King James Version and the Revised Version (British and American) are as follows:
Use of Terms:
"Cistern," bo'r (Jeremiah 2:13, etc.), or bor (2 Kings 18:31). The latter word is frequently in the King James Version translated "well." the Revised Version (British and American) in these cases changes to "cistern" in text (Deuteronomy 6:11 2 Chronicles 26:10 Nehemiah 9:25) margin (Jeremiah 14:3), rendered "pit" in the King James Version are changed to "cistern" the Revised Version (British and American) (the latter in the American Standard Revised Version only).
The proper Hebrew word for "well" is be'er (seen in Beer-sheba, "well of the oath," Genesis 21:31), but other terms are thus rendered in the King James Version, as `ayin (Genesis 24:13, 16, etc., and frequently), ma`yan (Joshua 18:15), maqor (Proverbs 10:11). ally changes to "fountain"; in Exodus 15:27, however, it renders `ayin by "springs," and in Psalm 84:6, ma`yan by, "place of springs." "Pool," 'agham (Isaiah 14:23, etc.; in the King James Version, Exodus 7:19; Exodus 8:5, rendered "ponds"); more frequently berekhah (2 Samuel 2:13; 2 Samuel 4:12, etc.). In Psalm 84:6 the cognate berakhah, is changed to "blessing."
In the New Testament "well" represents the two words: pege (John 4:6, 14; in the Revised Version, margin "spring"; 2 Peter 2:17; the Revised Version (British and American) renders "springs"), and phrear (John 4:11, 12). "Pool" is kolumbethra, in John 5:2, 4, 7; John 9:7, 11.
1. General:
The efforts made to supplement the natural water supply, both in agricultural and in populated areas, before as well as after the Conquest, are clearly seen in the innumerable cisterns, wells and pools which abound throughout Palestine The rainy season, upon which the various storage systems depend, commences at the end of October and ends in the beginning of May. In Jerusalem, the mean rainfall in 41 years up to 1901 was 25, 81 inches, falling in a mean number of 56 days (see Glaisher, Meteorological Observations, 24). Toward the end of summer, springs and wells, where they have not actually dried up, diminish very considerably, and cisterns and open reservoirs become at times the only sources of supply. Cisterns are fed from surface and roof drainage. Except in the rare instances where springs occur, wells depend upon percolation. The' great open reservoirs or pools are fed from surface drainage and, in some cases, by aqueducts from springs or from more distant collecting pools. In the case of private cisterns, it is the custom of the country today to close up the inlets during the early days of the rain, so as to permit of a general wash down of gathering surfaces, before admitting the water. Cisterns, belonging to the common natives, are rarely cleansed, and the inevitable scum which collects is dispersed by plunging the pitcher several times before drawing water. When the water is considered to be bad, a somewhat primitive cure is applied by dropping earth into the cistern, so as to sink all impurities with it, to the bottom. The accumulation often found in ancient cisterns probably owes some of its presence to this same habit.
2. Wells or Cylindrical Cisterns:
It is necessary to include wells under the head of cisterns, as there appears to be some confusion in the use of the two terms. Wells, so called, were more often deep cylindrical reservoirs, the lower part of which was sunk in the rock and cemented, the upper part being built with open joints, to receive the surface percolation. They were often of great depth. Job's well at Jerusalem, which is certainly of great antiquity, is 125 ft. deep (see Palestine Exploration Fund, "Jerus," 371).
