Persons with disabilities often face barriers that hinder their ability to access information eff... more Persons with disabilities often face barriers that hinder their ability to access information effectively. This study presents results of a survey which was conducted in the second half of 2022, on the topic of the accessibility of information for persons with disabilities in Serbia, as well as their means of communication. A convenience sample of 111 individuals with physical and/or sensory disabilities, with basic digital literacy, aged 18 to 59, was surveyed through the mediation of associations of persons with disabilities. The findings reveal the usage patterns, preferences, and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in accessing information. It has been found that the internet (99.10%), social networks (91.89%), and specialized platforms (79.28%) are prominent sources of information. Although specialized applications for communication and telephone communication are widely used, personal contact communication (96.40% very often or often) is still the prevalent method of communication. Public institutions and state authorities are perceived as inadequately adapted to the needs of individuals with disabilities. The findings underscore the need for continued efforts to improve accessibility infrastructure and implement inclusive design principles to bridge the information gap for individuals with disabilities in Serbia.
In this paper, mountains and hills are being studied in the context of sacred geocultural heritag... more In this paper, mountains and hills are being studied in the context of sacred geocultural heritage. Some of the key events in the history of Judeo-Christianity took place in mountains, which is why sacred geography is studied jointly with cultural history. History of the Jewish people described in the Old Testament is inseparable from the mountains, especially from the high Mount Sinai, while the relief elevations from the New Testament (the Mount of Olives, Tabor, Golgotha) belong to low mountains. In high mountains and hard-to-reach mountainous relief areas there are numerous Orthodox holy sites listed as the UNESCO cultural heritage, such as St. Catherine's Monastery, Mount Athos, Meteora, the medieval city of Lalibela in Ethiopia, and the Rila Monastery.
U radu se razmatra na koji način je ideja o multidisciplinarnosti uticala na razvitak i tokove is... more U radu se razmatra na koji način je ideja o multidisciplinarnosti uticala na razvitak i tokove istraživanja veštačke inteligencije. Prati se njena istorija od nastanka do pojave ključnih zastoja koji su pretili da prekinu dalji napredak.
The paper discusses in what way the idea of multidisciplinarity has influenced the development and streams of research in artificial intelligence. It follows its history from its advent to the occurrence of key deadlocks that threatened to discontinue further progress. The significance of artificial intelligence for the military is reflected in the capability of conducting the operations with no human losses and with reduced use of energy sources. Many disciplines have been involved in the development of this area. One of the characteristics of artificial intelligence is continuous reliance and comparison of the research to knowledge in neuroscience and knowledge related to learning processes. Marvin Minsky's idea on the way the human brain learns is presented. The focus of the paper is an analysis of the turning point in the development of artificial intelligence. Innovative knowledge leading to the resolution of the problem is pointed out. This approach comes from Marvin Minsky and his ability to deeply understand the development and research crisis where the area of artificial intelligence has been.
Religion in Late Modern Society (A Thematic Collection of Papers of International Significance), 2022
The current crisis has pointed out weaknesses and raised issues concerning the religious situatio... more The current crisis has pointed out weaknesses and raised issues concerning the religious situation in the newly formed circumstances-in conditions of pandemic, war, isolation. The Internet with its growing influence on social patterns, and the metaverse as a proposed unique virtual world which is assumed to be the future in development of the global network, represent a new space for these challenges. Given that there is still no ethical consensus on virtual world issues, this paper discusses the possible implications of interactions in the virtual reality of the metaverse. Based on the current factual situation and assumptions, an analysis of the dichotomous relationship between the actual religious rites practice in the physical world and the expected virtual religious practice in the metaverse, was performed. Theoretical bases have been laid for further considerations of the influence of the metaverse phenomenon on religious behavior/practice, and on individual and social life, as well as for considerations of the responses that religion should give to the topical, set challenges. It was concluded that under certain conditions the metaverse can be an opportunity to respond to some of the challenges that religious communities face.
Vizantijsko-slovenska čtenija II [Byzantine-Slavic readings II], 2019
U cilju sagledavanja kreativnog procesa u radu je korišćen Valasov obrazac pomoću kojeg su pojedi... more U cilju sagledavanja kreativnog procesa u radu je korišćen Valasov obrazac pomoću kojeg su pojedinačne faze kreativnog procesa upoređene sa različitim tipovima komunikacije. Ovakvim pristupom pokazuje se da je tokom kreativnog procesa razmena informacija konstantno prisutna. Svaki vid komunikacije ima za cilj formiranje određene i jedinstvene informacije koja delu daje autentičnost. Opisanim fazama dodata je još jedna koja je prisutna na određenim delima sakralne umetnosti. Proučavanjem kreativnog procesa na ovakav način primećuje se da se značaj umetničkog dela može uporediti i sa njegovim dosegom u sferi komunikacije.
In order to examine a creative process in this paper, the Wallas' four-stage model was used, through which the individual phases of a creative process were compared with different types of communication. This approach shows that during the creative process an exchange of information is constantly present. Each type of communication aims at forming a specific and unique information that gives the work its authenticity. As a supplement to the described phases, one additional phase which is present in certain works of sacred art, is given. By examining the creative process in this way, it can be seen that a significance of the artwork can be compared to its reach in the domain of communication.
Vizantijsko-slovenska čtenija I [Byzantine-Slavic readings I], 2018
U radu je istaknuta povezanost istraživanja, očuvanja i prezentacije nasleđa, multidisciplinarnog... more U radu je istaknuta povezanost istraživanja, očuvanja i prezentacije nasleđa, multidisciplinarnog pristupa i crkvenih studija. Ta veza je uslov za formiranje istraživanja i prezentaciju nasleđa koje teže celovitosti i verodostojnoj interpretaciji. Prikazani su aktuelni i planirani budući projekti i istraživanja. Postoji trend ovakvog pristupa baštini u našoj zemlji, kao i u regionu. Kao nosioci ideje o integrativnom pristupu nasleđu u taj tok uključeni su Centar za crkvene studije, Međunarodni centar za pravoslavne studije i Centar za vizantijsko-slovenske studije svojom istraživačkom platformom, izdavaštvom, organizovanjem skupova i učešćem u osnivanju i aktivnostima Međunarodne naučne mreže Pax Byzantino-Slava.
