Papers by Miomir M Jovanovic
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 2012
Сажетак: У раду се, компаративном анализом искустава западноевропских, богатих азијских метропола... more Сажетак: У раду се, компаративном анализом искустава западноевропских, богатих азијских метропола, метропола САД и земаља у развоју, оцењују домети економских мера заштите животне средине у сфери градског саобраћаја, пре свега-пореза и накнада. Издвојен утицај ових економских мера је занемарљив: порези и накнаде су тек део једног комплексног пакета мера из домена урбаног планирања и саобраћајне политике, усмерених на постизање одрживог урбаног развоја: 1. просторно-планерских мера којима се смањују укупне потребе за саобраћајем у граду, 2. лимитирања коришћења моторних возила и побољшавања њихове техничко-технолошке ефикасности, 3. промоције јавног градског саобраћаја, коришћења бицикла и пешачења. Кључне речи: порези и накнаде, градски саобраћај, животна средина, одрживи урбани развој, просторно планирање, градови САД, богати азијски градови, метрополе Трећег света.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015
Thermal Science, 2015
More than half of the global population now lives in towns and cities. At the same time, transpor... more More than half of the global population now lives in towns and cities. At the same time, transport has become the highest single energy-consuming human activity. Hence, one of the major topics today is the reduction of urban transport demand and of energy consumption in cities. In this article we focused on the whole package of instruments that can reduce energy consumption and transport demand in Belgrade, a city that is currently at a major crossroad. Belgrade can prevent a dramatic increase in energy consumption and CO2 emissions (and mitigate the negative local environmental effects of traffic congestion, traffic accidents and air pollution), only if it: 1) implements a more decisive strategy to limit private vehicles use while its level of car passenger km (PKT) is still relatively low; 2) does not try to solve its transport problems only by trying to build urban road infrastructure (bridges and ring roads); and 3) if it continues to provide priority movement for buses (a domin...
Forest Ecology and Conservation, Apr 19, 2017
Evidence convincingly shows that illegal and corrupt activities are the major underlying cause of... more Evidence convincingly shows that illegal and corrupt activities are the major underlying cause of deforestation-illegal logging contributes up to 30% of the global market, in excess of US $20 billion a year. Since so much deforestation is a result of illegal logging, we cannot rely on official production statistics to capture deforestation. Given the importance and complexity of forest preservation, an attempt was made to evaluate the possible use of a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in local forest management and prevention of illegal logging and corruption. We used the example of southern Serbian municipality Kursumlija that in the 2006-2011 periods experienced a 10% loss in forest area, as the obvious result of abrupt illegal logging. This process was very easy to locate and quantify (because illegal logging produced large canopy gaps that extend from the border of Kosovo to approximately 3-4 km into the Kursumlija's territory). In short, NDVI is very promising for countries like Serbia (that rarely perform forest inventories): It is relatively cheap and quick, and it can provide forest managers with essential information; it is easy to implement; the objectivity of these methods can significantly help in avoiding corruption and illegal logging.
Acta geographica Slovenica, 2018
Annual subscription/letna naročnina: 20 € for individuals/za posameznike, 28 € for institutions/z... more Annual subscription/letna naročnina: 20 € for individuals/za posameznike, 28 € for institutions/za ustanove. Single issue/cena posamezne številke: 12,50 € for individuals/za posameznike, 16 € for institutions/za ustanove. Cartography/kartografija: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU Translations/prevodi: DEKS, d. o. o. DTP/prelom: SYNCOMP, d. o. o. Printed by/tiskarna: Collegium Graphicum d. o. o. Print run/naklada: 400 copies/izvodov The journal is subsidized by the Slovenian Research Agency/revija izhaja s podporo Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016
In this paper we confront widely accepted global climate stabilization goals (70% reduction of CO... more In this paper we confront widely accepted global climate stabilization goals (70% reduction of CO 2 emissions) with the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) forecasts of future commercial aviation growth, in order to explore the real possibilities of realizing these climate stabilization goals. By using ICAO forecasts, we clearly show that, instead of the proclaimed 70% reduction of CO 2 emissions, air transport's CO 2 emissions are going to rise five-fold (4.9 times) in the 2005-40 period. But even if a 70% increase of aviation's energy efficiency and reduction of CO 2 emissions could be somehow (miraculously) achieved, CO 2 emissions of air transport would be higher by 50% in 2040 (than in 2005), due to the sudden increase in the volume of air-transport tourist trips. So, if the aim is to achieve ambitious energy consumption and GHG reduction for air transport within the next few decades, policies should aim at reducing total consumption, which means reducing VKT-not just vehicle-specific consumption. Due to the extremely high growth rates in the volume of air traffic, it is highly unlikely that technical progress of engines will be sufficient to reduce overall emissions or even keep them at today's levels. Hence, the policy focus should shift to more rigorous and efficient implementation of market-driven instruments, which, apart from creating incentives to develop and use low-emission technologies, can also reduce the demand for travel.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016
