Papers by Rupandeep K Samra
Journal of Dental Research and Review, 2022
Midface malignancies result in cosmetic alterations that can affect not only the patient's functi... more Midface malignancies result in cosmetic alterations that can affect not only the patient's function and quality of life but also their mental health and social behavior. Maxillofacial prostheses are crucial in restoring damaged structure and function. This case report illustrates a simple and cost-effective prosthetic rehabilitation approach for a patient with an extraoral midfacial deformity where multiple surgical repair attempts to correct the deformity had failed. A heat temperature vulcanized silicone prosthetic, which was easy to produce, was used to rehabilitate the deformity. The patient was pleased with the esthetic results of prosthesis and it helped in restoring her confidence.

Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, 2010
Study was planned to evaluate the efficacy of commonly used disinfectants and to study qualitativ... more Study was planned to evaluate the efficacy of commonly used disinfectants and to study qualitatively and quantitatively the persistence of microflora on the untreated (control group) and the disinfected impression surface after 24 h. Disinfectant systems used were immersion systems like glutaraldehyde, sodium hypochlorite and the ultraviolet chamber. The effect of disinfectant on most commonly used Indian impression materials was carried out in this study and results compared with the most commonly used foreign brands for irreversible hydrocolloid and addition silicone. Impressions were made of 25 healthy volunteers. These were disinfected and incubated in an incubator for 24 h at 37°C for aerobic organisms. The inoculation in nutrient media was done to test the viability of microorganisms that can persist after rinsing and disinfection of the impression surface. The colony forming units were counted and compared with that of control group. Control group of all the impression materi...

Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy , 2021
Background: Drilling speed during osteotomy in implant site preparation is an important factor th... more Background: Drilling speed during osteotomy in implant site preparation is an important factor that affects heat generation, cell vitality and primary stability and consequently Osseointegration of the implant. A thorough understanding of this impact is important for taking suitable precautions for successful dental rehabilitation. Aim: The objective of this study is to review the available literature regarding the impact of drilling speed on heat generation and other related parameters that influence the success of dental implants. Material and Methods: Suitable research papers relevant for study were identified through electronic database of available dental literature in PubMed and MEDLINE for all articles published till February, 2021. Peer-reviewed dental and PubMed indexed journals were selected. Search was done using certain relevant key words and terms. Results: The initial search revealed a total of 281 articles which were then screened and a total of 61 articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria. Focus was laid on the studies related to drilling speed and its impact on osseointegration, heat generation during osteotomy, drilling speed and bone viability, drilling speed and primary stability of implant and particle size of the bone collected. Heat generation during implant placement is affected by multiple factors with drilling speed being one of them. Conclusion: Researchers have reached contradictory conclusions regarding the impact of drilling speed on heat generation during osteotomy and other parameters. However, studies in the recent past are favoring low speed drilling owing to the advantage of perfect control of the drilling depth and the possibility of collection of a considerable amount of viable granular bone grafts during the procedure.

Indian J Dent Sci , 2021
Background: Ceramic veneers is one of the conservative esthetic treatment modality in dentistry. ... more Background: Ceramic veneers is one of the conservative esthetic treatment modality in dentistry. Success of veneer is very much dependent on the design preparation. Materials and Methods: Thirty selected teeth were categorized within three groups of 10 each with varying design preparations. After mounting the specimens, the incisal reduction was done, and porcelain laminate veneers were fabricated. Then cementation of the veneers was done with resin-cement, and fracture load was applied and recorded. Results: Multiple comparisons were done using post-hoc Tukey's test and modality of failure of veneers among the different designs were done using Chi-square test with the level of significance fixed at 0.05. Conclusion: Ceramic veneers preparation design including1 mm incisal reduction along with 1 mm of palatal-chamfer height revealed greater fracture toughness in contrast to incisal-reduction 1 mm along with butt-joint preparation design.

