Papers by Aleksandra M Djukic
This text refers to all aspects of urban regeneration in between the context of sustainable devel... more This text refers to all aspects of urban regeneration in between the context of sustainable development. Through the urban regeneration there is a possibility to reach the millennium goals and the guidelines of the LOCAL AGENDA 21. The urban renewal is launched by the highest political leaders to assure good financial and time frame. The Whole team of different professionals is needed to provide the urban renewal complexity. We consider the practical guidelines, possible approach and finest urban design to reach the main goals of urban regeneration.Ovaj tekst razmatra aspekte urbane regeneracije unutar konteksta održivog razvoja. Milenijumski ciljevi i smernice Lokalne agende 21 imaju mogućnost da se rešavaju i putem urbane obnove. Obnovu lansiraju najviše političke ličnosti jer to osigurava siguran finansijski okvir i dugotrajnost akcije. Metodologija je kompleksna i potreban je čitav tim raznorodnih struka da bi je uspešno sprovelo. Iz problematike se, empirijski, došlo do mogućih...
ICT Innovations 2016, 2017
The paper considers mining and analyzing data generated by Twitter social network, regarding cont... more The paper considers mining and analyzing data generated by Twitter social network, regarding content classification, language determination and sentiment analysis of tweets. Analyzes are based on geospatial tweets collected in timespan of four months within region Vračar in Belgrade, Serbia. All of collected data is first being preprocessed, filtered and classified by given criteria, by using "Twitter search engine" (TSE) application, that has been upgraded in order to detect tweet language and execute sentiment analysis of the tweets written in English. This type of analysis can be used for determining popularity of city locations of interest and public spaces in general.
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 2005
The subject of the research is the urban matrix of the cities in Serbia with a long continuous ur... more The subject of the research is the urban matrix of the cities in Serbia with a long continuous urban development, and possibilities of their transformation. The cities today face the problems of traffic efficiency and free flow of their streets, air pollution from exhaust gases, and also of losing their visual identity in terms of form. The aim of the research is to establish a rational traffic flow, adequate infrastructure, a continuous development of urban matrix and creation of visual identity. The methodology is based on the research of urban matrix development continuity from genesis time up to now, on logics of their transformation as well as on the research of some theoretical and practical street matrix models and the possibilities to apply them in concrete cities on the basis of predetermined historical codes. Traffic efficiency and infrastructure are the most important preconditions for sustainable development of the cities. On the other hand, continuity of a street matrix...
Industrial heritage sites that have lost their original function represent significant and valuab... more Industrial heritage sites that have lost their original function represent significant and valuable cultural heritage which is a part of the urban memory and material evidence of the past, with whose decay a city is losing a part of its history. This paper deals with the problem of preserving identity of industrial heritage sites in the process of sustainable urban regeneration. More precisely, paper deals with the problem of preserving tangible as well as intangible attributes of industrial heritage identity within a context of contemporary projects of urban regeneration. The significance of this problem lies within the contradiction between the industrial heritage sites as places intended for new urban functions in accordance with strategies of contemporary urban development and the industrial heritage sites as places with the inherited spatial, functional and cultural values important to the community. Therefore, the main planning task of sustainable regeneration is finding the b...
Recent studies indicate that every outdoor physical activity has positive effect on public health... more Recent studies indicate that every outdoor physical activity has positive effect on public health and quality of life of every individual [6]. The growth in wireless subscriptions, which has reached over 6 billion wireless subscribers in the world, shows that the use of Information and Technologies (ICTs), more precisely mobile applications intended for improving health and well being (mobile health applications-M-health apps) has become an integral part of everyday urban city life [16]. The aim of this research is to establish the connection between the use of emerging Mhealth apps and outdoor physical activity, public health and well-being of citizens. Important research questiones that guided this study are: Does the use of M-health apps have a positive influence on increasing outdoor sport and recreation activities; How could open public spaces be redesigned in order for people to use them more frequently for recreational activities; Which are the possible ways for upgrading the...
