Papers by Slobodan Malobabic

Scripta Medica, 2016
Introduction. We researched the morphometric asymmetry of the extrasulcal surfaces of the human p... more Introduction. We researched the morphometric asymmetry of the extrasulcal surfaces of the human posterior parietal cortex (precuneus-PEC and superior parietal lobule-SPL). Aim of the study. Our aim was to examine potential asymmetries of the extrasulcal surfaces of the PEC and SPL with multiscalar analysis of surface, cortical thickness and neuronal volume densities using our previous morphometric data. Material and methods. On 20 brains (40 hemispheres) of adults we measured the length of the hemispheres and extrasulcal surfaces of the PEC and SPL. The sum of value of hemispheric length and the sum of PEC and SPL extrasulcal surfaces obtained total numerical scores for potential distinct differentiation of brains with larger left or right hemispheres. Results. Brains (15) with larger left hemispheres had average extrasulcal surfaces of SPL: left-15.04 cm 2 ; right 16.51 cm 2 ; of PEC: left 12.9 cm 2 ; right 10.15 cm 2. The average length of the left hemispheres in these brains was 17.23 cm, and the average length of the right hemispheres was 16.74 cm. The total numerical score for left hemispheres was 45.17, and for right hemispheres 43.40. In fi ve brains with larger right hemispheres the average extrasulcal surfaces of SPL were: left 15.47cm 2 ; right 17.24cm 2 ; of PEC: left 12.02 cm 2 ; right 12.2 cm 2. In the brains with larger right hemispheres the average right hemispheric length was 17.4cm, and the average left hemispheric length was 16.9 cm. In this group the total numerical score for right hemispheres was 46.84, and for left hemispheres 44.39. Conclusion. The obtained morphometric parameters clearly distinguished two groups of brains, majority (fi fteen) with larger left hemispheres, and few (fi ve) with larger right hemispheres. Also, our data indicate that human right precuneus deserves further careful studies by multiscale approaches.

Medicinski …, 2010
Materijal i metode Istrazivanje je vrseno na 42 mozga (84 hernisfere) bez patoloskih promena koj ... more Materijal i metode Istrazivanje je vrseno na 42 mozga (84 hernisfere) bez patoloskih promena koj i poticu od odraslih osoba oba pola (26 muskaraca i 16 zena, starosti 20-65 godina). Po fiksaciji 1I 10% rastvoru formalina tokom 3-4 nedelje napravljeni Sll mediosagitalni preseci, a zatim su skidane rnozdane ovojnice. Medijalnu stranu mozga fotografisali smo digitalnim Sazetak-Analiza morfoloskih tipova i ekstrasulkusne (vidljive) povrsine girusa cinguli obuhvatila je 42 mozga (84 hemisfere) odraslih (26 rnuskaraca i 16 zena, 20-65 godina). Po fiksiranju 10% formalinorn i disckciji vrsena je morfoloska tipizacija. Standardizovana digitalna AutoCAD planimetrija ekstrasulkusne povrsine girusa cinguli vrsena je u koordinatnom sistemu interkomisuralne linije. Opisali smo tri morfoloska tipa girusa cinguli:kontinuirani (34,5%). segmentirani (35.7%) i dvostruki paralelni tip (29,8%). Nema statisticki znacajnih razlika u ucestalosti ovih tipova girusa cinguli prema strani (desna/leva) iIi polu osoba (p>0.05). Ekstrasulkusna povrsina girusa cinguli na levim (14.58 cnr') statisticki je znacajno vcca (p<0,05) nego na desnim hemisferama (13,45 crrr'). Takode je signifikantno veca (p<0.05) ekstrasulkusna povrsina levog girusa cinguli muskaraca (15.9 ern") ncgo zena (13.6 ern"). dok za desnu vijugu razlika nije bila signifikantna. 1ako sarna rnorfoloska analiza to nije pokazala. digitalna planimetrija ckstrasulkusne povrsine girusa cinguli pokazala je paIne i desno-leve morfometrijske razlike.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

