Books by Matteo Frassine
In the pede-Alpine plain of the Treviso Province, near the Musone Torrent, important traces of a ... more In the pede-Alpine plain of the Treviso Province, near the Musone Torrent, important traces of a prolonged ancient human presence have been found in the area of Spineda, in the municipality of Riese Pio X. The new findings have been detected during the construction of the new road Superstrada
Pedemontana Veneta (SPV), that connects the highways A4 and A27, from Montecchio Maggiore to Spresiano. The archaeological investigations document the progressive modifications of the agrarian landscape. In particular, the major intervention in the area is represented by the settling
of the so-called Roman centuriatio of Padova north-west. Moreover, the remains of a Roman rustic building were found, with evidence of a poor subsistence economy. Some of the key aspects to be mentioned are the traces related to the pitch production and some graves of cows. After a period of relative abandonment, a new phase of activity is related to the arrival of allochthonous people, probably Goths, who are related to the construction of a Grubenhaus and to the burial of a little girl with valuable grave goods. The new data correspond to a significant piece to the knowledge of this portion of the territory, so far almost barren of archaeological evidence.
Built in the '30s of 19th century by Futurist architect Quirino De Giorgio, the “Borgo Rurale”, d... more Built in the '30s of 19th century by Futurist architect Quirino De Giorgio, the “Borgo Rurale”, dedicated to the Grinzato brothers, relives since 2016 in its essential lines thanks to many different restoration works planned by the municipality of Vigonza. During these interventions, in 2015 an unexpected archaeological site was discovered. Among the ancient structures, the most peculiar feature was a Roman building with a T-shaped plan, which has been interpreted as a little temple, associated to a water well with nine sides. Some postholes and a wooden water well were also found, but they are typical features related to a Medieval settlement. At the end of this archaeological excavation, carried out by the former Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto, another investigation in the nearby via Tintoretto unearthed the paleochannel of a small stream, buried by the Brenta river deposits during the early Iron Age. At a short distance some agricultural ditches and a furnace of the Middle Ages were found, probably linked to the activity of the adjacent monastic complex of Santa Margherita. The archaeological and paleoenvironmental data, collected and analyzed by an interdisciplinary working group, allow to reconstruct a preliminary framework for the evolution of an area almost completely unknown so far, located on the edge of the Roman centuriation settled North-East of Padua.
Se già nel 1973, a Lestans di Sequals, via dei Tigli aveva restituito, nel corso di alcuni lavori... more Se già nel 1973, a Lestans di Sequals, via dei Tigli aveva restituito, nel corso di alcuni lavori edilizi, oggetti provenienti da sepolture di età romana, è solo nel 2014 che le indagini archeologiche, condotte in un lembo di terreno risparmiato quantun’anni prima, hanno permesso di ricostruire uno spaccato di vita e di morte in una zona remota del Friuli occidentale.
Un frammento di storia che oggi rivive grazie all’impiego delle tecnologie
informatiche applicate all’archeologia (GIS e 3D), al restauro e allo studio dei materiali: sono questi gli strumenti multidisciplinari che hanno contribuito a riconoscere, attraverso lo scavo di dodici tombe ad incinerazione, alcuni individui appartenuti alla sfera militare, deceduti tra i decenni finali del I secolo d.C. e i primi del II secolo. Uomini d’arme, dunque, in servizio o più probabilmente veterani dell’esercito, tra cui si scorgono figure peculiari quali il sarto e il medico. Un contributo che restituisce dai segni della terra una testimonianza di vita passata, aggiungendo un nuovo tassello di conoscenza, non solo per il quadro evolutivo della pedemontana friulana.
Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per es... more Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la memorizzazione elettronica, ecc., senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta della Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa · Roma. Ogni abuso sarà perseguito a norma di legge. * Proprietà riservata · All rights reserved
Tradizione, mito, storia e katastrophé di una strada …, 2010
Papers by Matteo Frassine
The archaeological excavation carried out by the former Soprintendenza Archeologia del Veneto dur... more The archaeological excavation carried out by the former Soprintendenza Archeologia del Veneto during 2015 in Vigonza at the “Borgo Rurale”, built by Futurist architect Quirino De Giorgio in the '30s of 19th century, allowed to discover an unexpected set of human traces. Among the ancient structures, the most peculiar feature was a Roman building with a T-shaped plan, which has been interpreted as a little temple, associated to a water well with nine sides. Some postholes and a wooden water well were also found, but they are typical features related to a Medieval settlement. At the end of this assistance another archaeological soundings in the nearby via Tintoretto unearthed the paleochannel of a small stream, buried by the Brenta river deposits during the early Iron Age. At a short distance some agricultural ditches and a furnace of the Middle Ages were found, probably linked to the activity of the adjacent monastic complex of Santa Margherita. During 2019 a new archaeological excavation considered the entire area in via Tintoretto. The analysis of archaeological sequences has confirmed the data collected and analyzed in 2015, but also disclosed some incredible tracks belong to trenches of World War I dug in 1917, immediately after the defeat of Caporetto.