Prva naučna konferencija „Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj”, 2018
4th International Conference on Human Security, 2018
Habitat International, 2018
Illegal residential construction at the fringes of urban areas has been typical for Serbia and th... more Illegal residential construction at the fringes of urban areas has been typical for Serbia and the other countries of South Eastern and Southern Europe, spanning through all periods of modern urbanisation. Illegal suburbs are currently so widespread that they cannot be omitted in any future policy or strategy regarding urban development and planning, land and property management. However, this phenomenon is being transformed over the recent years; after rapid and uncontrolled suburbanisation during the second half of the 20th century, the first shrinking outer suburbs around Serbian cities have appeared recently, with the post-socialist transition of the country. Yet, even more suburbs are in demographic and economic stagnation, emphasising the necessity to tackle it in the near future. This paper aims to open the debate about the future of illegal residential settlements with shrinking and stagnation patterns in Serbia, connecting this phenomenon with the concept of shrinking cities. Despite this concept being well-known, it is traditionally more oriented towards urban decline in well-developed and organised countries, where it deals with shrinking inner urban areas. Confronting the existing knowledge from the concept with the problems that shrinking outer suburbs in Serbia are facing today, this paper seeks to revise and adjust it by proposing the creative institutional changes for these vulnerable areas that simplify legalisation procedures, better integrate involved stakeholders, connect different spatial levels to form a polycentric network, and support bottom-up initiatives for the socioeconomic regeneration of illegal suburbia. Institutional changes can be important for understanding and dealing with expected urban shrinkage in the less developed part of the world, such as in the Global South and fast-developing countries in Eastern Asia, where the problems of illegal suburbia are acute, but which certainly can expect urban shrinkage in the future.
ICTs for Mobility
Unequal city development, namely the faster development of large centers and concentration of pow... more Unequal city development, namely the faster development of large centers and concentration of power, globalization and local specificities in certain locations, have caused a lack of balance between large city centers and smaller settlements and villages. In Serbia, there are major differences in the level of development, as well as in cultural features of settlements. There are significant economic differences between settlements in the north, the east, and the south of the country, since settlements developed in valleys and hence had better traffic communication, and could therefore be competitive and stay abreast of transformations. Smaller settlements and villages (especially those along the borders, in National parks and in difficult to access rural regions), are marginalized, and face many problems, most often caused by lack of infrastructure, decrease of the number of inhabitants, the dissolution of the secondary and tertiary sector. Today, a quarter of the total population lives in the capital city of Belgrade, while a considerable number of settlements are completely shutting down. These settlements once had their identity and a harmonious balance of all elements constituting the life of the community and the individual. A distinctive social aspect contributed to a rich cultural heritage, but over time this was gradually lost and begins to disappear. The question is if any of the processes (globalization, technological revolution), which contribute to the demographic and economic decline of rural regions, could form a basis for renewal. A classical planner's approach would imply the networking of settlements and providing equal population distribution by investing in infrastructure and providing conditions for settlements through the development of central functions, requiring considerable investments. The other possibility relies on the development of information and communication technologies (ICT), which could provide for many necessities: access to and exchange of information, paying bills and ordering products from a distance, working from home, meetings via Internet conferences, etc. The use of Internet technologies in order to develop settlements, by converting traditional into "net" technologies, can make up for disadvantages of life in smaller settlements and enable their revitalization, by networking them into a global net of settlements, without geographical borders and limits
Arhitektura i urbanizam, 2006
Fundamental institutional reforms, as well as changes in the political, economic, and social syst... more Fundamental institutional reforms, as well as changes in the political, economic, and social system, are the cause of the very complex and dynamic urban development of post-socialist cities. The transition from the single-party socialist political system into the system of parliamentary democracy and the decentralisation of public state institutions and administration led to a greater responsibility of the local community for the creation of urban policies. The reduced role of the state in the economic system, the established capitalist principles of private ownership and market-lead economy have signifi cantly infl uenced changes in the management of urban development, which is mainly driven by short-term goals and private interests. In conditions where local communities have insuffi cient fi nancial resources to implement public policies, the role of the private sector in urban development becomes dominant, and the needs of citizens are neglected. Due to the low level of involvement of civil society in the decision-making process of urban planning, which is only declarative, but also due to the non-transparency of the process itself, it is also evident that citizens are not interested in participating in planning of urban development. This often results in the emergence of urban resistance movements and non-acceptance of imposed planning solutions. This paper deals with the problem of the "bottom-up" planning approach in the transformation of post-socialist cities. The aim of the paper is to point out the complexity of the process of postsocialist transformation of cities and to reexamine the role of civil society initiatives in the urban planning process. The paper presents a case study of the action of a civil initiative with the aim of preserving and transforming open public space in a residential area in the centre of Banja Luka. The presented example indicates the importance of informal and formal forms of self-organisation of citizens for strengthening social inclusion, improvement of neighbourhood and preservation of community interests. Finally, the example indicates the need to change the current planning approach and develop new planning tools aimed at achieving a higher level of citizen participation in the planning process and long-term social goals of the sustainability of the urban development of postsocialist Banjaluka.