Current Psychopharmacology, 2013
Despite considerable efforts to identify neuroanatomical markers of disturbed midline structure d... more Despite considerable efforts to identify neuroanatomical markers of disturbed midline structure development in patients with schizophrenia, results have been mixed. There remains a great deal of debate as to whether patients with schizophrenia exhibit a higher prevalence of cavum septi pellucidi (CSP) than healthy controls and as to whether an absence of ahesio interthalamica (AI) is evident in most patients. Inconsistent findings may be due to differences in methodology, in the criteria for CSP or the small sample size of previous studies. We investigated the prevalence of these two neuroanatomical markers, large CSP (>6mm in length) and a noted absence of AI, in postmortem brain specimens collected from 479 autopsied cadavers (64.7% male). Main inclusion criteria included an absence of macroscopic changes on brain parenchyma and a post mortem interval within 12 hours after death. The overall prevalence of an absent AI was 14.82%. Among those within the sample with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (25 subjects) the prevalence of AI absence was 22.22%. Isolated analysis for AI absence did not discriminate patients with schizophrenia from healthy individuals or from other patient subgroups with detectable CSP. While neither the presence of larger CSP nor the absence of AI alone could distinguish patients with schizophrenia from health controls, in combination these markers differentiated symptomatic individuals from healthy subjects and from symptomatic patients with small CSP (<6mm). These findings suggest that when considered collectively, these two abnormalities may represent an important neuroanatomical marker of midline abnormalities in schizophrenia. However, further studies are needed to understand the developmental stage at which these changes occur and to better understand how these disturbances relate to the clinical symptoms of schizophrenia.

Acta Veterinaria
Morphometric parameters of the lateral ventricle choroid plexus epithelial cells (average area, p... more Morphometric parameters of the lateral ventricle choroid plexus epithelial cells (average area, perimeter, bounding rectangle area, average nuclear area, nuclear perimeter, nuclear circularity and average nucleocytoplasmic ratio) were studied in postnatal and juvenile (10th, 16th and 38th postnatal days) 15 male and 15 female rats. The results were statistically analyzed by factorial ANOVA. Mean values of epithelial cells area, bounding rectangle area and perimeter were significantly higher in 16 days old, than in 10 and 38 days old rats. Opposite to this, the nucleocytoplasmic ratio was lower in the 16 days old, than in 10 and 38 days old rats. Average nuclear area and perimeter showed similar trends, while nuclear circularity increased from the 10th to the 38th day. Significant sex differences were in the epithelial cells area, bounding rectangle area and perimeter, being higher in males than in females in both 16 and 38 days groups. Nucleocytoplasmic ratio was higher in 10 days o...
Journal of Bone Joint Surgery British Volume, Mar 1, 2004
Zbornik. Vojnomedicinska akademija (Yugoslavia)
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
AHce~HjoM aprepsrja jerpe aa 76 nernesa o6a TIona pa3JI!H' 'lliTOr .lKJHBOTHOT ,Il;06a, ,I1;OUlJJ... more AHce~HjoM aprepsrja jerpe aa 76 nernesa o6a TIona pa3JI!H' 'lliTOr .lKJHBOTHOT ,Il;06a, ,I1;OUlJJiH CMO go crrenehax nonaraxa:

Poslednjih godina veci broj autora opisuje slucajeve "sjndroma kornpresije cehjacnog stabla" (Gar... more Poslednjih godina veci broj autora opisuje slucajeve "sjndroma kornpresije cehjacnog stabla" (Garvin i sar.;' Lord i sar.," Marable i sar.,« Snyder i sar.t+), odnosno "sindrom lig. arcuatum medianuma" (Suttonvn, ,iIi, pak, navode slucajeve koji po svemu odgovaraju ovom sindromu (Drapanas», Mihas i sar.", Mikkelsen !i sar.!v, Palubinskas i sar.r'. Rob13). Mnogi klinicari smatraju da je u nekih njihovih bolesnika uzrok abdominalnih tegoba pritisak koji vrsi gornja 'ivica aorticnog otvora dijafragme (hiatus aorticus-Ha) na pocetni deo celijacnog stabla. avo su Drapanas», Garvin», Marable i sar.? rendgenoloski dokazali. U pnilog ovome gOVOI1i i cinjenica da jednostavno presecanje prednje, odnosno gornje ivice RA, koju neki autori nazivaju sredisnjorn lucnom vezom (lig. arcuatum medianum), dovodi do iscezavanja tegoba i izlecenja najveceg broja bolesnika (Drapanas», Lord i sar.5, Marablesi. Medutim, -ima autora koji tvrde cia je uzrok pomenutih stanja jos uvek nejasan (Snyder i SaJr.14), ili pak, dokazuju da glavni autonomni splet trbusne duplje (plexus celiacus), svojim gangldonirna, nervnim vlaknima i okolnim vezivom pritiska na celijacno stablo (truncus celiacus-TA), sto dovodi do Ishemicnog bola (Edwardssi.