Paper highlights the connection between research, preservation and presentation of heritage, multidisciplinary approach and church studies. This connection is a ground base for research and presentation of heritage that strive for integrity and credible interpretation. Current and planned future projects and researches are presented. This kind of approach to heritage is a trend in our country, as well as in the region. As bearers of the idea of integrative approach to heritage, The Center for Church Studies, The International Center for Orthodox Studies and The Center for Byzantine-Slavic Studies belong to this flow, with their research platform, publishing, organizing conferences and participating in founding of International Research Network Pax Byzantino-Slava.
Zbornik radova konferencije Razvoj astronomije kod Srba IX / Proceedings of the Conference Development of аstronomy аmong Serbs IX, 2018
Rad predstavlja težnju za objektivnim sagledavanjem i vrednovanjem pregaoca na polju nauke i obra... more Rad predstavlja težnju za objektivnim sagledavanjem i vrednovanjem pregaoca na polju nauke i obrazovanja koji su bili začetnici prirodnih nauka kod Srba. Dokumentovano je pojavljivanje imena i dela Pavla Kenđelca u međunarodnim izvornicima. Izvori na nemačkom jeziku iz 30-ih i 40-ih godina 19. veka su putopis Reise in Serbien im Spätherbst 1829, časopis Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, putopis Das Fürstenthum Serbien, seine Bewohner, deren Sitten und Gebräuche, enciklopedija Universal-Lexikon, oder Vollständiges encyclopädisches Wörterbuch, kao i njeno prošireno izdanje Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart oder Neuestes encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe. Na engleskom jeziku izvor je Historical View of the Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations, objavljen 1850. godine. Zapaže se da je u dva pomenuta putopisa Kenđelčevo delo Jestestvoslovije svrstano u odeljak Matematičke nauke, fizika, prirodna istorija.
This work aims to objectively observe and evaluate those acters in the field of science and education who were founders of natural sciences among Serbs. Appearance of the name and works of Pavle Kengelac in international sources is documented here. Sources in German from the 30's and 40's of the 19th century are a travelogue Reise in Serbien im Spätherbst 1829, a journal Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, a travelogue Das Fürstenthum Serbien, seine Bewohner, deren Sitten und Gebräuche, an encyclopedia Universal-Lexikon, oder Vollständiges encyclopädisches Wörterbuch, as well as its extended edition Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart oder Neuestes encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe. In English, source is Historical View of the Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations, which was published in 1850. It can be noticed that Kengelac’s work Јестествословије was classified in chapter Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Natural History (Mathematische Wissenschaften, Physik, Naturgeschichte).
In the paper, authors report on the interdisciplinary and extremely complex link between wavelets... more In the paper, authors report on the interdisciplinary and extremely complex link between wavelets and stochastic processes. An insight into the history of wavelets has been provided presenting the fundamental conception of wavelets, as well as wavelet theory that emerged from stochastic processes. The multiresolution analysis corresponds to the Kolmogorov system which is a regular stationary stochastic process. It presents a significant link to the measurement problem in terms of positional notation which the wavelet domain hidden Markov model should be derived from. The optimal representation arises to be an issue requiring further elaboration extended to the general measurement and wavelet frames.
U radu se ispituju uslovi nastanka buducih naucnih radova i parametri koji prate njihov nastanak.... more U radu se ispituju uslovi nastanka buducih naucnih radova i parametri koji prate njihov nastanak. Traži se odgovor na pitanje uloge i odlika pojedinca i drustva, saznanja koje iz toga proistice, kao i mesto Vojske u tim odnosima u buducnosti. Razmatraju se pretpostavljeni problemi iz nauke (ukljucujuci i takozvane poznate probleme) i stavljaju se u kontekst zajednickih tema nauke i teologije, cemu se pridodaje analiza i ocena samog postojanja zajednickih tema. Izložena su sadasnja i buduca interesovanja u vezi sa svetloscu, odnosno pocetne tacke futuristicke razvojne industrije. Zapitano je o mogucnostima primene novih resursa u komunikaciji. Predoceno je pitanje katastrofa, njihova podela i, u okviru toga, perspektiva sagledavanja zajednickih akcija nauke i teologije, kao teme od interesa za Vojsku. Dat je komentar o bioetici u buducnosti. Time je postignut uvid u razmere saradnje nauke i teologije u buducoj odbrani. Zakljuceno je da se problemi sažimaju i uviđa da multidisciplinar...
Tokom 80-ih godina 20. veka saradnici Centra za multidisciplinarne studije Univerziteta u Beograd... more Tokom 80-ih godina 20. veka saradnici Centra za multidisciplinarne studije Univerziteta u Beogradu i Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti realizovali su prvu fazu projekta u okviru kojeg su ispitivane opeke monumentalnih srpskih građevina srednjeg veka prevashodno sakralnog tipa. Tema ovog multidisciplinarnog projekta se može posmatrati iz domena nauke o materijalima kao proučavanje tehnika pripreme građevinskog materijala u srednjem veku, ali se uporedo može posmatrati i kroz prizmu crkvenih studija u kojima se savremenim metodama proučavaju manastiri srednjeg veka. Prvi rezultati istraživanja obuhvatali su prezentovanje istorije upotrebe opeke u prominentnim državama antike kao i u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, te eksperimentalno-savremeni deo. Objavljeni rezultati obogaćeni su foto-dokumentacijom koja sadrži atlas mikrostruktura, fotografije detalja manastira i fotografije samih manastira sa kratkim istorijskim opisom. Studije su respektabilni prilog koji je naučnoj, ali i široj populaciji u periodu oskudice materijala o srpskim manastirima učinio dostupnim rezultate istraživanja, kao i bogatu foto-dokumentaciju.