The discovery of "living water" when digging a well, recorded in Genesis 26:19 margin, appears to have been an unusual incident. Uzziah hewed out many cisterns in the valley for his cattle (2 Chronicles 26:9, 10 the Revised Version (British and American)), and he built towers, presumably to keep watch over both cattle and cisterns. Isaac "digged again the wells" which had been filled in by the Philistines (Genesis 26:18). Wells were frequently dug in the plain, far from villages, for flocks and herds, and rude stone troughs were provided nearby. The well was usually covered with a stone, through which a hole was pierced sufficiently large to allow of free access for the pitchers. A stone was placed over this hole (Genesis 29:10) when the well was not in use. The great amount of pottery found in ancient cisterns suggests that clay pots were used for drawing water (see Bible Sidelights, 88). Josephus (Ant., IV, viii, 37) elucidates the passage in Exodus 21:33 requiring the mouth of a "pit" or "well" to be covered with planks against accidents. This would seem to apply to wide-mouthed wells which had not been narrowed over to receive a stone cover. It may have been a well or cistern similar to these into which Joseph was cast (Genesis 37:24). In fact, dry-wells and cisterns formed such effective dungeons, that it is very probable they were often used for purposes of detention. From earliest times, wells have been the cause of much strife. The covenant between Abimelech and Abraham at Beersheba (Genesis 32) was a necessity, no less pressing then than it is now. The well, today, is a center of life in the East. Women gather around it in pursuit of their daily duties, and travelers, man and beast, divert their course thereto, if needs be, for refreshment; and news of the outer world is carried to and from the well. It is, in fact, an all-important center, and daily presents a series of characteristic Bible scenes. The scene between Rebekah and the servant of Abraham (Genesis 24:11) is one with frequent parallels. The well lies usually at some little distance from the village or city. Abraham's servant made his "camels to kneel down without the city by the well of water at the time of the evening, the time that women go out to draw water." Saul and his servant found young maidens going out of the city to draw water (1 Samuel 9:11). Moses helped the daughters of the priest of Midian at the well, which was evidently at some distance from habitation (Exodus 2:16).
3. Private Cisterns:
Private cisterns must be distinguished from public cisterns or wells. They were smaller and were sunk in the rocks within private boundaries, each owner having his own cistern (2 Kings 18:31 Proverbs 5:15). Ancient sites are honeycombed with these cisterns. A common type in Jerusalem seems to have been bottle-shaped in section, the extended bottom part being in the softer rock, and the narrow neck in the hard upper stratum. Many irregularly shaped cisterns occur with rock vaults supported by rock or masonry piers. Macalister tells of the discovery at Gezer of a small silt catchpit attached to a private cistern, and provided with an overflow channel leading to the cistern. It is an early instance of a now well-known method of purification. The universal use of cement rendering to the walls of the cisterns was most necessary to seal up the fissures of the rock. The "broken cisterns" (Jeremiah 2:13) probably refer to insufficiently sealed cisterns.
4. Public Cisterns:
Besides private cisterns there were huge public rock-cut cisterns within the city walls. The great water caverns under the Temple area at Jerusalem show a most extensive system of water storage (see Recovery of Jerusalem, chapter vii). There are 37 of these described in Palestine Exploration Fund, "Jerus," 217, and the greatest is an immense rock-cut cavern the roof of which is partly rock and partly stone, supported by rock piers (see Fig. 1, Palestine Exploration Fund). It is 43 ft. deep with a storage capacity of over two million gallons and there are numerous access manholes. This cistern is fed by an aqueduct from Solomon's Pools about 10 miles distant by road, and is locally known as Bahar el Kebir, the "Great Sea." One of the most recent and one of the most interesting rock-cut reservoirs yet discovered is that at Gezer. (SeePalestine Exploration Fund Statement, 1908, 96.) In this example, the pool of spring water is reached by a great rock-tunnel staircase which descends 94 ft. 6 inches from the surface. The staircase diminishes in size as it descends, and at its greatest, it is 23 ft. high and 12 ft. 10 inches wide. These proportions may seem unnecessarily large, but may be accounted for by the necessity for providing light at the water level. As a matter of fact, the brink of the pool receives the light from above. The work dates back to pre-Israelite times.
