Papers by Snežana Ferjančić
Živa Antika, 2017
This paper aims to examine the social status and role of Roman veterans in the municipal life in ... more This paper aims to examine the social status and role of Roman veterans in the municipal life in Moesia Superior. The epigraphic evidence suggests that discharged soldiers rarely took an active part in the administration of the towns chosen for their retirement. This picture is in accordance with the situation throughout the Roman Empire. Legionary and auxiliary veterans are attested as decurions and magistrates of the municipia and colonies of Moesia Superior. Some of them were wealthy enough to finance the construction of temples or baths. Most of the veterans who took active part in the municipal administration and public life of their communities had served as duplicarii in the army. Their satisfactory economic and social situation made them willing to undertake municipal offices and duties.
Starinar, 2016
During the archaeological excavations performed in 1969/70 at the northern necropolis of Sirmium,... more During the archaeological excavations performed in 1969/70 at the northern necropolis of Sirmium, around the Basilica of St Synerotes, a few sepulchral slabs with inscriptions and symbols of Early Christian character were discovered. The inscription on one slab, which reads: [?1 ? M]arturiu/[s p]incerna /[C]onstanti/[I]nperatori/[s(!)qui] vixsit(!) an/n[is] nonag/inta una cu/m matron/a sua Man/
Zeitschrift Fur Papyrologie Und Epigraphik, 2009
Starinar, 2013
A fragmentary marble inscription, preserved in the Museum of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica, seems to ... more A fragmentary marble inscription, preserved in the Museum of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica, seems to mention the basilica of St. Anastasia: [In dom]o beati[ssimae dominae nost]re Anast[asiae. This monument provides epigraphic evidence on the cult place of the martyr in Sirmium, already recorded by written sources. According to the Passion of St. Demetrius, the church of St. Anastasia had already existed in Sirmium when Leontius, praetorian prefect of Illyricum, started the construction of the basilica of St. Demetrius. Although the find spot of the plate is not known, the finds of Ostrogothic coins next to the northern city wall imply that the basilica of St. Anastasia was located in that zone of the city, as the Ostrogoths highly respected the Martyr. It is possible that it should be identified with a martyrium leaning against the northern city wall that had been unearthed and then destroyed at the end of the 19th century.
Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2022
V članku so predstavljeni rimski spomeniki iz Rogatice in njene okolice (Republika Srbska, Bosna ... more V članku so predstavljeni rimski spomeniki iz Rogatice in njene okolice (Republika Srbska, Bosna in Hercegovina), odkriti v letih 2014 in 2016. Rimska naselbina, najverjetneje municipij, je bila povzdignjena na raven kolonije v 3. st. in je ležala na vzhodnem robu rimske province Dalmacije. Med novoodkritimi spomeniki avtorja opišeta oltar, posvečen bogovoma Liberu in Liberi, oltar, posvečen Najboljšemu in največjemu Jupitru, ter fragmentarno ohranjen kamen z neopredeljivo moško upodobitvijo. Kulta Libera in Jupitra sta v epigrafskem materialu Rogatice že izpričana.The paper presents new Roman epigraphic finds from the city of Rogatica (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Hercegovina) and its vicinity, discovered in 2014 and 2016. The Roman settlement, possibly a municipium promoted to the rank of a colony during the 3rd century AD, was located in the eastern reaches of the province of Dalmatia. New finds include two altars, one dedicated to Liber and Libera, and the other, partially pre...