During the 1980s, the associates of the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CMS) of the University of Belgrade and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) finished the first phase of the project which deals with the examination of bricks from the monumental medieval Serbian buildings primarily of sacral type. The topic of this multidisciplinary project can be viewed from the domain of materials science as a study of preparation techniques of construction materials in the Middle Ages, but it can also be viewed through the prism of church studies in which medieval monasteries are studied by contemporary methods. The first results included the presentation of the history of bricks usage in prominent countries of antiquity and in medieval Serbia, as well as the contemporary experimental part. The published results were enriched by photo documentation which contains the atlas of microstructures, photographs of monastery details and photographs of monasteries themselves with brief historical descriptions. The studies are respectable contribution that made the results of the research, as well as the rich photo documentation, available to the scientific and wider population in the period of the scarcity of materials about Serbian monasteries.
Obrazovni aspekti srednjovekovnog srpskog zidnog slikarstva prisutni su u školskoj nastavi, kao i... more Obrazovni aspekti srednjovekovnog srpskog zidnog slikarstva prisutni su u školskoj nastavi, kao i u nastavnim planovima i programima za sve cikluse u obrazovnom sistemu Republike Srbije. Učenici imaju priliku da se upoznaju sa osnovama živopisa od osnovne škole kroz nastavne jedinice iz Likovne kulture, Istorije, Srpskog jezika i književnosti, Crtanja, slikanja i vajanja i Verske nastave. Primećeni istorijski diskontinuitet u teorijskom izučavanju i razumevanju vizantijskog i srpskog zidnog slikarstva jedan je od razloga da se istraživanje usmeri ka obrazovnim aspektima ovog vida slikarstva. Cilj rada je da se sagleda aktuelno stanje što bi predstavljalo polaznu tačku za formiranje preporuka za njegovo unapređenje.
Educational aspects of medieval Serbian wall painting are present in school teaching, as well as in curricula for all cycles in the education system of the Republic of Serbia. Students have the opportunity to learn about the basics of fresco painting from elementary school through the teaching units of Art, History, Serbian language and literature, Drawing, painting and sculpting, and Religious teaching. The observed historical discontinuity in the theoretical study and understanding of Byzantine and Serbian wall painting is one of the reasons to deal with their educational aspects in this paper. The goal of the paper is to review the current situation, which would be the starting point for the formation of recommendations for its improvement.
This paper synthesizes the work of a Serbian physics professor, Đorđe Stanojević, in the field of... more This paper synthesizes the work of a Serbian physics professor, Đorđe Stanojević, in the field of recording and preserving heritage. His practical activities in the form of documenting and promoting the historical, Orthodox, cultural, natural, and musical heritage, as well as the attitude he showed about this topic are likewise included here. Stanojević had a leading role in the Belgrade Singing Society, compiling a rich photo-documentation of Serbian Orthodox sacred material, local communities, landscapes, and folk dresses, as well as working on the preparation of texts for yearly calendars. In his public address he supported the necessity of heritage protection and its importance. The way in which his role of people’s representative was perceived by the famous Serbian poet and physician Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, is correlated with his activities. The legacy of this distinguished person from the second half of the 19th and the first few decades of the 20th century demonstrates the union of cultural, historical, and scientific heritage.
The complexity in the styles of 1200 Byzantine icons painted between 13th and 16th from Greece, R... more The complexity in the styles of 1200 Byzantine icons painted between 13th and 16th from Greece, Russia and Romania was investigated through the Kolmogorov algorithmic information theory. The aim was to identify specific quantitative patterns which define the key characteristics of the three different painting schools. Our novel approach using the artificial surface images generated with Inverse FFT and the Midpoint Displacement (MD) algorithms, was validated by comparison of results with eight fractal and non-fractal indices. From the analyzes performed, normalized Kolmogorov compression complexity (KC) proved to be the best solution because it had the best complexity pattern differentiations, is not sensitive to the image size and the least affected by noise. We conclude that normalized KC methodology does offer capability to differentiate the icons within a School and amongst the three Schools.
APSTRAKT: U radu je istorija holografije obrađena na heuristički način. Takođe, kroz primere je p... more APSTRAKT: U radu je istorija holografije obrađena na heuristički način. Takođe, kroz primere je problematizovana i metodologija istorijskog istraživanja. Akcenat je na epistemološkim i istorijskim aspektima otkrića, kao i na načinu na koji se može do njega doći. Istorija holografije predstavljena je dvodelno. Prvi deo izlaže problem predistorije, koji je i najzastupljeniji u radu. Pri tom, navedeni su mogući obrasci predistorije. Drugi deo je prikaz istorije razvoja holografije, sa naglaskom na rani period (1947-1971), u okviru kojeg je dat osvrt na rad istaknutog predstavnika Denisa Gabora. Izlaganje je dopunjeno primenom, a pružen je i osnovni pregled uticaja holografije na umetnost.
The accessibility of public facilities and the availability of their content represent a moral im... more The accessibility of public facilities and the availability of their content represent a moral imperative and an obligation to society. Unhindered movement and the participation in public and cultural life is a legal obligation under the Constitution and is one of the main postulates of human rights and freedoms. Also, to deny someone education and their creative potential is a violation of various laws. People with disabilities are able to work, earn, produce and engage in all social and economic developments in a country. In economic terms, their potential is huge. The facilitation of access to cultural events and archaeological sites presents a great potential for culture, tourism and economy. The survey on accessibility, conducted with the management of the sites of Mediana, Caricin Grad, Vrelo-Sarkamen, Ravna, Gamzigrad, Viminacijum, Vinca and Sirmium is integrated into this paper.