5. Pools and Aqueducts:
Open pools were common in every city. They were cut out of the rock and were built and cemented at points where occasion demanded. They were often of great size. The pool outside Jerusalem known as Birket es Sultan measures 555 ft. x 220 ft. x 36 ft. deep, and the so-called Hezekiah's Pool within the walls, is 240 ft. x 144 ft. x about 20 ft. deep. The latter probably owes its origin to the rock-cut fosse of early Jewish date. The Birket es Sultan, on the other hand, probably dates from the time of the Turkish occupation. They may, however, be taken as examples, which, if somewhat larger, are still in accord with the pool system of earlier history. Pools were usually fed by surface drainage, and in some cases by aqueducts from springs at some distance away. They seem to have been at the public service, freely accessible to both man and beast. Pools situated outside the city walls were sometimes connected by aqueducts with pools within the city, so that the water could be drawn within the walls in time of siege. The so-called Pools of Solomon, three in number (see Fig. 3), situated about 10 miles by road from Jerusalem, are of large proportions and are fed by surface water and by aqueducts from springs. The water from these pools is conveyed in a wonderfully engineered course, known as the lower-level aqueduct, which searches the winding contours of the Judean hills for a distance of about 15 miles, before reaching its destination in "the great sea" under the Temple area. This aqueduct is still in use, but its date is uncertain (see G. A. Smith, Jerusalem, 131, where the author finds reason for ascribing it to the period of Herod). The course and destination of another aqueduct known as the high-level aqueduct is less definite. These aqueducts are of varying dimensions. The low-level aqueduct at a point just before it enters the Temple area was found to measure 3 ft. high x 2 ft. 3 inches wide, partly rock-cut and partly built, and rendered in smooth-troweled cement, with well-squared stone covers (see Palestine Exploration Fund, Excavations at Jerusalem, 53). There are many remains of rock-cut aqueducts throughout Palestine (see Fig. 4) which seem to indicate their use in early Hebrew times, but the lack of Old Testament references to these works is difficult to account for, unless it is argued that in some cases they date back to pre-Israelite times. The great tunnel and pool at Gezer lends a measure of support to this hypothesis. On the other hand, a plea for a Hebrew origin is also in a measure strengthened by the very slight reference in the Old Testament to such a great engineering feat as the cutting of the Siloam tunnel, which is doubtless the work of Hezekiah. The pool of Siloam was originally a simple rock-cut reservoir within the walls, and was constructed by Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 32:30). It measures 75 ft. x 71 ft. It is the upper pool of Isaiah 7:3. A lower overflow pool existed immediately beyond, contained by the city wall across the Tyropoeon valley. The aqueduct which supplies the upper pool takes a tortuous course of about 1,700 ft. through the solid rock from the Virgin's fountain, an intermittent spring on the East slope of the hill. The water reaches the pool on the Southwest of the spur of Ophel, and it was in the rock walls of this aqueduct that the famous Siloam inscription recording the completion of the work was discovered.
Herod embellished the upper pool, lining it with stone and building arches around its four sides (see Palestine Exploration Fund, Excavations at Jerusalem, 154), and the pool was most likely in this condition in the time of Christ (John 9:6, 7). There are numerous other pools, cisterns and aqueducts in and around Jerusalem, which provide abundant evidence of the continual struggle after water, made by its occupants of all times (see G. A. Smith, Jerusalem, chapter v, volume I).
See also PIT; WELL, etc.
6. Figurative Uses:
Good wives are described as cisterns (Proverbs 5:15). "The left ventricle of the heart, which retains the blood till it be redispersed through the body, is called a cistern" (Ecclesiastes 12:6). Idols, armies and material objects in which Israel trusted were "broken cisterns" (Jeremiah 2:13, see above) "soon emptied of all the aid and comfort which they possess, and cannot fill themselves again."
G. A. Smith, Jerusalem; Palestine Exploration Fund Memoirs, Jerusalem vol; Wilson, The Recovery of Jerusalem; Macalister, Bible Sidelights; Palestine Exploration Fund Statement; Bliss and Dickie, Excavations at Jerusalem; Josephus.