Indian J Dent Sci, 2021
The aim of this study was to determine the impact and challenges of emergency remote teaching fac... more The aim of this study was to determine the impact and challenges of emergency remote teaching faced by the dental faculty during the first and the second wave of COVID-19 in India. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire study was carried out consisting of two surveys. Data for the first questionnaire was recruited from 135 faculty members engaged in online teaching and comprised details about sociodemographic, designation, teaching experience, online teaching practices, perceptions, and challenges faced by the faculty members during online teaching during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in India. Categorical variables were reported as counts and percentages. Group comparisons were made with the Chi-square test. The same participants were given the second questionnaire to access their efficacy in overcoming the challenges faced by them during the second wave. Results: 54.8% of the participants were female. 46.7% of respondents were Professors by designation. Variation was evident for the personal, technical, financial barriers and challenges caused by students' attitude with designation as a variable. 67.4% of the participants devoted extra time to prepare their lectures. 62.2% of the faculty faced network issues. 53.3% of the faculty reported increased expenditure on data. Maximum challenges were seen in the category based on students' attitude which deteriorated the quality of the lectures. 74.1% of the teachers agreed that online teaching was better for theoretical learning. There was not much difference observed in the response regarding personal barriers among faculty members with gender as a variable in the first wave, but notable differences were seen for technical barriers, especially lack of formal training. During second-wave study, Internet connectivity still remained a barrier. Conclusion: Challenges faced by the faculty members regarding online learning decreased in the second wave as compared to the first wave, but network connectivity and students' attitude remained an issue. Scope of theoretical online teaching was perceived to be better as compared to practical teaching.

Acta Scientific Dental Sciences, 2021
Increased mesiodistal space after loss of an anterior tooth in patients with existing diastema of... more Increased mesiodistal space after loss of an anterior tooth in patients with existing diastema often presents with a dilemma in restoration of teeth in the esthetic zone. In patients with existing anterior diastema, restoration of loss of an anterior tooth can be quite challenging. Closure of space with orthodontic correction is time consuming. Restoration of anterior tooth along with soft and hard tissue loss calls for various treatment modalities such as implants, removable partial denture and conventional fixed partial dentures. Often the latter treatment plan does not come across as an esthetic treatment option so non conventional fixed partial dentures such as loop connectors are the preferable treatment choice. In the case report presented here, two missing anterior teeth had to be restored in a patient with generalised diastema. So a five unit fixed partial denture prosthesis with loop connector was planned.

Indian J Dent Sci, 2021
Background: On account of the pandemic SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), education in higher institutes was ... more Background: On account of the pandemic SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), education in higher institutes was strongly affected and they were
shut down. The education shifted from “face‑to‑face” learning to online learning in the dental universities. The aim of this study was to
assess the students’ perspective on the implementation of online learning due to COVID‑19, using a questionnaire‑based survey in India.
Materials and Methods: The authors sent out an electronic survey to the undergraduate dental students from October 17, 2020 to October
25, 2020. The online questionnaire had a combination of multiple‑choice, Likert scale, and open‑ended questions which gave insight into the
demographics, access to technological sources, didactic benefit, study habits, perceived issues with e‑learning, conduction of examinations
during the pandemic period, and their mental health. Students were also asked for their views on the inclusion of online learning in the future
curriculum. Qualitative data was expressed as number and percentage. A comparison was performed using Chi‑square test. Kruskal-Wallis
test was done for Likert scale questions and Bonferroni test was used for post hoc comparisons. Results: Among 2319 dental students, 63.9%
exclusively used smartphones and 8.5% used laptops for classes. The rest of the students used both devices. To access online resources, about
2262 (97.5%) had Internet connection. Only 943 students (40.7%) did not encounter any difficulty while engaging in online learning. About
1466 students (63.2%) appeared for examinations. About 1261 students appeared offline for both theory and practical examinations. Fifty‑five
percent of the participants felt offline examinations to be a better alternative. About 69.6% of students preferred “face‑to‑face” learning instead
of solely online learning. Nearly 19.4% of students wanted online education to be continued, while 28.5% wanted to keep both offline and
online courses in the future curriculum. Most frequently encountered problems were difficulty in adjusting to new learning styles, having to
perform responsibilities at home, and poor communication between educators and learners. Conclusion: Students showed a little reticent attitude
towards on the implementation of online learning and were hopeful of engaging in online learning after improvisation in the future curriculum.
Keywords: Dental education, dental students, face‑to‑face learning, future curriculum, online learning, questionnaire survey
J Indian Prosthodont Sci, 2018