KLjUCNE RECI: Willis-ov krug. Zadnja komunikantna arterija. Zadnja mozdana arterija. Bazilarna ar... more KLjUCNE RECI: Willis-ov krug. Zadnja komunikantna arterija. Zadnja mozdana arterija. Bazilarna arterija. Unutrasrua karotidna arterija. Aplazija. H ipoplazi]a. IZVOD: Zadnji segment Willis-ovog kruga formiraju a. communicans posterior i proksimalni deo a.-e cerebri posterior. Komponente zadnjeg segmenta smo proucaoali na 86 sueiih ili fiksiranih preparata mozga. Ustanovili smo da kod zadnje komunikantne arterije postoje sledece varijacije: a) aplazija suda (1,2%); b) hipoplazija (25,6%) -obostrano (140f0), na levoj strani (8,10f0), na desnoj strani (3,5010); c) »hiperplazija« -na desnoj strani (11,5010), na levoj strani (7010), obostrano (2,4010); d) odsustvo anastomoze sa zadnjom mozdanom arterijom (2,4%). Kod a.-e cerebri posterior registrovali smo tri nacina nastanka: a) bazilarni (82,5010), b) karotidni (10,5%) i c) mesouiti (7010). Anastomoticni sud izmedu a.-e cerebri posterior i a.-e basilaris bio je hipoplasticaa kod 5,7010, a aplastican kod 4,8010. Zadnii segment Willis-ovog kruga podelili smo na dva osnovna tipa: »norrnalni« i insujicijentni. lnsuficijentni tip mo ie da bude relativno, signifikantno i apsolutno insuficijentan. Ovaj poslednji tip je od velikog klinickog znacaja. KEY WORDS: Circle of Willis. Posterior communicating artery. Posterior cerebral artery. Basilar artery. Internal carotid artery. Aplasia. Hypoplasia. ABST RACT: The posterior segment of the circle of Willis is formed from the posterior communicating artery and the proximal part of the posterior cerebral artery. We studied the components of the posterior part on 86 brains, fresh or fixed in formaldechyde. We found out that the posterior communicating artery has the following variations: a) vessel aplasia (1,2 % ); b) hypoplasia (25,60/0) -on both sides (140/0), on the left side (8,1010), on the right side (3,5010); c) "hyperplasia" -on the right side (11,50/0), on the left side (70/0), on both sides (2,40/0); d) absence of the anastomose with the posterior cerebral artery (2,4%). We registered three ways of the origin of the posterior cerebral artery: a) basilar (82,5 % ), b) carotid (10,50/0), c) mixed (70/0). The anastomose vessel between the posterior cerebral artery and the basilar artery was hypoplastic in 5,7 % and aplastic
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
KLJUcNE REO: Unutrasnja karotidna arterija. Intrakavernozni segment. Defekt misicnog sloja. Aneur... more KLJUcNE REO: Unutrasnja karotidna arterija. Intrakavernozni segment. Defekt misicnog sloja. Aneurizme. IZVOD: Na intrakavernornom segmentu unutrasnje karotidne arterije naden je deiekt misicnog sloja (osoba zenskog pola, 50 godina). Zbog znacaia defekta misicnog sloja za objasniavanje inace nejasne patogeneze intrakranijalnih aneurizmi, pri-510 se detaljnoj analizi ovog slucaia. Autori su, uz. koriscenje histohemijskih i histoloskin metoda, opisali dva razlicita dela dejekta misicnog sloja: pr elazni deo, sa delimicno ocuvanom gradom zida arterije, ideo pravog deiekta, gde je zid suda najtanji. I ako postoje svi teorijski uslovi za nastanak aneurizme, nje nema.
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo

Gegenbaurs morphologisches Jahrbuch
In 50 human brains, we investigated the size of the ad haesio inter thalamica, length of CA-CP in... more In 50 human brains, we investigated the size of the ad haesio inter thalamica, length of CA-CP ine, position of the centre of adhaesio interthalamica, and the distance between the corpus callosum and adhaesio interthalamica. Interthalamic adhesion was absent in 11 brains (22 %) and was duplicated in 1 brain. In all 50 brains, length of the intercommissuralline (CA-CP) had a mean value of 2,56 em, in brains with the interthalamic adhesion 2,48 ern, and 2,56 cm in brains without it. t-test for this difference showed no significant result for a probability of 0,05 (t = 1,95). Midsagittal section area of ad haesio interthalamica had a mean value of 13,1 mrn? (min = 1,5 mrn": max = 34 mm-). There is no correlation between the length of CA-CP line and the size of the midsagittal section area of ad haesio interthalamica (the correlation coefficient was 0,06). The centre of adhaesio intert.halarnica was most often situated above the CA-CP line and around the perpendicular line through its middle portion. The distance between the corpus callosum and intert.halarnio adhesion, measured in standardized system of CA-CP line, had a mean value 1,4 cm (min = 0,7 crn ,
Anatomischer Anzeiger
11 encephalometric parameters oj the corpus callosum and medial hemispheric surface have been mea... more 11 encephalometric parameters oj the corpus callosum and medial hemispheric surface have been measured on 50 human brains fixed in 7 % formaline solution. The measurement of linear parameters has been made by using a standardized en cephalometric system of reference, based on the bicommissural line which has been widely used in neurosurgery.
Papers by Slobodan Malobabic