RAPTOR is a geo-database built for the management
of the archaeological heritage data. The system... more RAPTOR is a geo-database built for the management
of the archaeological heritage data. The system,
which doesn’t require any particular skill in computer
sciences, allows the recording of any kind of work
carried out in any geographical context; it also allows
the mapping of their archeological outcomes, so that
there is a constant updating of the maps of archaeological
potential or risk, also in relation to underwater
The construction works for the new cycle path along via San Martino in Morgano (TV) allowed to do... more The construction works for the new cycle path along via San Martino in Morgano (TV) allowed to document the southeastern corner of a building, probably a rustic villa. This was articulated in different phases and part of the wall foundations are still documented by fragments of brick and stones. Chronologically, the building can be dated between the 4th and 6th centuries AD. Thanks to satellite images, it was also possible to detect the presence of other walls southwest of the investigated area.
Frassine M., Pavan M., Fontana A., Abbà T., Proserpio B., Rottoli M., Martinelli N. 2022, Villa del Conte (PD). Strutture lignee alto medievali in area umida, in Archeologia del Veneto 2015-2019. Notiziario delle Soprintendenze, Mantova, pp. 245-263. The hydraulic intervention carried out in 2018 along the Ghebbo Mussato canal, near Villa del Con... more The hydraulic intervention carried out in 2018 along the Ghebbo Mussato canal, near Villa del Conte (Padua), allowed to discover an extended wooden structure. This consisted of over 50 planks and 116 posts, probably representing the remains of a pass on a little stream, built between the mid of 7th and mid of 8th century AD.
Between August 2017 and July 2019 archaeological investigations conducted along the Piave river, ... more Between August 2017 and July 2019 archaeological investigations conducted along the Piave river, nearby Ponte della Priula (Province of Treviso), allowed the identification of wooden remains belonging to bridges and walkways which, during the 19th and early 20th century, characterized the river landscape from Nervesa della Battaglia to Susegana. The investigations also identified weapons and military equipment attributable to strong battles that took place in the area during the First World War.
In 2019 the Municipality of Volpago del Montello promoted some archaeological investigations near... more In 2019 the Municipality of Volpago del Montello promoted some archaeological investigations near the sacellum of S. Cecilia, where different Roman materials were found in the past. Six exploration trenches confirmed the existence of the foundation of some partitioning walls belonging to an ancient Roman building. The remains have been affected by modern plowing and by the construction of a cemetery of the World War I.
This study collects the results of the characterization carried out on three bronze fragments bel... more This study collects the results of the characterization carried out on three bronze fragments belonging to a bull protome
from the Roman period (III - IV century AD) found in Montebelluna (TV). XRF analysis and optical and electron
microscope observations were carried out on the three findings. It was verified that for all the composition was that
of a bronze with 12% tin with the presence of lead and sulphides and that the microstructure consisted of equiaxed
grains in which deformation bands were visible. A superficial decuprification and a patina, with traces of Si, Fe, Ca and
P, compatible with the long burial period was also observed. A high iron content was finally detected in a darker area of
the main fragments. These results made it possible to confirm the authenticity of the three finds and to attribute them
to the same artefact. It was also possible to confirm the hypothesis that an iron stirrup was present and to suppose that
the protome was obtained by first pouring the molten material into the stirrup and then working the whole around it.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2015
RAPTOR (Ricerca Archivi e Pratiche per la Tutela Operativa Regionale) è un geodatabase sviluppato... more RAPTOR (Ricerca Archivi e Pratiche per la Tutela Operativa Regionale) è un geodatabase sviluppato per fornire ai funzionari delle Soprintendenze archeologiche uno strumento di semplice utilizzo per la gestione delle pratiche amministrative che hanno una ricaduta topografica sul territorio. Il sistema, il cui utilizzo non richiede un particolare grado di alfabetizzazione informatica, consente da una parte di mappare tutti gli interventi condotti nei vari generi di contesto territoriale, dall'altro di registrare i dati relativi all'esito archeologico degli stessi (positivo o negativo), producendo un aggiornamento automatico e costante delle carte del potenziale archeologico. Parte integrante della procedura informatizzata è un sistema di schedatura agile e dinamico che consente al funzionario archeologo di registrare rapidamente i dati essenziali, inclusi quelli topografici, relativi a qualsiasi tipo di sito archeologico rinvenuto sul territorio, senza escludere la possibilità di un maggior grado di approfondimento. La possibilità di associare le geometrie ai diversi livelli informativi noti di ciascun sito, allegando inoltre tutta la documentazione scientifica disponibile, permette di gestire con una certa agilità anche le realtà più complesse, compresi i siti urbani. In questa direzione, ai fini della gestione dell'attività di tutela del patrimonio archeologico di Milano, è in corso un lavoro di recupero di tutta la cartografia archeologica nota e il relativo aggiornamento mediante il censimento di tutti gli scavi archeologici più recenti condotti nel centro urbano.