Indian J Dent Sci, 2020
Establishing anatomic reduction of an edentulous mandible fracture is a frequently acknowledged c... more Establishing anatomic reduction of an edentulous mandible fracture is a frequently acknowledged challenge in craniomaxillofacial trauma surgery in elderly patients due to compromised medical condition, lack of occlusive dental surfaces to capitalize on maxillomandibular fixation and various contraindications for the surgical approach. The solution is to overcome such problems in an edentulous mandible is to create occlusal guidance by either making dentures or by fabricating intraoral splints to guide in the reduction of jaws in correct alignment. For such conditions, "Gunning splint" is a better option as it provides close reduction and stabilization of mandibular fracture. A case report is presented here where close collaboration between an oral surgeon and a prosthodontist comes into role. The oral surgeon, after assessing the exact nature and extent of fracture, must communicate with the prosthodontist regarding the type of splint and management of fracture for the improvement of the patient's prognosis.

Indian J Dent Sci, 2019
Background: The purpose of the study was to collect information from local population of Sundar N... more Background: The purpose of the study was to collect information from local population of Sundar Nagar, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh,
to assess their attitude toward replacement of teeth. Materials and Methods: An analytical, cross‑sectional, epidemiological survey was
conducted on 522 individuals randomly selected from a local population of Sundar Nagar, to determine attitude toward various treatment
modalities for the replacement of teeth. A self‑designed closed‑ended questionnaire was prepared to assess the attitude of the patient, and
collected data were analyzed statistically using the Chi‑square test at the significance level of P < 0.05. Results: Around 87% of patients
showed positive attitude for the replacement of missing teeth. Almost 78.2% of patients liked to replace missing teeth even although it is an
expensive treatment. Around 47.1% of patients believed that they socialized less with a removable prosthesis because of poor stability and
retention. Eighty‑eight percent of patients of 40–59 years showed a positive attitude toward fixed prosthesis as compared to older age, who
preferred removable prosthesis due to lack of interest in esthetics and low perceived need of prosthesis. Forty‑seven percent of patients showed
a positive attitude toward acceptance of implant. Conclusion: It is essential to evaluate attitude toward treatment as treatment expectations
may influence treatment planning and perceived value by the patient and its outcome.
Keywords: Attitude, mastication, questionnaire, replacement of teeth

Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 2017
Introduction: Minor rotation of impression coping secured in the impression is an avoidable error... more Introduction: Minor rotation of impression coping secured in the impression is an avoidable error that needs to be minimized to ensure precise positioning of implant analog in master cast.
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the precision in obtaining master casts by improving the stability of impression copings in the impression with the use of tray adhesive along various surface treatments to increase surface area and by mechanical locking.
Materials and Methods: A total of 60 samples were made (15 samples for each group). A total of 15 samples for Group I were prepared with untreated impression copings, 15 samples for Group II with impression copings treated and modified by application of tray adhesive only. Group III includes 15 samples which were fabricated with impression copings modified by making four vertical grooves on surface of impression coping and coated with adhesive. Group IV had 15 samples which were fabricated with impression copings sandblasted with 50 μm aluminum oxide powder and coated with adhesive. Profile projector was used to evaluate the rotational accuracy of the implant analogs by comparing Molar Implant Angle (MIA) and Premolar Implant Angle (PIA) of test samples with reference model. One-way ANOVA and Student t-test were used to analyze the data.
Results: One-way ANOVA didn’t show any significant differences for both MIA and PIA between the Groups I, II, III and IV. Student’s unpaired t-test revealed no significant difference in the mean MIA and mean PIA.
Conclusion: Though results were statistically non-significant, all types of surface treatments of the impression copings showed more accurate transfer than those with no treatment. Sandblasted and adhesive coated impression copings showed minimum amount of rotation followed by those with vertical slots and adhesive coated impression copings