Arhitektura I Urbanizam, 2009
Увод Промењени економски, технолошки и друштвени оквири доводе до повратних реакција у градском п... more Увод Промењени економски, технолошки и друштвени оквири доводе до повратних реакција у градском простору који покушава да се прилагоди (не) очекиваном убрзању модерног живота и другачијем схватању улоге урбаног окружења. Трансформација урбаног ткива директно зависи од позиције самог града и/или урбаног региона на глобалном тржишту, а промене су видљивије, али и драматичније, уколико град има веће амбиције и значајнију улогу у светском систему. Ипак, и поред ефеката које на град имају токови и механизми глобалног капитала, као и таласи миграција који са собом повлаче културолошке и социјалне тензије, сви актери у простору постају свесни и нових варијабила. Градски простор под утицајем сложених интереса истиче своје компаративне предности, а императив глобалне компетитивности постаје циљ и средство економске одрживости. Наравно, нови услови захтевају и другачији приступ управљању (тј. урбаном менаџменту), отварајући низ нових перспектива и размера деловања. 3 3 Урбанизам Aпстракт Савремени градови и урбани региони, изложени турбулентним силама глобализације, принуђени су да ојачају своју позицију у бројним мрежама моћи како би постигли глобалну или регионалну препознатљивост. Ипак, високо постављени циљеви и нејасне визије развоја обично су ограничени различитим препрекама и условљени локалним потенцијалима и ресурсима. Управо зато, успешан урбани менаџмент би требало-бар у теорији-да омогући свеобухватан и мултидисциплинаран приступ комплексним урбаним проблемима. На жалост, чак и стратегије које су веома разрађене и успешне не могу се преузимати као готови модели будући да свака урбана средина ствара своје варијабиле и специфичности. Стога се у тексту анализира позадина савремених урбаних промена као и тренд глобалне конкурентности, које модерно урбано управљање (менаџмент) подржава и стимулише помоћу својих метода и инструмената. Поред тога, у тексту су представљени елементи и опсег урбаног менаџмента, чиме се наглашава улога, позиција и значај коју он има у неизбежним урбаним процесима. Флексибилан или ригидан, визионарски или прагматичан, он није једина гаранција планираног прогреса, али свакако омогућава другачију перцепцију урбаног развоја, нове атрактивности и ефикасности.