Arch. C. Dickie
berekhath hamelekh): This is possibly the Pool of Siloam (Nehemiah 2:14), and may have been so named as being near to the "king's garden."
pool, pond, rez'-er-vwar, rez'-er-vwar ((1) berekhah, "pool"; compare Arabic birkat, "pool"; compare berakhah, "blessing," and Arabic barakat, "blessing"; (2) agham, "pool," "marsh," "reeds"; compare Arabic 'ajam, "thicket," "jungle"; (3) miqwah, "reservoir," the King James Version "ditch" (Isaiah 22:11); (4) miqweh, "pond," the King James Version "pool" (Exodus 7:19); miqweh ha-mayim, English Versions of the Bible "gathering together of the waters" (Genesis 1:10); miqweh-mayim, "a gathering of water," the King James Version "plenty of water" (Leviticus 11:36); (5) kolumbethra, "pool," literally, "a place of diving," from kolumbao, "to dive"): Lakes (see LAKE) are very rare in Syria and Palestine, but the dry climate, which is one reason for the fewness of lakes, impels the inhabitants to make artificial pools or reservoirs to collect the water of the rain or of springs for irrigation and also for drinking. The largest of these are made by damming water courses, in which water flows during the winter or at least after showers of rain. These may be enlarged or deepened by excavation. Good examples of this are found at Diban and Madeba in Moab. Smaller pools of rectangular shape and usually much wider than deep, having no connection with water courses, are built in towns to receive rain from the roofs or from the surface of the ground. These may be for common use like several large ones in Jerusalem, or may belong to particular houses. These are commonly excavated to some depth in the soil or rock, though the walls are likely to rise above the surface. Between these and cylindrical pits or cisterns no sharp line can be drawn.
The water of springs may be collected in large or small pools of masonry, as the pool of Siloam (John 9:7). This is commonly done for irrigation when the spring is so small that the water would be lost by absorption or evaporation if it were attempted to convey it continuously to the fields. The pool (Arabic, birkat) receives the trickle of water until it is full. The water is then let out in a large stream and conducted where it is needed. (In this way by patient labor a small trickling spring may support much vegetation.)
'Agham does not seem to be used of artificial pools, but rather of natural or accidental depressions containing water, as pools by the Nile (Exodus 7:19; Exodus 8:5), or in the wilderness (Psalm 107:35; Psalm 114:8 Isaiah 14:23; Isaiah 35:7; Isaiah 41:18; Isaiah 42:15). In Isaiah 19:10 the rendering of the King James Version, "all that make sluices and ponds for fish," would be an exception to this statement, but the Revised Version (British and American) has "all they that work for hire shall be grieved in soul." Miqweh occurs with 'agham in Exodus 7:19 of the ponds and pools by the Nile. Berekhah is used of "the pool of Gibeon" (2 Samuel 2:13), "the pool in Hebron" (2 Samuel 4:12), "the pool of Samaria" (1 Kings 22:38), "the pools in Heshbon" (Songs 7:4), "the pool of Shelah," the King James Version "Shiloah" (Nehemiah 3:15); compare "the waters of Shiloah" (Isaiah 8:6). We read in Ecclesiastes 2:6, "I made me pools of water, to water therefrom the forest where trees were reared." There is mention of "the upper pool" (2 Kings 18:17 Isaiah 7:3; Isaiah 36:2), "the lower pool" (Isaiah 22:9), "the king's pool" (Nehemiah 2:14). Isaiah 22:11 has, "Ye made also a reservoir (miqwah) between the two walls for the water of the old pool (berekhah)." Kolumbethra is used of the pool of Bethesda (John 5:2, 4, 7) and of the pool of Siloam (John 9:7, 11).
Alfred Ely Day
2861. kolumbethra -- a pool ... a
pool. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: kolumbethra Phonetic Spelling:
(kol-oom-bay'-thrah) Short Definition: a
pool, swimming-place Definition
... // - 6k964. Bethesda -- Bethesda, a pool in Jer.
... 963, 964. Bethesda. 965 . Bethesda, a pool in Jer. ... Word Origin probably of Aramaic
origin Definition Bethesda, a pool in Jer. NASB Word Usage Bethesda (1). ...
// - 6k
4611. Siloam -- Siloam, a pool in Jer.
... 4610, 4611. Siloam. 4612 . Siloam, a pool in Jer. ... Word Origin of Hebrew origin
Shelach Definition Siloam, a pool in Jer. NASB Word Usage Siloam (3). Siloam. ...
// - 6k
1684. embaino -- to walk on, to step into, ie embark
... From en and the base of basis; to walk on, ie Embark (aboard a vessel), reach (a
pool) -- come (get) into, enter (into), go (up) into, step in, take ship. ...