J Indian Prosthodont Soc, 2017
Aim: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the fracture strength of provisional fixed partial ... more Aim: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the fracture strength of provisional fixed partial dentures made of autopolymerizing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) resin using different types of reinforcement materials to determine the best among them. Materials and Methods: Fifty samples were made (10 samples for each group) with autopolymerizing PMMA resin using reinforcement materials (stainless steel wire: looped and unlooped and glass fiber: loose and unidirectional) as 3-unit posterior bridge. The test specimens were divided into five groups depending on the reinforcing material as Group I, II, III, IV, and V; Group I: PMMA unreinforced (control group), Group II: PMMA reinforced with stainless steel wire (straight ends), Group III: PMMA reinforced with stainless steel wire (looped ends), Group IV: PMMA reinforced with unidirectional glass fibers, and Group V: PMMA reinforced with randomly distributed glass fibers. Universal testing machine was used to evaluate and compare the fracture strength of samples. Comparison of mean ultimate force and ultimate stress was done employing one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc tests. Results: The highest and lowest mean ultimate force and mean ultimate stress were of Group IV and I, respectively. Tukey's post hoc honestly significant difference multiple comparison for mean ultimate force and stress shows the increase in strength to be statistically significant (P < 0.05) except for the samples reinforced with randomly distributed glass fibers (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Unidirectional glass fibers showed the maximum strength, which was comparable to mean values of both stainless steel wire groups. Low cost and easy technique of using stainless steel wire make it the material of choice over the unidirectional glass fiber for reinforcement in nonesthetic areas where high strength is required.

Indian J Dent Sci, 2016
Aggressive periodontitis, is characterized by severe loss of attachment and destruction of alveol... more Aggressive periodontitis, is characterized by severe loss of attachment and destruction of alveolar bone around one or more permanent teeth during the period of pubescence. It is currently believed that a combination of bacteriologic and immunologic factors are of major importance in the etiology of this disease. The objective of this study was to point out the importance of early patient presentation, correct diagnosis, and proper prosthodontic management of the disease condition by the dentist. Our case was an 18-year-old male and his clinical and radiographic findings were typical for generalized juvenile periodontitis. Treatment consisted of thorough training in techniques of plaque control, scaling and root planing and administration of tetracycline 250 mg every six hours for three weeks. Preservation of facial countours and replacement of missing teeth with overdenture and fenestrated denture. There was significant improvement of these clinical parameters six months after treatment, and replacement of the missing teeth improved their appearance as expected. The psychotherapy offered gave the patients positive psychological effects that further restored their ability to socialize in their environment, which added to their positive experience of life. Longer follow-ups will add more knowledge about the treatment modalities for rehabilitation of aggressive periodontitis patients.
Indian J Dent Sci, 2016
Seizure disorders and epilepsy represent neurologic conditions that commonly are seen among patie... more Seizure disorders and epilepsy represent neurologic conditions that commonly are seen among patients requiring dental treatment. A thorough medical history should be taken and updated at every visit. Stability of the seizure disorder must be taken into account when planning dental treatment. This article discusses the medical management and considerations in dental management of epileptic patients. In addition, the persistent primary tooth and its missing permanent successor in the dental arch pose several hurdles in front of the clinician due to doubtful survival of primary tooth. In this paper, highlights the root canal treatment of a retained primary mandibular second molar in an epileptic patient. Mineral trioxide aggregate was used for root canal obturation.