The Danubian Lands between the Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas
The province of Illyricum, established shortly after Octavian's Illyrian war and divided into Ill... more The province of Illyricum, established shortly after Octavian's Illyrian war and divided into Illyricum Superius (Dalmatia) and Illyricum Inferius (Pannonia) during or after the Pannonian-Dalmatian Rebellion, was garrisoned by several legions and various auxiliary regiments. The list of auxilia includes an ala Pannoniorum. Epigraphic evidence from Dalmatia and Pannonia provides some information on its relocation, as well as on its recruitment. Under Augustus, the regiment was in Dalmatia. It was relocated to Pannonia ca. 15 AD. At the beginning of Vespasian's reign, the ala Pannoniorum was transferred to Moesia Inferior. Its return to the Pannonian section of the Danubian limes is dated after the Marcommanic War of Marcus Aurelius. Belonging to the army of Pannonia Inferior, the unit was probably stationed in the fortress of Cusum. Epigraphic evidence allows us to glimpse certain patterns of its recruitment during the first sojourn in Illyricum. It appears that it was conscripted among the bellicose tribes of the Iberian Peninsula and the indigenous population of the southern Pannonia.
This paper is a collection of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of inscription... more This paper is a collection of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of inscriptions from the National Museum in Belgrade. Some of these were discovered in the present-day Serbia and Macedonia, but for the most of them the exact find spots are unknown. The majority of the fragments is published for the first time. Those that are republished are presented with new and improved readings and comments.This paper is a collection of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of inscriptions from the National Museum in Belgrade. Some of these were discovered in the present-day Serbia and Macedonia, but for the most of them the exact find spots are unknown. The majority of the fragments is published for the first time. Those that are republished are presented with new and improved readings and comments
Tyche, 2018
The paper presents a publication of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of insc... more The paper presents a publication of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of inscriptions from the National Museum in Belgrade. Some of these were discovered in the present-day Serbia and Macedonia, but for the most of them the exact find spots are unknown. The majority of the fragments are published for the first time. Those that are republished are presented with new and improved readings and comments.
the century of the bra ve stoljeĆe hrabrih 2018 the century of the brave stoljeĆe hrabrih roman... more the century of the bra ve stoljeĆe hrabrih 2018 the century of the brave stoljeĆe hrabrih roman conquest and indigenous resistance in illyricum during the time of augustus and his heirs ISBN 978-953-175-609-9 THE CENTURY OF THE BRAVE Roman conquest and indigenous Resistance in illyRicum duRing the time of augustus and his heiRs STOljEćE HRABRIH Rimsko osvajanje i otpoR staRosjedilaca u iliRiku za vRijeme augusta i njegovih nasljednika pRoceedings of the inteRnational confeRence zagReb, 22-26. 9. 2014. The aim of this paper would be to examine the patterns of recruitment of auxiliary regiments which garrisoned Illyricum during the reign of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Scant epigraphic evidence allows us only to glimpse general principles of conscription. Inscriptions seem to indicate two distinct sources of new soldiers. The alae and cohorts of Illyricum were conscripted in the areas where they had been raised. Local recruitment started as early as the first half of the first century AD. It seems that the main bulk of recruits came from the tribes of southern Pannonia, an area which has been under the Roman rule and influence since Augustus' reign.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 2016
In the last decade, the Roman city of Viminacium, the capital of Moesia Superior, has yielded a n... more In the last decade, the Roman city of Viminacium, the capital of Moesia Superior, has yielded a number of new Greek and Latin inscriptions and fragments. Most of the fi nds presented in this article were discovered during archaeological excavations on various sites in the city, carried out under the guidance of Dr Miomir Korać, Director of the project Viminacium -Roman City and Legionary Fortress. Our intention was to present them without delay to the wider scientifi c public. 1 1. Limestone altar with base and triangular crowning member, broken at top and damaged on the right side, found on the coal seam Drmno near the village of Kličevac. 2 Dim. H. 61 × W. 31 (39-40 base and crowning) × Th. 29.5 (31) cm. Letter height 3-5 cm ( .
A fragmentary marble inscription, preserved in the Museum of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica, seems to ... more A fragmentary marble inscription, preserved in the Museum of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica, seems to mention the basilica of St. Anastasia: ¡In dom¿o beati¡ssimae dominae nost¿re Anast¡asiae ---. This monument provides epigraphic evidence on the cult place of the martyr in Sirmium, already recorded by written sources. According to the Passion of St. Demetrius, the church of St. Anastasia had already existed in Sirmium when Leontius, praetorian prefect of Illyricum, started the construction of the basilica of St. Demetrius.
Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije, Jan 1, 2010
Filosofski fakultet, Beograd VOTA SOLVERUNT LIBENTES MERITO PRILOG IZUÅAVANJU RELIGIJE RIMSKE VOJ... more Filosofski fakultet, Beograd VOTA SOLVERUNT LIBENTES MERITO PRILOG IZUÅAVANJU RELIGIJE RIMSKE VOJSKE U GORNJOJ MEZIJI APSTRAKT: Meðu pripadnicima gornjomezijskog garnizona koji su ispunjavali zavete bogovima najåešãe su posvedoåeni obiåni vojnici i principales. Analiza hijerarhije unutar jedinica ukazuje da su principales posvetili najveãi broj spomenika. Oni su bili imuãniji od obiånih vojnika, jer su primali jednu i po ili dvostruko veãu platu. Kao dedikanti votivnih spomenika posvedoåeni su, u znatno manjem broju, oficiri i zapovednici jedinica iz viteškog, odnosno senatorskog staleÿa. Jedan broj natpisa posvetile su åitave jedinice ili njihove veksilacije. kao cornicularius mogao sluÿiti u oficijumu legata, tribuna ili prefekta legije ¡¢ Flavia: cf. A. von Domaszewski, Die Rangordnung des römischen Heeres (Einl.136 16 IMS ¡¡ 46. Mirkoviã, loc. cit. pomišlja da je nosilac kognomena pripadao autohtonom stanovništvu. -O uåestalosti kognomena Gaius u Gornjoj Meziji cf. OPEL ¡¡ 159. 17 Breeze, JRS 61 (n. 15), 1971, 134. 138 27 B. Dobson, Die Primipilares. Entwicklung und Bedeutung, Laufbahnen und Persönlichkeiten eines römischen Offiziersranges, Köln 1978, 68 sqq. 28 B. Lõrincz, Die römischen Hilfstruppen in Pannonien während der Prinzipatszeit. Teil I: Die Inschriften, Wien 2001, 44. 29 Lõrincz, Hilfstruppen (n. 28), 40. 30 Cf. S. Dušaniã, IMS I p. 106; J. Fitz, Die Verwaltung Pannoniens in der Römerzeit II, Budapest 1993, 833, n°502. 31 Devijver, PME C 196 pretpostavlja da je na Kosmaju boravila kohorta XVIII voluntariorum, ali je to malo verovatno. Kohorta I Ulpia Pannoniorum je, kao cohors equitata, bila pogodnija za zaštitu rudniåkih revira (o konjiåkim kohortama i rudnicima cf. S. Dušaniã, Army and Mining in Moesia Superior, u: Kaiser, Heer und Gesellschaft in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 2000, 347 sqq.).
Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije, Jan 1, 2009
Praetorian veterans living in the central Balkan provinces fall into two distinct groups, accordi... more Praetorian veterans living in the central Balkan provinces fall into two distinct groups, according to the motives that guided them to settle there. The majority had simply decided to return to their homes. The second group consists of soldiers originating in other parts of the Empire. Some of them might have received land-grants during the first century A.D., while others possibly went back to where they had served for a certain time.
Papers by Snežana Ferjančić
A number of inscriptions found in Cacak and its vicinity mention beneficiarii consularis from the second and third century A.D. Beneficiarii consularis protected mining districts and supervised ore transports in the region. In the last decades of the second century, after 170, the border station was garrisoned by the newly formed cohort II milliaria Delmatarum, under the command of Ti. Claudius Gallus. Tiberius Claudius Gallus should be identified with the senator of the same name, consul suffectus and governor of Numidia and Dacia at the beginning of the third century.
The collection of the museum kept the altars dedicated to Roman deities Jupiter, Mars, Diana, Genius loci and to Egyptian deities Serapis and Isis.