Arhitektura i Urbanizam, 2009
Увод Промењени економски, технолошки и друштвени оквири доводе до повратних реакција у градском п... more Увод Промењени економски, технолошки и друштвени оквири доводе до повратних реакција у градском простору који покушава да се прилагоди (не) очекиваном убрзању модерног живота и другачијем схватању улоге урбаног окружења. Трансформација урбаног ткива директно зависи од позиције самог града и/или урбаног региона на глобалном тржишту, а промене су видљивије, али и драматичније, уколико град има веће амбиције и значајнију улогу у светском систему. Ипак, и поред ефеката које на град имају токови и механизми глобалног капитала, као и таласи миграција који са собом повлаче културолошке и социјалне тензије, сви актери у простору постају свесни и нових варијабила. Градски простор под утицајем сложених интереса истиче своје компаративне предности, а императив глобалне компетитивности постаје циљ и средство економске одрживости. Наравно, нови услови захтевају и другачији приступ управљању (тј. урбаном менаџменту), отварајући низ нових перспектива и размера деловања. 3 3 Урбанизам Aпстракт Савремени градови и урбани региони, изложени турбулентним силама глобализације, принуђени су да ојачају своју позицију у бројним мрежама моћи како би постигли глобалну или регионалну препознатљивост. Ипак, високо постављени циљеви и нејасне визије развоја обично су ограничени различитим препрекама и условљени локалним потенцијалима и ресурсима. Управо зато, успешан урбани менаџмент би требало-бар у теорији-да омогући свеобухватан и мултидисциплинаран приступ комплексним урбаним проблемима. На жалост, чак и стратегије које су веома разрађене и успешне не могу се преузимати као готови модели будући да свака урбана средина ствара своје варијабиле и специфичности. Стога се у тексту анализира позадина савремених урбаних промена као и тренд глобалне конкурентности, које модерно урбано управљање (менаџмент) подржава и стимулише помоћу својих метода и инструмената. Поред тога, у тексту су представљени елементи и опсег урбаног менаџмента, чиме се наглашава улога, позиција и значај коју он има у неизбежним урбаним процесима. Флексибилан или ригидан, визионарски или прагматичан, он није једина гаранција планираног прогреса, али свакако омогућава другачију перцепцију урбаног развоја, нове атрактивности и ефикасности.
Spatium, 2001
Since ancient times the eity and its public spaces have been used in different ways: as a stage f... more Since ancient times the eity and its public spaces have been used in different ways: as a stage forall social processes, as an expression of culture and urban needs, and, above all, as a manifestation ofpower-divine, human oreconomic. According to this role, urban patterns, urban elements and bUildings, used as urban scenery, were influenced by their historical, mythological and ideological background necessary fortheir sustainability and social acceptance. Today, the city is loosing its traditional values and the lack of urban identity brings new problems to the city life and to its physical structure. Inhabitants usually reject urban spaces that do not respond to theirrational and irrational demands and do not fit into inherited archetypes. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to explain the relation between urban environment (especially public places-squares, main streets and buildings around them) and its mythological and ideological base incorporated in ritual behaviour. Different examples (especially from central Europe) could help us to examine urban design and transformations through various historical periods, identify urban patterns, position and shape of public spaces and surrounding buildings, and to determine morphological elements-their identity, rhythm, directions and materialization. At the same time, the historical connection of urban space, its activities and ritual values forthe community willbe established and used as a standpoint fora new cognitive process. Gathered in unique synthesis, this 'sustainable circle' could be used as a method for planning and architectural practice. Its application could enable us to review and re-evaluate the inherited urban space an,} its built environment, improve its activation according to society's objective needs and ensure its integration into psychological codes of mankind. Consequently, urban space willkeep its continuity and determine its future-the future within a sustainable frame that does notexclude people, their memories and individualities.
Aligning urban planning and architectural design into mechanical production branches, as well as ... more Aligning urban planning and architectural design into mechanical production branches, as well as acting in the same way, leads to certain problems that mostly affect humans as primary users of every urban space. Elements which form cities are often a product of inadequate mode of thinking and interpreting of urban-architectural code. Turning off the real principles that underlie human life and existence of its natural environment, implies the creation of inadequate conditions and spaces with low “lifeness” and usability. Lack of “lifeness” in public spaces is reflected in features such as unattractiveness and inaccessibility, but also in the way of their using (major absence of user retention, usage only in necessary situations etc). Key to regeneration and further development of urban and architectural activities is echoed in enabling more quality and intense communication between space and users. By identifying and studying parameters the non-technical idea is based on, and throug...