Journal of Oral Research & Review, 2015
The concept of conventional tooth-retained overdentures is a simple and cost effective treatment ... more The concept of conventional tooth-retained overdentures is a simple and cost effective treatment than the implant overdentures.
When few firm teeth are present in an otherwise compromised dentition, they can be retained and used as abutments for overdenture
fabrication. This helps improve the retention and stability of the final prosthesis significantly. Bone is a dynamic tissue. The extraction of
teeth results in the initiation of the bone resorption pattern. However, when tensile stress is received by bone, additional bone formation
takes place. Such stresses occur when occlusal forces are transmitted to the alveolar bone by the periodontal ligament. This principle
helps preserve bone. The concept of overdentures may not be the elixir, but it is a positive means for delaying the process of complete
endentulism and helps in the preservation of bone. To top it all, it gives the patient the satisfaction of having prosthesis with his natural
teeth still present. In this article, case reports with three different types of Overdentures are discussed: Overdenture with cast copings
with short dowels, O-ring attachments, and a customized bar supported overdenture with copings.
Key words: Bar supported overdenture, bone preservation, bone resorption, cast copings, O-ring attachment, tooth
retained overdenture

Indian J Dent Sci, 2015
The fabrication of complete removable dentures has evolved noticeably over the last 20 years with... more The fabrication of complete removable dentures has evolved noticeably over the last 20 years with the advent of new materials and a better understanding of patient's expectations. There is a general agreement about one aspect of complete denture treatment i.e. an accurate impression of the edentulous alveolar ridges and adjacent functional structures must be obtained before proceeding to fabricate the complete dentures. Without this foundation, there is no hope of providing patients with idyllic function, comfort, and aesthetics. The lower denture commonly presents the most difficulties with pain and sloppiness being the most common complaint, because the mandible atrophies at a greater rate than the maxilla and has less residual ridge for retention and support.[1],[2],[3],[4] Looseness and discomfort are the most frequent complaints reported by patients and they are quite often difficult to manage by dentists. Neuromuscular control is said to be the key determinant in stability of lower complete denture as the area available for support is far less than maxillary support area.[5] Throughout time, many theories emerged to illustrate where prosthetic teeth of denture should be positioned. These approaches have been challenged from time to time and found insufficient in patients with severely atrophic mandibular ridges and patients with

Indian J Dent Sci, 2014
Replacement of maxillary anterior teeth in patients with natural diastema present problems as the... more Replacement of maxillary anterior teeth in patients with natural diastema present problems as the increased mesio-distal space makes it difficult to give normal fixed prosthesis with rigid connector. Uniform diastema present before extraction may result in excessive width of the pontic space. Wider pontics can be very unesthetic to look at in the esthetic zone. This is a challenging clinical situation for the prosthodontist and leaves him in a dilemma whether to close the space or to maintain it in the final fixed prosthesis to simulate the natural tooth appearance. If an implant-supported prosthesis is not possible or not selected as a treatment option, loop connector fixed partial denture may be the best solution to maintain the diastema and esthetics. Two case reports have been presented here describing the procedure of replacing missing central and lateral incisor with loop connector fixed partial prosthesis while maintaining diastema.