Focusing on the implementation of increas ingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect ... more Focusing on the implementation of increas ingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect of the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles on the degree of air pollution and energy consumption is completely neglected. All recent technological improvements and changes in the transport sector: sub stitution of fuels, increased use of diesel vehicles, direct gasoline injection, supercharg ing, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc., cannot offset massive growth in traffi c, combined with signifi cantly heavier, more powerful, more luxurious and thus more fuel-consuming vehicles. Hence, in this paper we focused on the carbon emissions and energy consumption of urban transport in Belgrade from an international perspective. Although the level of automobile CO 2 emissions in Belgrade is still very low at 228 CO 2 kg/per capita, due to the low volume of automobile passenger kilometres (1,502 pkm), the fact must not be overlooked that automobile mobility is of major importance to the total level of energy consumption in urban transport, and this can change surprisingly quickly. Only if Belgrade adopts transport and spatial development strategies similar to those applied by wealthy Asian metropolises at a similar stage of development is there high probability that its total urban transport CO 2 emissions will stop at a reasonable level of around 700-800 kg CO 2 /per capita. Belgrade can prevent a dramatic increase in CO 2 emissions and energy consumption (and mitigate the negative local environmental effects of traffi c congestion, traffi c accidents, and air pollution), only if it: 1. Implements a more decisive strategy to limit private vehicle use while its level of car passenger km (PKT) is still relatively low. 2. Does not try to solve its transport problems only by trying to build urban road infrastructure (bridges and ring roads). 3. Concentrates on more CO 2 and energy-effi cient urban transport systems, while at the same time …. 4. Developing urban rail systems (metro or LRT) with exclusive tracks that are immune to traffi c congestion on urban streets.
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2012
In this article possibilities of application of Kuznets Curve in the domain of urban development ... more In this article possibilities of application of Kuznets Curve in the domain of urban development and urban transport are tested. Comparative analysis of GRP per capita, local air pollutant and CO2 emission levels, and different urban and transport development strategies of world metropolises, clearly shows that EKC concept and I+M programs are highly overrated.
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2015
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2013
Belgrade?s main characteristics are: a) high densities, b) extremely high concentration of jobs i... more Belgrade?s main characteristics are: a) high densities, b) extremely high concentration of jobs in CBD and its central zone, c) very high level of usage of urban public transport and of pedestrian movements. According to the Newman - Kenworthy classification, Belgrade is a typical ?public transport city?, while due to its transport strategy Belgrade can be best described as a hybrid of the Thomson?s ?low cost strategy? (very high usage of buses) and ?strong centre strategy? (high concentration of jobs in it?s CBD). This type of spatial development and urban transport strategy is extremely sensitive to the rise of personal motorization and automobile usage. Since in Belgrade: a) main mode of transport are buses, b) streets are very narrow, c) although public transport oriented, Belgrade doesn?t have rail systems with separated, ?exclusive? right of way (metros, and light rail systems - traffic jams at Belgrade?s streets are extremely pronounced - number of vehicles per 1 km of street...
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog dru?tva, 2010
Сажетак: Развијене земље захватају највише светских енергетских ресурса, док су њихове сопствене ... more Сажетак: Развијене земље захватају највише светских енергетских ресурса, док су њихове сопствене резерве на издисају, а потрошња енергије им се и даље незадрживо повећава. Прави проблем ће настати тек када сиромашни свет (који за сада има занемарљиву потрошњу енергије, али и експлозивно нарастајући број становника) оствари знатно бржу стопу економског развоја. Уколико у наредним деценијама и метрополе Трећег света прихвате про-аутомобилски образац урбаног развоја ниских густина насељеностито ће донети стварно несагледиве последице-14 пута већу укупну потрошњу енергије и 9 пута већу укупну емисију CО 2. Кључне речи: концепт критичног одрживог развоја, потрошња енергије, амерички градови, метрополе Трећег света * е-mail:
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2014
The analysis of the interdependence of transport strategy and the portion of urban land given ove... more The analysis of the interdependence of transport strategy and the portion of urban land given over to traffic attains its full meaning only in the light of drastically different spatial/physical characteristics of world cities. Advocates of the pro-automobile transport strategy are persistent in their support of the hypothesis that along with the increase in the degree of motorisation of a population, the share of urban land needed for transport unavoidably increases. But it is exactly this spatial aspect that makes transport strategy of the large, proautomobile oriented US cities (that occupy few thousand square kilometres and have extremely low population densities), completely inadequate for the compact, densely populated cities of developing countries and countries in transition. Distinctive features of large cities of the developing world and countries in transition: monocentric, compact spatial structure and extremely high urban densities, are the main causes of extremely high...
