Petar Milin
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Papers by Petar Milin
The initial stage of language comprehension is a multi-label classi- fication problem. Listeners or readers, presented with an utterance, need to dis- criminate between the intended words and the tens of thousands of other words they know. We propose to address this problem by pairing a network trained with the learning rule of Rescorla and Wagner (1972) with a second network trained independently with the learning rule of Widrow and Hoff (1960). The first net- work has to recover from sublexical input features the meanings encoded in the language signal, resulting in a vector of activations over all meanings. The second network takes this vector as input and further reduces uncertainty about the in- tended meanings. Classification performance for a lexicon with 52,000 entries is good. The model also correctly predicts several aspects of human language com- prehension. By rejecting the traditional linguistic assumption that language is a (de)compositional system, and by instead espousing a discriminative approach (Ramscar, 2013), a more parsimonious yet highly effective functional characteri- zation of the initial stage of language comprehension is obtained.