BFUDJ, 2014
Inflammatory root resorption is a pathologic condition caused by several etiologic factors includ... more Inflammatory root resorption is a pathologic condition caused by several etiologic factors including traumatic dental injury. In this case report, we describe the treatment of a maxillary central incisor affected by severe perforating inflammatory root resorption communicating with canal in the middle 3rd of buccal surface of root along with bone loss. Treatment involved elevating the buccal flap, placing master apical file in the canal and applying a layer of glass ionomer cement (GIC) on the resorbed surface. Thick layer of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was mixed and applied over the GIC layer and the flap was repositioned and sutured. The calcium hydroxide iodoform dressing was kept in the canal for six months and evaluated. The endodontic access cavity was restored with GIC. After a year, advanced osseous healing of the periradicular region had occurred and no clinical symptoms were apparent.
Indian J Dent Sci, 2013
Accurate working length estimation in an open apex case is fraught with many difficulties. Apex l... more Accurate working length estimation in an open apex case is fraught with many difficulties. Apex locators, radiographs and paper point evaluations have all proven to be inaccurate in these challenging cases. In this clinical report a novel technique called "tactile method" for accurate assessment of working length in an open apex case has been highlighted.
Indian J Dent Sci, 2013
Fusion is a developmental anomaly in which two dental germs have developed separately and
then be... more Fusion is a developmental anomaly in which two dental germs have developed separately and
then become united. The incisors are reported to be fused in primary and permanent dentition,
but bilateral mandibular fusion of the primary incisors is a rare event, with a prevalence of less
than 0.02%. When all four permanent successors are also bilaterally fused, this event becomes
rarer still. This study describes a case report of bilateral fusion in deciduous dentition of a 3-yearold
boy associated with bilateral fusion in succadeneous permanent teeth.
Key Words
Fusion, deciduous dentition, gemination.
Papers by Rupandeep K Samra
shut down. The education shifted from “face‑to‑face” learning to online learning in the dental universities. The aim of this study was to
assess the students’ perspective on the implementation of online learning due to COVID‑19, using a questionnaire‑based survey in India.
Materials and Methods: The authors sent out an electronic survey to the undergraduate dental students from October 17, 2020 to October
25, 2020. The online questionnaire had a combination of multiple‑choice, Likert scale, and open‑ended questions which gave insight into the
demographics, access to technological sources, didactic benefit, study habits, perceived issues with e‑learning, conduction of examinations
during the pandemic period, and their mental health. Students were also asked for their views on the inclusion of online learning in the future
curriculum. Qualitative data was expressed as number and percentage. A comparison was performed using Chi‑square test. Kruskal-Wallis
test was done for Likert scale questions and Bonferroni test was used for post hoc comparisons. Results: Among 2319 dental students, 63.9%
exclusively used smartphones and 8.5% used laptops for classes. The rest of the students used both devices. To access online resources, about
2262 (97.5%) had Internet connection. Only 943 students (40.7%) did not encounter any difficulty while engaging in online learning. About
1466 students (63.2%) appeared for examinations. About 1261 students appeared offline for both theory and practical examinations. Fifty‑five
percent of the participants felt offline examinations to be a better alternative. About 69.6% of students preferred “face‑to‑face” learning instead
of solely online learning. Nearly 19.4% of students wanted online education to be continued, while 28.5% wanted to keep both offline and
online courses in the future curriculum. Most frequently encountered problems were difficulty in adjusting to new learning styles, having to
perform responsibilities at home, and poor communication between educators and learners. Conclusion: Students showed a little reticent attitude
towards on the implementation of online learning and were hopeful of engaging in online learning after improvisation in the future curriculum.
Keywords: Dental education, dental students, face‑to‑face learning, future curriculum, online learning, questionnaire survey
to assess their attitude toward replacement of teeth. Materials and Methods: An analytical, cross‑sectional, epidemiological survey was
conducted on 522 individuals randomly selected from a local population of Sundar Nagar, to determine attitude toward various treatment
modalities for the replacement of teeth. A self‑designed closed‑ended questionnaire was prepared to assess the attitude of the patient, and
collected data were analyzed statistically using the Chi‑square test at the significance level of P < 0.05. Results: Around 87% of patients
showed positive attitude for the replacement of missing teeth. Almost 78.2% of patients liked to replace missing teeth even although it is an
expensive treatment. Around 47.1% of patients believed that they socialized less with a removable prosthesis because of poor stability and