Changes in religiosity that took place in Serbia in the 1980s and 1990s have been a subject of so... more Changes in religiosity that took place in Serbia in the 1980s and 1990s have been a subject of sociological studies, but they can also be reviewed by having insight into paradigmatic research literature and scientific projects of the time. In the period of scarce publications about Orthodox heritage, and the rise of religious-theological publications, researchers from the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies of the University of Belgrade (CMS) and SASA investigated the composition and structure of Serbian monastery bricks. From 1981 to 1998, several publications on the topic of monastery bricks appeared, in which the academician and head of the CMS materials science group Momčilo Ristić had a prominent role. The work of the researchers gathered around the joint venture was motivated by their desire to explore national culture, tradition and history, and inspired by the durability of building materials and their aesthetic value. Realized at the time of desecularization, this project contributed to the promotion of Orthodox heritage in Serbia. The first phase involved medieval Serbian monasteries, while the second included the monasteries of Fruška Gora. The project whose conception and context are studied in this paper, is a connection of methods and techniques used by materials science on one side, with medieval studies, archaeology and history of art, architecture, science and technology studies on the other. For the CMS researchers, it was not a one-off initiative finished at the end of the last century, as this type of research continued throughout the first and the second decade of the 21 st century.
Persons with disabilities often face barriers that hinder their ability to access information eff... more Persons with disabilities often face barriers that hinder their ability to access information effectively. This study presents results of a survey which was conducted in the second half of 2022, on the topic of the accessibility of information for persons with disabilities in Serbia, as well as their means of communication. A convenience sample of 111 individuals with physical and/or sensory disabilities, with basic digital literacy, aged 18 to 59, was surveyed through the mediation of associations of persons with disabilities. The findings reveal the usage patterns, preferences, and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in accessing information. It has been found that the internet (99.10%), social networks (91.89%), and specialized platforms (79.28%) are prominent sources of information. Although specialized applications for communication and telephone communication are widely used, personal contact communication (96.40% very often or often) is still the prevalent method of communication. Public institutions and state authorities are perceived as inadequately adapted to the needs of individuals with disabilities. The findings underscore the need for continued efforts to improve accessibility infrastructure and implement inclusive design principles to bridge the information gap for individuals with disabilities in Serbia.
In this paper, mountains and hills are being studied in the context of sacred geocultural heritag... more In this paper, mountains and hills are being studied in the context of sacred geocultural heritage. Some of the key events in the history of Judeo-Christianity took place in mountains, which is why sacred geography is studied jointly with cultural history. History of the Jewish people described in the Old Testament is inseparable from the mountains, especially from the high Mount Sinai, while the relief elevations from the New Testament (the Mount of Olives, Tabor, Golgotha) belong to low mountains. In high mountains and hard-to-reach mountainous relief areas there are numerous Orthodox holy sites listed as the UNESCO cultural heritage, such as St. Catherine's Monastery, Mount Athos, Meteora, the medieval city of Lalibela in Ethiopia, and the Rila Monastery.
U radu se razmatra na koji način je ideja o multidisciplinarnosti uticala na razvitak i tokove is... more U radu se razmatra na koji način je ideja o multidisciplinarnosti uticala na razvitak i tokove istraživanja veštačke inteligencije. Prati se njena istorija od nastanka do pojave ključnih zastoja koji su pretili da prekinu dalji napredak.
The paper discusses in what way the idea of multidisciplinarity has influenced the development and streams of research in artificial intelligence. It follows its history from its advent to the occurrence of key deadlocks that threatened to discontinue further progress. The significance of artificial intelligence for the military is reflected in the capability of conducting the operations with no human losses and with reduced use of energy sources. Many disciplines have been involved in the development of this area. One of the characteristics of artificial intelligence is continuous reliance and comparison of the research to knowledge in neuroscience and knowledge related to learning processes. Marvin Minsky's idea on the way the human brain learns is presented. The focus of the paper is an analysis of the turning point in the development of artificial intelligence. Innovative knowledge leading to the resolution of the problem is pointed out. This approach comes from Marvin Minsky and his ability to deeply understand the development and research crisis where the area of artificial intelligence has been.
Religion in Late Modern Society (A Thematic Collection of Papers of International Significance), 2022
The current crisis has pointed out weaknesses and raised issues concerning the religious situatio... more The current crisis has pointed out weaknesses and raised issues concerning the religious situation in the newly formed circumstances-in conditions of pandemic, war, isolation. The Internet with its growing influence on social patterns, and the metaverse as a proposed unique virtual world which is assumed to be the future in development of the global network, represent a new space for these challenges. Given that there is still no ethical consensus on virtual world issues, this paper discusses the possible implications of interactions in the virtual reality of the metaverse. Based on the current factual situation and assumptions, an analysis of the dichotomous relationship between the actual religious rites practice in the physical world and the expected virtual religious practice in the metaverse, was performed. Theoretical bases have been laid for further considerations of the influence of the metaverse phenomenon on religious behavior/practice, and on individual and social life, as well as for considerations of the responses that religion should give to the topical, set challenges. It was concluded that under certain conditions the metaverse can be an opportunity to respond to some of the challenges that religious communities face.
Vizantijsko-slovenska čtenija II [Byzantine-Slavic readings II], 2019
U cilju sagledavanja kreativnog procesa u radu je korišćen Valasov obrazac pomoću kojeg su pojedi... more U cilju sagledavanja kreativnog procesa u radu je korišćen Valasov obrazac pomoću kojeg su pojedinačne faze kreativnog procesa upoređene sa različitim tipovima komunikacije. Ovakvim pristupom pokazuje se da je tokom kreativnog procesa razmena informacija konstantno prisutna. Svaki vid komunikacije ima za cilj formiranje određene i jedinstvene informacije koja delu daje autentičnost. Opisanim fazama dodata je još jedna koja je prisutna na određenim delima sakralne umetnosti. Proučavanjem kreativnog procesa na ovakav način primećuje se da se značaj umetničkog dela može uporediti i sa njegovim dosegom u sferi komunikacije.
In order to examine a creative process in this paper, the Wallas' four-stage model was used, through which the individual phases of a creative process were compared with different types of communication. This approach shows that during the creative process an exchange of information is constantly present. Each type of communication aims at forming a specific and unique information that gives the work its authenticity. As a supplement to the described phases, one additional phase which is present in certain works of sacred art, is given. By examining the creative process in this way, it can be seen that a significance of the artwork can be compared to its reach in the domain of communication.