// - 7k
Strong's Hebrew
98. agam -- a marsh, muddy pool... 97, 98. agam. 99 . a marsh, muddy
pool. Transliteration: agam Phonetic
Spelling: (ag-am') Short Definition:
pool. Word Origin from
... /hebrew/98.htm - 6k 1295. berekah -- a pool, pond
... 1294, 1295. berekah. 1296 . a pool, pond. Transliteration: berekah Phonetic
Spelling: (ber-ay-kaw') Short Definition: pool. Word ...
/hebrew/1295.htm - 6k
1360. gebe -- a cistern, pool
... 1359, 1360. gebe. 1361 . a cistern, pool. Transliteration: gebe Phonetic
Spelling: (geh'-beh) Short Definition: cistern. Word Origin ...
/hebrew/1360.htm - 5k
2521. Chelqath Hatstsurim -- a place near the pool of Gibeon
... a place near the pool of Gibeon. Transliteration: Chelqath Hatstsurim Phonetic Spelling:
(khel-kath' hats-tsoo-reem') Short Definition: Helkath-hazzurim. ...
/hebrew/2521.htm - 6k
4723. miqveh -- a hope
... abiding. abiding, gathering together, hope, linen yarn, plenty of water, pool
Or miqveh (1 Kings 10:28) {mik-vay'}; or miqvet (2 Chron. ...
/hebrew/4723.htm - 5k
1293. berakah -- a blessing
... blessing, liberal, pool, present. From barak; benediction; by implication prosperity --
blessing, liberal, pool, present. see HEBREW barak. 1292, 1293. ...
/hebrew/1293.htm - 6k
6322. Pul -- an Assyrian king
... Pul. 6323 . an Assyrian king. Transliteration: Pul Phonetic Spelling: (pool) Short
Definition: Pul. Word Origin of foreign origin Definition an Assyr. ...
/hebrew/6322.htm - 6k
100. agmon -- a rush, bulrush
... From the same as 'agam; a marshy pool (others from a different root, a kettle);
by implication a rush (as growing there); collectively a rope of rushes ...
/hebrew/100.htm - 6k
1521. Gichon -- "a bursting forth," one of the rivers of Eden ...
... Gihon. Or (shortened) Gichown {ghee-khone'}; from giyach; stream; Gichon, a river
of Paradise; also a valley (or pool) near Jerusalem -- Gihon. ...
/hebrew/1521.htm - 6k
5886. En Tannim -- "spring of dragons," a place near Jer.
... dragon well. From ayin and the plural of tan; fountain of jackals; En-Tannim, a
pool near Jerusalem -- dragon well. see HEBREW ayin. see HEBREW tan. 5885, 5886 ...
/hebrew/5886.htm - 6k
The Pool of Bethesda.
... CHRIST; HIS CHARACTER AND OFFICES. 221. " The Pool of Bethesda. 221.
LM6l. Barton. The Pool of Bethesda. 1 Around Bethesda's ...
/...// for christian devotion/221 the pool of.htm
The Pool of Bethesda. Jn 5:2-4
... JOHN Hymn 112 The pool of Bethesda. Jn 5:2-4. John Newton 6,6,8,6. The pool of Bethesda.
[14] Jn 5:2-4. Beside the gospel pool. Appointed for the poor; ...
// hymns/hymn 112 the pool of.htm
The Pool of Bethesda. Jn 5:2-4
... JOHN Hymn 113 The pool of Bethesda. Jn 5:2-4. John Newton 8,6,8,6. The pool of
Bethesda. John 5:2-4 [15]. Here at Bethesda's pool, the poor,. ...
// hymns/hymn 113 the pool of.htm
The Miracle at the Pool of Bethesda. --The Words of Christ in The
... CHRIST'S SECOND JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM. Section 143. The Miracle at the Pool of
Bethesda."The Words of Christ in the. Temple to the Man that was healed. ...
/.../section 143 the miracle at.htm
CM Bulfinch. The Pool of Bethesda.
... III. JESUS CHRIST. 116. CM Bulfinch. The Pool of Bethesda. 1 The aged sufferer
waited long Upon Bethesda's brink; Till hopes, once ...