retention. Eighty‑eight percent of patients of 40–59 years showed a positive attitude toward fixed prosthesis as compared to older age, who
preferred removable prosthesis due to lack of interest in esthetics and low perceived need of prosthesis. Forty‑seven percent of patients showed
a positive attitude toward acceptance of implant. Conclusion: It is essential to evaluate attitude toward treatment as treatment expectations
may influence treatment planning and perceived value by the patient and its outcome.
Keywords: Attitude, mastication, questionnaire, replacement of teeth
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the precision in obtaining master casts by improving the stability of impression copings in the impression with the use of tray adhesive along various surface treatments to increase surface area and by mechanical locking.
Materials and Methods: A total of 60 samples were made (15 samples for each group). A total of 15 samples for Group I were prepared with untreated impression copings, 15 samples for Group II with impression copings treated and modified by application of tray adhesive only. Group III includes 15 samples which were fabricated with impression copings modified by making four vertical grooves on surface of impression coping and coated with adhesive. Group IV had 15 samples which were fabricated with impression copings sandblasted with 50 μm aluminum oxide powder and coated with adhesive. Profile projector was used to evaluate the rotational accuracy of the implant analogs by comparing Molar Implant Angle (MIA) and Premolar Implant Angle (PIA) of test samples with reference model. One-way ANOVA and Student t-test were used to analyze the data.
Results: One-way ANOVA didn’t show any significant differences for both MIA and PIA between the Groups I, II, III and IV. Student’s unpaired t-test revealed no significant difference in the mean MIA and mean PIA.
Conclusion: Though results were statistically non-significant, all types of surface treatments of the impression copings showed more accurate transfer than those with no treatment. Sandblasted and adhesive coated impression copings showed minimum amount of rotation followed by those with vertical slots and adhesive coated impression copings
When few firm teeth are present in an otherwise compromised dentition, they can be retained and used as abutments for overdenture
fabrication. This helps improve the retention and stability of the final prosthesis significantly. Bone is a dynamic tissue. The extraction of
teeth results in the initiation of the bone resorption pattern. However, when tensile stress is received by bone, additional bone formation
takes place. Such stresses occur when occlusal forces are transmitted to the alveolar bone by the periodontal ligament. This principle
helps preserve bone. The concept of overdentures may not be the elixir, but it is a positive means for delaying the process of complete
endentulism and helps in the preservation of bone. To top it all, it gives the patient the satisfaction of having prosthesis with his natural
teeth still present. In this article, case reports with three different types of Overdentures are discussed: Overdenture with cast copings
with short dowels, O-ring attachments, and a customized bar supported overdenture with copings.
Key words: Bar supported overdenture, bone preservation, bone resorption, cast copings, O-ring attachment, tooth
retained overdenture
then become united. The incisors are reported to be fused in primary and permanent dentition,
but bilateral mandibular fusion of the primary incisors is a rare event, with a prevalence of less
than 0.02%. When all four permanent successors are also bilaterally fused, this event becomes
rarer still. This study describes a case report of bilateral fusion in deciduous dentition of a 3-yearold
boy associated with bilateral fusion in succadeneous permanent teeth.
Key Words
Fusion, deciduous dentition, gemination.
shut down. The education shifted from “face‑to‑face” learning to online learning in the dental universities. The aim of this study was to
assess the students’ perspective on the implementation of online learning due to COVID‑19, using a questionnaire‑based survey in India.
Materials and Methods: The authors sent out an electronic survey to the undergraduate dental students from October 17, 2020 to October
25, 2020. The online questionnaire had a combination of multiple‑choice, Likert scale, and open‑ended questions which gave insight into the
demographics, access to technological sources, didactic benefit, study habits, perceived issues with e‑learning, conduction of examinations
during the pandemic period, and their mental health. Students were also asked for their views on the inclusion of online learning in the future
curriculum. Qualitative data was expressed as number and percentage. A comparison was performed using Chi‑square test. Kruskal-Wallis
test was done for Likert scale questions and Bonferroni test was used for post hoc comparisons. Results: Among 2319 dental students, 63.9%
exclusively used smartphones and 8.5% used laptops for classes. The rest of the students used both devices. To access online resources, about
2262 (97.5%) had Internet connection. Only 943 students (40.7%) did not encounter any difficulty while engaging in online learning. About
1466 students (63.2%) appeared for examinations. About 1261 students appeared offline for both theory and practical examinations. Fifty‑five
percent of the participants felt offline examinations to be a better alternative. About 69.6% of students preferred “face‑to‑face” learning instead