Vizantijsko-slovenska čtenija I [Byzantine-Slavic readings I], 2018
U radu je istaknuta povezanost istraživanja, očuvanja i prezentacije nasleđa, multidisciplinarnog... more U radu je istaknuta povezanost istraživanja, očuvanja i prezentacije nasleđa, multidisciplinarnog pristupa i crkvenih studija. Ta veza je uslov za formiranje istraživanja i prezentaciju nasleđa koje teže celovitosti i verodostojnoj interpretaciji. Prikazani su aktuelni i planirani budući projekti i istraživanja. Postoji trend ovakvog pristupa baštini u našoj zemlji, kao i u regionu. Kao nosioci ideje o integrativnom pristupu nasleđu u taj tok uključeni su Centar za crkvene studije, Međunarodni centar za pravoslavne studije i Centar za vizantijsko-slovenske studije svojom istraživačkom platformom, izdavaštvom, organizovanjem skupova i učešćem u osnivanju i aktivnostima Međunarodne naučne mreže Pax Byzantino-Slava.
Paper highlights the connection between research, preservation and presentation of heritage, multidisciplinary approach and church studies. This connection is a ground base for research and presentation of heritage that strive for integrity and credible interpretation. Current and planned future projects and researches are presented. This kind of approach to heritage is a trend in our country, as well as in the region. As bearers of the idea of integrative approach to heritage, The Center for Church Studies, The International Center for Orthodox Studies and The Center for Byzantine-Slavic Studies belong to this flow, with their research platform, publishing, organizing conferences and participating in founding of International Research Network Pax Byzantino-Slava.
Zbornik radova konferencije Razvoj astronomije kod Srba IX / Proceedings of the Conference Development of аstronomy аmong Serbs IX, 2018
Rad predstavlja težnju za objektivnim sagledavanjem i vrednovanjem pregaoca na polju nauke i obra... more Rad predstavlja težnju za objektivnim sagledavanjem i vrednovanjem pregaoca na polju nauke i obrazovanja koji su bili začetnici prirodnih nauka kod Srba. Dokumentovano je pojavljivanje imena i dela Pavla Kenđelca u međunarodnim izvornicima. Izvori na nemačkom jeziku iz 30-ih i 40-ih godina 19. veka su putopis Reise in Serbien im Spätherbst 1829, časopis Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, putopis Das Fürstenthum Serbien, seine Bewohner, deren Sitten und Gebräuche, enciklopedija Universal-Lexikon, oder Vollständiges encyclopädisches Wörterbuch, kao i njeno prošireno izdanje Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart oder Neuestes encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe. Na engleskom jeziku izvor je Historical View of the Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations, objavljen 1850. godine. Zapaže se da je u dva pomenuta putopisa Kenđelčevo delo Jestestvoslovije svrstano u odeljak Matematičke nauke, fizika, prirodna istorija.
This work aims to objectively observe and evaluate those acters in the field of science and education who were founders of natural sciences among Serbs. Appearance of the name and works of Pavle Kengelac in international sources is documented here. Sources in German from the 30's and 40's of the 19th century are a travelogue Reise in Serbien im Spätherbst 1829, a journal Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, a travelogue Das Fürstenthum Serbien, seine Bewohner, deren Sitten und Gebräuche, an encyclopedia Universal-Lexikon, oder Vollständiges encyclopädisches Wörterbuch, as well as its extended edition Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart oder Neuestes encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe. In English, source is Historical View of the Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations, which was published in 1850. It can be noticed that Kengelac’s work Јестествословије was classified in chapter Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Natural History (Mathematische Wissenschaften, Physik, Naturgeschichte).
In the paper, authors report on the interdisciplinary and extremely complex link between wavelets... more In the paper, authors report on the interdisciplinary and extremely complex link between wavelets and stochastic processes. An insight into the history of wavelets has been provided presenting the fundamental conception of wavelets, as well as wavelet theory that emerged from stochastic processes. The multiresolution analysis corresponds to the Kolmogorov system which is a regular stationary stochastic process. It presents a significant link to the measurement problem in terms of positional notation which the wavelet domain hidden Markov model should be derived from. The optimal representation arises to be an issue requiring further elaboration extended to the general measurement and wavelet frames.
U radu se ispituju uslovi nastanka buducih naucnih radova i parametri koji prate njihov nastanak.... more U radu se ispituju uslovi nastanka buducih naucnih radova i parametri koji prate njihov nastanak. Traži se odgovor na pitanje uloge i odlika pojedinca i drustva, saznanja koje iz toga proistice, kao i mesto Vojske u tim odnosima u buducnosti. Razmatraju se pretpostavljeni problemi iz nauke (ukljucujuci i takozvane poznate probleme) i stavljaju se u kontekst zajednickih tema nauke i teologije, cemu se pridodaje analiza i ocena samog postojanja zajednickih tema. Izložena su sadasnja i buduca interesovanja u vezi sa svetloscu, odnosno pocetne tacke futuristicke razvojne industrije. Zapitano je o mogucnostima primene novih resursa u komunikaciji. Predoceno je pitanje katastrofa, njihova podela i, u okviru toga, perspektiva sagledavanja zajednickih akcija nauke i teologije, kao teme od interesa za Vojsku. Dat je komentar o bioetici u buducnosti. Time je postignut uvid u razmere saradnje nauke i teologije u buducoj odbrani. Zakljuceno je da se problemi sažimaju i uviđa da multidisciplinar...