/.../various/book of hymns for public and private devotion/116 c m bulfinch the.htm
Healing the Man at the Pool
... THE NEW TESTAMENT HEALING THE MAN AT THE POOL. ... In Jerusalem there is a pool
beside the sheep gate. In Hebrew it is called, Bethesda. ...
// childrens bible/healing the man at the.htm
On the Words of the Gospel, John v. 2, "Now There is in Jerusalem ...
... testament. Sermon LXXIV. On the words of the Gospel, John v. 2, "Now there
is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool," etc. [CXXIV. Ben.] ...
/.../sermons on selected lessons of the new testament/sermon lxxiv on the words.htm
Again in John v. 2, Etc. , on the Five Porches, Where Lay a Great ...
... Again in John v. 2, etc., on the five porches, where lay a great multitude of impotent
folk, and of the pool of Siloa. [CXXV. ... He that descended into the pool. ...
/.../sermons on selected lessons of the new testament/sermon lxxv again in john.htm
Use Made of Water by the Heathen Type of the Angel at the Pool of ...
... Chapter V."Use Made of Water by the Heathen Type of the Angel at the Pool
of Bethsaida. "Well, but the nations, who are strangers ...
// baptism/chapter v use made of water.htm
At the Unknown' Feast in Jerusalem, and by the Pool of Bethesda.
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xii at the unknown.htm
Pool (25 Occurrences)... Mention is made of the
pool of Gibeon (2 Samuel 2:13); the
pool of Hebron (4:12);
the upper
pool at Jerusalem (2 Kings 18:17; 20:20); the
pool of Samaria (1
.../p/pool.htm - 40kPond (2 Occurrences)
... 2. (vt) To make into a pond; to collect, as water, in a pond by damming. 3. (vt)
To ponder. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. POOL; POND; RESERVOIR. ...
/p/pond.htm - 12k
Reservoir (1 Occurrence)
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. POOL; POND; RESERVOIR. pool, pond,
rez'-er-vwar, rez'-er-vwar ((1) berekhah, "pool"; compare Arabic ...
/r/reservoir.htm - 12k
Bethesda (1 Occurrence)
... swimming bath") with five porches, close to the sheep-gate or Market (Nehemiah
3:1; John 5:2). Eusebius the historian (AD 330) calls it "the sheep-pool." It is ...
/b/bethesda.htm - 11k
Fuller's (4 Occurrences)
... A spot near Jerusalem (2 Kings 18:17; Isaiah 36:2; 7:3), on the side of the highway
west of the city, not far distant from the "upper pool" at the head of the ...
/f/fuller's.htm - 11k
Shiloah (1 Occurrence)
... shiloach or shilloach is a passive form and means "sent" or "conducted") "the waters
of (the) Shiloah" (Isaiah 8:6). (2) berekhath ha-shelach, "the pool of (the ...
/s/shiloah.htm - 17k
Siloah (1 Occurrence)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary Siloah, The pool of. Hebrews shelah; ie, "the dart", Nehemiah
3:15; with the art. shiloah, "sending,Isaiah 8:6 (Comp. 7:3)=Siloam (qv) ...
/s/siloah.htm - 17k
Pools (15 Occurrences)
... These pools derive their chief supply of water from a spring called "the sealed
fountain," about 200 yards to the north-west of the upper pool, to which it is ...
/p/pools.htm - 13k
Conduit (5 Occurrences)
... The "conduit of the upper pool" (Isaiah 7:3) was formed by Hezekiah for the purpose
of conveying the waters from the upper pool in the valley of Gihon to the ...
/c/conduit.htm - 9k
Siloam (4 Occurrences)
... Siloam, Pool of. Sent or sending. ... The water which flows into this pool intermittingly
by a subterranean channel springs from the "Fountain of the Virgin" (qv). ...
/s/siloam.htm - 21k
What happened at the Pool of Siloam? | GotQuestions.orgWhat happened at the Pool of Bethesda? | GotQuestions.orgWhat was/is the importance of the gates of Jerusalem? | GotQuestions.orgPool: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.comBible Concordance •
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