of solely online learning. Nearly 19.4% of students wanted online education to be continued, while 28.5% wanted to keep both offline and
online courses in the future curriculum. Most frequently encountered problems were difficulty in adjusting to new learning styles, having to
perform responsibilities at home, and poor communication between educators and learners. Conclusion: Students showed a little reticent attitude
towards on the implementation of online learning and were hopeful of engaging in online learning after improvisation in the future curriculum.
Keywords: Dental education, dental students, face‑to‑face learning, future curriculum, online learning, questionnaire survey
to assess their attitude toward replacement of teeth. Materials and Methods: An analytical, cross‑sectional, epidemiological survey was
conducted on 522 individuals randomly selected from a local population of Sundar Nagar, to determine attitude toward various treatment
modalities for the replacement of teeth. A self‑designed closed‑ended questionnaire was prepared to assess the attitude of the patient, and
collected data were analyzed statistically using the Chi‑square test at the significance level of P < 0.05. Results: Around 87% of patients
showed positive attitude for the replacement of missing teeth. Almost 78.2% of patients liked to replace missing teeth even although it is an
expensive treatment. Around 47.1% of patients believed that they socialized less with a removable prosthesis because of poor stability and
retention. Eighty‑eight percent of patients of 40–59 years showed a positive attitude toward fixed prosthesis as compared to older age, who
preferred removable prosthesis due to lack of interest in esthetics and low perceived need of prosthesis. Forty‑seven percent of patients showed
a positive attitude toward acceptance of implant. Conclusion: It is essential to evaluate attitude toward treatment as treatment expectations
may influence treatment planning and perceived value by the patient and its outcome.
Keywords: Attitude, mastication, questionnaire, replacement of teeth
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the precision in obtaining master casts by improving the stability of impression copings in the impression with the use of tray adhesive along various surface treatments to increase surface area and by mechanical locking.
Materials and Methods: A total of 60 samples were made (15 samples for each group). A total of 15 samples for Group I were prepared with untreated impression copings, 15 samples for Group II with impression copings treated and modified by application of tray adhesive only. Group III includes 15 samples which were fabricated with impression copings modified by making four vertical grooves on surface of impression coping and coated with adhesive. Group IV had 15 samples which were fabricated with impression copings sandblasted with 50 μm aluminum oxide powder and coated with adhesive. Profile projector was used to evaluate the rotational accuracy of the implant analogs by comparing Molar Implant Angle (MIA) and Premolar Implant Angle (PIA) of test samples with reference model. One-way ANOVA and Student t-test were used to analyze the data.
Results: One-way ANOVA didn’t show any significant differences for both MIA and PIA between the Groups I, II, III and IV. Student’s unpaired t-test revealed no significant difference in the mean MIA and mean PIA.
Conclusion: Though results were statistically non-significant, all types of surface treatments of the impression copings showed more accurate transfer than those with no treatment. Sandblasted and adhesive coated impression copings showed minimum amount of rotation followed by those with vertical slots and adhesive coated impression copings
When few firm teeth are present in an otherwise compromised dentition, they can be retained and used as abutments for overdenture
fabrication. This helps improve the retention and stability of the final prosthesis significantly. Bone is a dynamic tissue. The extraction of
teeth results in the initiation of the bone resorption pattern. However, when tensile stress is received by bone, additional bone formation
takes place. Such stresses occur when occlusal forces are transmitted to the alveolar bone by the periodontal ligament. This principle
helps preserve bone. The concept of overdentures may not be the elixir, but it is a positive means for delaying the process of complete
endentulism and helps in the preservation of bone. To top it all, it gives the patient the satisfaction of having prosthesis with his natural
teeth still present. In this article, case reports with three different types of Overdentures are discussed: Overdenture with cast copings
with short dowels, O-ring attachments, and a customized bar supported overdenture with copings.
Key words: Bar supported overdenture, bone preservation, bone resorption, cast copings, O-ring attachment, tooth
retained overdenture
then become united. The incisors are reported to be fused in primary and permanent dentition,
but bilateral mandibular fusion of the primary incisors is a rare event, with a prevalence of less
than 0.02%. When all four permanent successors are also bilaterally fused, this event becomes
rarer still. This study describes a case report of bilateral fusion in deciduous dentition of a 3-yearold
boy associated with bilateral fusion in succadeneous permanent teeth.
Key Words
Fusion, deciduous dentition, gemination.