Tokom 80-ih godina 20. veka saradnici Centra za multidisciplinarne studije Univerziteta u Beograd... more Tokom 80-ih godina 20. veka saradnici Centra za multidisciplinarne studije Univerziteta u Beogradu i Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti realizovali su prvu fazu projekta u okviru kojeg su ispitivane opeke monumentalnih srpskih građevina srednjeg veka prevashodno sakralnog tipa. Tema ovog multidisciplinarnog projekta se može posmatrati iz domena nauke o materijalima kao proučavanje tehnika pripreme građevinskog materijala u srednjem veku, ali se uporedo može posmatrati i kroz prizmu crkvenih studija u kojima se savremenim metodama proučavaju manastiri srednjeg veka. Prvi rezultati istraživanja obuhvatali su prezentovanje istorije upotrebe opeke u prominentnim državama antike kao i u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, te eksperimentalno-savremeni deo. Objavljeni rezultati obogaćeni su foto-dokumentacijom koja sadrži atlas mikrostruktura, fotografije detalja manastira i fotografije samih manastira sa kratkim istorijskim opisom. Studije su respektabilni prilog koji je naučnoj, ali i široj populaciji u periodu oskudice materijala o srpskim manastirima učinio dostupnim rezultate istraživanja, kao i bogatu foto-dokumentaciju.
During the 1980s, the associates of the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CMS) of the University of Belgrade and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) finished the first phase of the project which deals with the examination of bricks from the monumental medieval Serbian buildings primarily of sacral type. The topic of this multidisciplinary project can be viewed from the domain of materials science as a study of preparation techniques of construction materials in the Middle Ages, but it can also be viewed through the prism of church studies in which medieval monasteries are studied by contemporary methods. The first results included the presentation of the history of bricks usage in prominent countries of antiquity and in medieval Serbia, as well as the contemporary experimental part. The published results were enriched by photo documentation which contains the atlas of microstructures, photographs of monastery details and photographs of monasteries themselves with brief historical descriptions. The studies are respectable contribution that made the results of the research, as well as the rich photo documentation, available to the scientific and wider population in the period of the scarcity of materials about Serbian monasteries.
Obrazovni aspekti srednjovekovnog srpskog zidnog slikarstva prisutni su u školskoj nastavi, kao i... more Obrazovni aspekti srednjovekovnog srpskog zidnog slikarstva prisutni su u školskoj nastavi, kao i u nastavnim planovima i programima za sve cikluse u obrazovnom sistemu Republike Srbije. Učenici imaju priliku da se upoznaju sa osnovama živopisa od osnovne škole kroz nastavne jedinice iz Likovne kulture, Istorije, Srpskog jezika i književnosti, Crtanja, slikanja i vajanja i Verske nastave. Primećeni istorijski diskontinuitet u teorijskom izučavanju i razumevanju vizantijskog i srpskog zidnog slikarstva jedan je od razloga da se istraživanje usmeri ka obrazovnim aspektima ovog vida slikarstva. Cilj rada je da se sagleda aktuelno stanje što bi predstavljalo polaznu tačku za formiranje preporuka za njegovo unapređenje.
Educational aspects of medieval Serbian wall painting are present in school teaching, as well as in curricula for all cycles in the education system of the Republic of Serbia. Students have the opportunity to learn about the basics of fresco painting from elementary school through the teaching units of Art, History, Serbian language and literature, Drawing, painting and sculpting, and Religious teaching. The observed historical discontinuity in the theoretical study and understanding of Byzantine and Serbian wall painting is one of the reasons to deal with their educational aspects in this paper. The goal of the paper is to review the current situation, which would be the starting point for the formation of recommendations for its improvement.
This paper synthesizes the work of a Serbian physics professor, Đorđe Stanojević, in the field of... more This paper synthesizes the work of a Serbian physics professor, Đorđe Stanojević, in the field of recording and preserving heritage. His practical activities in the form of documenting and promoting the historical, Orthodox, cultural, natural, and musical heritage, as well as the attitude he showed about this topic are likewise included here. Stanojević had a leading role in the Belgrade Singing Society, compiling a rich photo-documentation of Serbian Orthodox sacred material, local communities, landscapes, and folk dresses, as well as working on the preparation of texts for yearly calendars. In his public address he supported the necessity of heritage protection and its importance. The way in which his role of people’s representative was perceived by the famous Serbian poet and physician Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, is correlated with his activities. The legacy of this distinguished person from the second half of the 19th and the first few decades of the 20th century demonstrates the union of cultural, historical, and scientific heritage.
The complexity in the styles of 1200 Byzantine icons painted between 13th and 16th from Greece, R... more The complexity in the styles of 1200 Byzantine icons painted between 13th and 16th from Greece, Russia and Romania was investigated through the Kolmogorov algorithmic information theory. The aim was to identify specific quantitative patterns which define the key characteristics of the three different painting schools. Our novel approach using the artificial surface images generated with Inverse FFT and the Midpoint Displacement (MD) algorithms, was validated by comparison of results with eight fractal and non-fractal indices. From the analyzes performed, normalized Kolmogorov compression complexity (KC) proved to be the best solution because it had the best complexity pattern differentiations, is not sensitive to the image size and the least affected by noise. We conclude that normalized KC methodology does offer capability to differentiate the icons within a School and amongst the three Schools.
APSTRAKT: U radu je istorija holografije obrađena na heuristički način. Takođe, kroz primere je p... more APSTRAKT: U radu je istorija holografije obrađena na heuristički način. Takođe, kroz primere je problematizovana i metodologija istorijskog istraživanja. Akcenat je na epistemološkim i istorijskim aspektima otkrića, kao i na načinu na koji se može do njega doći. Istorija holografije predstavljena je dvodelno. Prvi deo izlaže problem predistorije, koji je i najzastupljeniji u radu. Pri tom, navedeni su mogući obrasci predistorije. Drugi deo je prikaz istorije razvoja holografije, sa naglaskom na rani period (1947-1971), u okviru kojeg je dat osvrt na rad istaknutog predstavnika Denisa Gabora. Izlaganje je dopunjeno primenom, a pružen je i osnovni pregled uticaja holografije na umetnost.