Nowadays, many European, American, and Australian cities are faced with the problem of shrinkage,... more Nowadays, many European, American, and Australian cities are faced with the problem of shrinkage, manifested through demographic decline, economic loss and perforation of urban tissue. In the face of the shrinkage process, there are many challenges that cities and planning faced with. This paper presents „greening“ as a new approach for urban renewal of shrinking cities. Through the review of the greening models implemented in developed countries, the paper examines "greening", understood as a tool for the improvement of the quality of built, natural, and living environment, i.e. an opportunity for qualitative changes within these retired cities regarding their chances of recovery and success. Lessons learned from these examples offer guidelines and recommendations for the reframing of urban planning in the context of Balkan shrinking cities
Considering the walking as the everyday activity of the most of the citizens and visitors of part... more Considering the walking as the everyday activity of the most of the citizens and visitors of particular city or town, the experiences that arises in this kind of the interaction with the place are of great importance because they affect the formation of a general impression of a certain place. In order to mark these interdependences the method for evaluation and public spaces design in accordance with the user needs and human size need to be reached in order to create a good and visited public space. The methodology is used and tested during the student workshop in Golubac, within the DANUrB project. This paper will present the results of the research that aimed to discover how to organise the network of pedestrian spaces in order to increase the attractiveness at the destination level, establish appropriate links between them and achieve the desired effect creating a liveable town
The contemporary cities and urban regions, exposed to turbulent globalizing forces, have to stren... more The contemporary cities and urban regions, exposed to turbulent globalizing forces, have to strengthen their position in the numerous networks of power in order to achieve global or regional recognition. However, the high aims and blurred visions of development are usually limited by various obstacles and conditioned by local potentials and resources. Therefore, a successful urban management - at least in theory - should provide comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to complex urban problems, conflicts and challenges. Unfortunately, even the most elaborated and successful strategies cannot be considered as role models because every urban environment creates its own variables and uniqueness. This article analyzes the background of contemporary urban changes as well as the trend of urban competitiveness which has been supported and stimulated by modern urban management and its methods and instruments. Additionally, the elements and scope of urban management are examined, emphas...
Post-socialist period have brought the myriad of new socio-economic changes for states in Central... more Post-socialist period have brought the myriad of new socio-economic changes for states in Central and Eastern Europe. Knowing that all such changes mirror in space and settlements, they have also made an unavoidable impact on housing as the most prominent urban function. In the case of Serbia, these post-socialist changes in housing have been more severe due to postponed and more complex transition. On the other side, the uncommon model of qualitative socialist housing in the former socialist Yugoslavia has left a positive legacy to present-day situation. Hence, Serbian post-socialist housing has some unique features comparing to other post-socialist countries. This uniqueness is reflected in Serbian reality. A good illustration is a newly-built, “transitional” multi-storey collective housing as dominant type in local typology. However, the data relating to these unique characteristics are rare and insufficiently accurate. The aim of this paper is to improve the research of the urba...
Identity is a feature that helps us distinguish one space from the other (Arthur & Passini, 1992:... more Identity is a feature that helps us distinguish one space from the other (Arthur & Passini, 1992: 87). When it comes to identity of a city it is defined through the character of the space, specific spatial attributes and ambient (Lawson, 2001). Identity of European post-socialist cities, especially timeworn urban city centres underwent huge transformation during the last century. Neglecting of buildings and open public space accompanied with a shift from traditional to modern lifestyle and construction methods lead to complete or partial devastation of old city centres. During the last couple of decades, due to new paradigms in urban planning and design, these areas are under a process of urban renewal, redevelopment or reconstruction. This situation happened in Savamala district, which is located in the centre of Belgrade urban city core, near the Sava riverfront. From the oldest part of the town to the urban hub that it is today, Savamala district underwent complete transformation...
Papers by Aleksandra M Djukic
environmental problems, resulting in their devastation. The village of Medna is located in the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad, the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This area has been continuously inhabited since pre-Roman times,
as evidenced by many archaeological sites, the medieval stećci tombstone graveyards and the Prizren fortress. Also, the Roman Salona–Servitium road passed through the area. The village boasts fine examples of vernacular architecture, an important element of the local cultural identity. It is also known for its honey products and fruit brandy (plum, pear, apple). The area is faced with depopulation, a lot of the building heritage has collapsed or is derelict, and the extraction of ore in the village is leading to an ecological crisis. This paper deals with the possibility of rural regeneration of the village of Medna by identifying its potential and proposing innovation economic activities to ensure sustainable development. It presents a project done with architecture students of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil
Engineering and Geodesy at Banja Luka University. The case study of village Medna focused on the excellence of the preserved local cultural and natural heritage to identify the local resources – the area’s distinctive elements and characteristics – for creative economy stimulation. The Medna regeneration strategy involves raising the awareness of the local population about the value of the local heritage and disseminating this information to the wider community.