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2014
The fundamental aims of sustainable urban development and the pro-automobile oriented economic de... more The fundamental aims of sustainable urban development and the pro-automobile oriented economic development are on a collision course. It is obvious that automobile-dependent urban development is under heavy/powerful influence of the automobile lobby (automobile and oil industries, along with construction). In this domain famous land-use-transportation studies (or ?grand transportation studies?) are, unfortunately, still prevailing - a vicious circle of self-fulfilling prophecy of congestion, road building, sprawl, congestion and more road building. Until recently, it was commonly thought that investment in public transport was not economically sustainable and that focusing on the development of the automobile industry and financing the construction of roadways stimulated economic growth. In this paper we clearly show that automobile industry is now overcapitalized, less profitable than many other industries (and may become even less profitable in the future), that transport market i...
disP - The Planning Review, 2014
More than half of the global population now lives in towns and cities. At the same time, transpor... more More than half of the global population now lives in towns and cities. At the same time, transport has become the highest single energy-consuming human activity. Hence, one of the major topics today is the reduction of urban transport demand and of energy consumption in cities. In this article we focused on the whole package of instruments that can reduce energy consumption and transport demand in Belgrade, a city that is currently at a major crossroad. Belgrade can prevent a dramatic increase in energy consumption and CO2 emissions (and mitigate the negative local environmental effects of traffic congestion, traffic accidents and air pollution), only if it: 1) implements a more decisive strategy to limit private vehicles use while its level of car passenger km (PKT) is still relatively low; 2) does not try to solve its transport problems only by trying to build urban road infrastructure (bridges and ring roads); and 3) if it continues to provide priority movement for buses (a domin...
Извод: Сва скорашња технолошка побољшања у сфери саобраћаја: коришћење енергетски ефикаснијих гор... more Извод: Сва скорашња технолошка побољшања у сфери саобраћаја: коришћење енергетски ефикаснијих горива, пораст учешћа дизел-возила, побољшано (директно) убризгавање горива, увођење електричних и хибридних возила итд., нису у стању да пониште ефекат драматичног пораста обима путничких километара, нити све већег коришћења знатно тежих, комфорнијих, енергетски све захтевнијих моторних возила. Све оштрији стандарди везани за квалитет горива и технологију мотора, не представљају спасоносно решење ни за проблеме потрошње енергије, нити за емисију CO 2. Фокусирањем искључиво на стандарде се, у ствари, само занемарује утицај наглог пораста коришћења моторних возила на потрошњу енергије и загађење ваздуха. Стога смо се у овом раду оријентисали на тржишне економске инструменте који могу да смање обим тражње за саобраћајемпосебно на изазове примене трансферабилних дозвола у саобраћају. Кључне речи: саобраћај, потрошња енергије, емисија CО 2 , економски инструменти, трансферабилне дозволе
A dramatic change is presently occurring on the global tourism market. The newest tendencies are ... more A dramatic change is presently occurring on the global tourism market. The newest tendencies are characterized by the onset of hypermobility, especially in the form of the large growth of air transport, the largest consumer of energy and CO2 issuer. Hypermobility-made possible by the expansion of so-called "low-cost" airlines, growth of the general level of education, standard of living and extra free time-in industrially developed countries is rapidly leading to global effects that are increasingly negative for the environment. The further uncontrolled trend of hypermobility is, of course, in dramatic collision with the basic principles of sustainable development.
Focusing on the implementation of increas ingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect ... more Focusing on the implementation of increas ingly strict energy and emission standards, the effect of the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles on the degree of air pollution and energy consumption is completely neglected. All recent technological improvements and changes in the transport sector: sub stitution of fuels, increased use of diesel vehicles, direct gasoline injection, supercharg ing, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc., cannot offset massive growth in traffic, combined with significantly heavier, more powerful, more luxurious and thus more fuel-consuming vehicles. Hence, in this paper we focused on the carbon emissions and energy consumption of urban transport in Belgrade from an international perspective. Although the level of automobile CO 2 emissions in Belgrade is still very low at 228 CO 2 kg/per capita, due to the low volume of automobile passenger kilometres (1,502 pkm), the fact must not be overlooked that automobile mobility is of major importance to th...
Papers by Miomir M Jovanovic