The accessibility of public facilities and the availability of their content represent a moral im... more The accessibility of public facilities and the availability of their content represent a moral imperative and an obligation to society. Unhindered movement and the participation in public and cultural life is a legal obligation under the Constitution and is one of the main postulates of human rights and freedoms. Also, to deny someone education and their creative potential is a violation of various laws. People with disabilities are able to work, earn, produce and engage in all social and economic developments in a country. In economic terms, their potential is huge. The facilitation of access to cultural events and archaeological sites presents a great potential for culture, tourism and economy. The survey on accessibility, conducted with the management of the sites of Mediana, Caricin Grad, Vrelo-Sarkamen, Ravna, Gamzigrad, Viminacijum, Vinca and Sirmium is integrated into this paper.
Changes in religiosity that took place in Serbia in the 1980s and 1990s have been a subject of so... more Changes in religiosity that took place in Serbia in the 1980s and 1990s have been a subject of sociological studies, but they can also be reviewed by having insight into paradigmatic research literature and scientific projects of the time. In the period of scarce publications about Orthodox heritage, and the rise of religious-theological publications, researchers from the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies of the University of Belgrade (CMS) and SASA investigated the composition and structure of Serbian monastery bricks. From 1981 to 1998, several publications on the topic of monastery bricks appeared, in which the academician and head of the CMS materials science group Momčilo Ristić had a prominent role. The work of the researchers gathered around the joint venture was motivated by their desire to explore national culture, tradition and history, and inspired by the durability of building materials and their aesthetic value. Realized at the time of desecularization, this project contributed to the promotion of Orthodox heritage in Serbia. The first phase involved medieval Serbian monasteries, while the second included the monasteries of Fruška Gora. The project whose conception and context are studied in this paper, is a connection of methods and techniques used by materials science on one side, with medieval studies, archaeology and history of art, architecture, science and technology studies on the other. For the CMS researchers, it was not a one-off initiative finished at the end of the last century, as this type of research continued throughout the first and the second decade of the 21 st century.
Mnogoletna pisanja sabrasmo u jedno : tematski zbornik posvećen profesoru Dragiši Bojoviću, 2024
Pojedini afirmisani dvadesetovekovni naučni stvaraoci koji su obrazovani u oblasti matematike, fi... more Pojedini afirmisani dvadesetovekovni naučni stvaraoci koji su obrazovani u oblasti matematike, fizike ili tehničkih nauka, premostili su jaz između naizgled disparatnih oblasti nauke modulišući istraživanja ka aspektima svetlosti koji su instruktivni u humanistici. Pavle Florenski, Viktor Bičkov, Sergej Horuži, Maks Džemer i Dejvid Lindberg izučavali su svetlost u različitim kontekstima, od prirodnih i tehničkih nauka do istorije, filosofije, ikonografije, estetike i asketizma. Tokom perioda velikih ideoloških i društvenih promena u 20. veku, napori ovih naučnika da razotkriju istorijske i savremene aspekte fenomena svetlosti obogatili su različite oblasti u nauci, iako su se neki od njih susreli sa opstrukcijama i osudama. Pre više od dve decenije, inicijativa dr Dragiše Bojovića sa Univerziteta u Nišu otvorila je prostor u srpskoj nauci, ali i šire, za nove interdisciplinarne i multidisciplinarne integracije, uključujući i fotološke. ⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎⁎ Certain established twentieth-century scientists who were educated in the field of mathematics, physics or technical sciences, have bridged the gap between seemingly disparate fields of science by modulating their research towards aspects of light that are instructive in the humanities. Pavel Florensky, Viktor Bychkov, Sergey Horuzhy, David Lindberg and Max Jammer studied light in various contexts, from the natural and technical sciences to history, philosophy, Оrthodox iconography, aesthetics and asceticism. During the time of great ideological and social changes of the 20th century, their efforts to unravel the historical and contemporary aspects of the study of light phenomenon enriched various fields of science, although some of them met obstructions and condemnations. Two decades ago, the initiative of Dr. Dragiša Bojović from the University of Niš have opened space in Serbian science, but also more widely, for new interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary integrations, as well as for the photological studies.
Papers by Bojan Tomic
The paper discusses in what way the idea of multidisciplinarity has influenced the development and streams of research in artificial intelligence. It follows its history from its advent to the occurrence of key deadlocks that threatened to discontinue further progress. The significance of artificial intelligence for the military is reflected in the capability of conducting the operations with no human losses and with reduced use of energy sources. Many disciplines have been involved in the development of this area. One of the characteristics of artificial intelligence is continuous reliance and comparison of the research to knowledge in neuroscience and knowledge related to learning processes. Marvin Minsky's idea on the way the human brain learns is presented. The focus of the paper is an analysis of the turning point in the development of artificial intelligence. Innovative knowledge leading to the resolution of the problem is pointed out. This approach comes from Marvin Minsky and his ability to deeply understand the development and research crisis where the area of artificial intelligence has been.
In order to examine a creative process in this paper, the Wallas' four-stage model was used, through which the individual phases of a creative process were compared with different types of communication. This approach shows that during the creative process an exchange of information is constantly present. Each type of communication aims at forming a specific and unique information that gives the work its authenticity. As a supplement to the described phases, one additional phase which is present in certain works of sacred art, is given. By examining the creative process in this way, it can be seen that a significance of the artwork can be compared to its reach in the domain of communication.
Paper highlights the connection between research, preservation and presentation of heritage, multidisciplinary approach and church studies. This connection is a ground base for research and presentation of heritage that strive for integrity and credible interpretation. Current and planned future projects and researches are presented. This kind of approach to heritage is a trend in our country, as well as in the region. As bearers of the idea of integrative approach to heritage, The Center for Church Studies, The International Center for Orthodox Studies and The Center for Byzantine-Slavic Studies belong to this flow, with their research platform, publishing, organizing conferences and participating in founding of International Research Network Pax Byzantino-Slava.
This work aims to objectively observe and evaluate those acters in the field of science and education who were founders of natural sciences among Serbs. Appearance of the name and works of Pavle Kengelac in international sources is documented here. Sources in German from the 30's and 40's of the 19th century are a travelogue Reise in Serbien im Spätherbst 1829, a journal Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, a travelogue Das Fürstenthum Serbien, seine Bewohner, deren Sitten und Gebräuche, an encyclopedia Universal-Lexikon, oder Vollständiges encyclopädisches Wörterbuch, as well as its extended edition Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart oder Neuestes encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe. In English, source is Historical View of the Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations, which was published in 1850. It can be noticed that Kengelac’s work Јестествословије was classified in chapter Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Natural History (Mathematische Wissenschaften, Physik, Naturgeschichte).
During the 1980s, the associates of the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CMS) of the University of Belgrade and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) finished the first phase of the project which deals with the examination of bricks from the monumental medieval Serbian buildings primarily of sacral type. The topic of this multidisciplinary project can be viewed from the domain of materials science as a study of preparation techniques of construction materials in the Middle Ages, but it can also be viewed through the prism of church studies in which medieval monasteries are studied by contemporary methods. The first results included the presentation of the history of bricks usage in prominent countries of antiquity and in medieval Serbia, as well as the contemporary experimental part. The published results were enriched by photo documentation which contains the atlas of microstructures, photographs of monastery details and photographs of monasteries themselves with brief historical descriptions. The studies are respectable contribution that made the results of the research, as well as the rich photo documentation, available to the scientific and wider population in the period of the scarcity of materials about Serbian monasteries.
Educational aspects of medieval Serbian wall painting are present in school teaching, as well as in curricula for all cycles in the education system of the Republic of Serbia. Students have the opportunity to learn about the basics of fresco painting from elementary school through the teaching units of Art, History, Serbian language and literature, Drawing, painting and sculpting, and Religious teaching. The observed historical discontinuity in the theoretical study and understanding of Byzantine and Serbian wall painting is one of the reasons to deal with their educational aspects in this paper. The goal of the paper is to review the current situation, which would be the starting point for the formation of recommendations for its improvement.
The paper discusses in what way the idea of multidisciplinarity has influenced the development and streams of research in artificial intelligence. It follows its history from its advent to the occurrence of key deadlocks that threatened to discontinue further progress. The significance of artificial intelligence for the military is reflected in the capability of conducting the operations with no human losses and with reduced use of energy sources. Many disciplines have been involved in the development of this area. One of the characteristics of artificial intelligence is continuous reliance and comparison of the research to knowledge in neuroscience and knowledge related to learning processes. Marvin Minsky's idea on the way the human brain learns is presented. The focus of the paper is an analysis of the turning point in the development of artificial intelligence. Innovative knowledge leading to the resolution of the problem is pointed out. This approach comes from Marvin Minsky and his ability to deeply understand the development and research crisis where the area of artificial intelligence has been.
In order to examine a creative process in this paper, the Wallas' four-stage model was used, through which the individual phases of a creative process were compared with different types of communication. This approach shows that during the creative process an exchange of information is constantly present. Each type of communication aims at forming a specific and unique information that gives the work its authenticity. As a supplement to the described phases, one additional phase which is present in certain works of sacred art, is given. By examining the creative process in this way, it can be seen that a significance of the artwork can be compared to its reach in the domain of communication.
Paper highlights the connection between research, preservation and presentation of heritage, multidisciplinary approach and church studies. This connection is a ground base for research and presentation of heritage that strive for integrity and credible interpretation. Current and planned future projects and researches are presented. This kind of approach to heritage is a trend in our country, as well as in the region. As bearers of the idea of integrative approach to heritage, The Center for Church Studies, The International Center for Orthodox Studies and The Center for Byzantine-Slavic Studies belong to this flow, with their research platform, publishing, organizing conferences and participating in founding of International Research Network Pax Byzantino-Slava.
This work aims to objectively observe and evaluate those acters in the field of science and education who were founders of natural sciences among Serbs. Appearance of the name and works of Pavle Kengelac in international sources is documented here. Sources in German from the 30's and 40's of the 19th century are a travelogue Reise in Serbien im Spätherbst 1829, a journal Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung, a travelogue Das Fürstenthum Serbien, seine Bewohner, deren Sitten und Gebräuche, an encyclopedia Universal-Lexikon, oder Vollständiges encyclopädisches Wörterbuch, as well as its extended edition Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart oder Neuestes encyclopädisches Wörterbuch der Wissenschaften, Künste und Gewerbe. In English, source is Historical View of the Language and Literature of the Slavic Nations, which was published in 1850. It can be noticed that Kengelac’s work Јестествословије was classified in chapter Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Natural History (Mathematische Wissenschaften, Physik, Naturgeschichte).
During the 1980s, the associates of the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CMS) of the University of Belgrade and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) finished the first phase of the project which deals with the examination of bricks from the monumental medieval Serbian buildings primarily of sacral type. The topic of this multidisciplinary project can be viewed from the domain of materials science as a study of preparation techniques of construction materials in the Middle Ages, but it can also be viewed through the prism of church studies in which medieval monasteries are studied by contemporary methods. The first results included the presentation of the history of bricks usage in prominent countries of antiquity and in medieval Serbia, as well as the contemporary experimental part. The published results were enriched by photo documentation which contains the atlas of microstructures, photographs of monastery details and photographs of monasteries themselves with brief historical descriptions. The studies are respectable contribution that made the results of the research, as well as the rich photo documentation, available to the scientific and wider population in the period of the scarcity of materials about Serbian monasteries.
Educational aspects of medieval Serbian wall painting are present in school teaching, as well as in curricula for all cycles in the education system of the Republic of Serbia. Students have the opportunity to learn about the basics of fresco painting from elementary school through the teaching units of Art, History, Serbian language and literature, Drawing, painting and sculpting, and Religious teaching. The observed historical discontinuity in the theoretical study and understanding of Byzantine and Serbian wall painting is one of the reasons to deal with their educational aspects in this paper. The goal of the paper is to review the current situation, which would be the starting point for the formation of recommendations for its improvement.