Quaderni Di Archeologia Del Veneto, 2009
"... Febri quartanae, tertianae, cottidianae". Sulle tracce della malaria tra fonti, aree umide e assetti centuriali, 2006
Books by Matteo Frassine
Pedemontana Veneta (SPV), that connects the highways A4 and A27, from Montecchio Maggiore to Spresiano. The archaeological investigations document the progressive modifications of the agrarian landscape. In particular, the major intervention in the area is represented by the settling
of the so-called Roman centuriatio of Padova north-west. Moreover, the remains of a Roman rustic building were found, with evidence of a poor subsistence economy. Some of the key aspects to be mentioned are the traces related to the pitch production and some graves of cows. After a period of relative abandonment, a new phase of activity is related to the arrival of allochthonous people, probably Goths, who are related to the construction of a Grubenhaus and to the burial of a little girl with valuable grave goods. The new data correspond to a significant piece to the knowledge of this portion of the territory, so far almost barren of archaeological evidence.
Un frammento di storia che oggi rivive grazie all’impiego delle tecnologie
informatiche applicate all’archeologia (GIS e 3D), al restauro e allo studio dei materiali: sono questi gli strumenti multidisciplinari che hanno contribuito a riconoscere, attraverso lo scavo di dodici tombe ad incinerazione, alcuni individui appartenuti alla sfera militare, deceduti tra i decenni finali del I secolo d.C. e i primi del II secolo. Uomini d’arme, dunque, in servizio o più probabilmente veterani dell’esercito, tra cui si scorgono figure peculiari quali il sarto e il medico. Un contributo che restituisce dai segni della terra una testimonianza di vita passata, aggiungendo un nuovo tassello di conoscenza, non solo per il quadro evolutivo della pedemontana friulana.
Papers by Matteo Frassine
of the archaeological heritage data. The system,
which doesn’t require any particular skill in computer
sciences, allows the recording of any kind of work
carried out in any geographical context; it also allows
the mapping of their archeological outcomes, so that
there is a constant updating of the maps of archaeological
potential or risk, also in relation to underwater
from the Roman period (III - IV century AD) found in Montebelluna (TV). XRF analysis and optical and electron
microscope observations were carried out on the three findings. It was verified that for all the composition was that
of a bronze with 12% tin with the presence of lead and sulphides and that the microstructure consisted of equiaxed
grains in which deformation bands were visible. A superficial decuprification and a patina, with traces of Si, Fe, Ca and
P, compatible with the long burial period was also observed. A high iron content was finally detected in a darker area of
the main fragments. These results made it possible to confirm the authenticity of the three finds and to attribute them
to the same artefact. It was also possible to confirm the hypothesis that an iron stirrup was present and to suppose that
the protome was obtained by first pouring the molten material into the stirrup and then working the whole around it.
Pedemontana Veneta (SPV), that connects the highways A4 and A27, from Montecchio Maggiore to Spresiano. The archaeological investigations document the progressive modifications of the agrarian landscape. In particular, the major intervention in the area is represented by the settling
of the so-called Roman centuriatio of Padova north-west. Moreover, the remains of a Roman rustic building were found, with evidence of a poor subsistence economy. Some of the key aspects to be mentioned are the traces related to the pitch production and some graves of cows. After a period of relative abandonment, a new phase of activity is related to the arrival of allochthonous people, probably Goths, who are related to the construction of a Grubenhaus and to the burial of a little girl with valuable grave goods. The new data correspond to a significant piece to the knowledge of this portion of the territory, so far almost barren of archaeological evidence.
Un frammento di storia che oggi rivive grazie all’impiego delle tecnologie
informatiche applicate all’archeologia (GIS e 3D), al restauro e allo studio dei materiali: sono questi gli strumenti multidisciplinari che hanno contribuito a riconoscere, attraverso lo scavo di dodici tombe ad incinerazione, alcuni individui appartenuti alla sfera militare, deceduti tra i decenni finali del I secolo d.C. e i primi del II secolo. Uomini d’arme, dunque, in servizio o più probabilmente veterani dell’esercito, tra cui si scorgono figure peculiari quali il sarto e il medico. Un contributo che restituisce dai segni della terra una testimonianza di vita passata, aggiungendo un nuovo tassello di conoscenza, non solo per il quadro evolutivo della pedemontana friulana.
of the archaeological heritage data. The system,
which doesn’t require any particular skill in computer
sciences, allows the recording of any kind of work
carried out in any geographical context; it also allows
the mapping of their archeological outcomes, so that
there is a constant updating of the maps of archaeological
potential or risk, also in relation to underwater
from the Roman period (III - IV century AD) found in Montebelluna (TV). XRF analysis and optical and electron
microscope observations were carried out on the three findings. It was verified that for all the composition was that
of a bronze with 12% tin with the presence of lead and sulphides and that the microstructure consisted of equiaxed
grains in which deformation bands were visible. A superficial decuprification and a patina, with traces of Si, Fe, Ca and
P, compatible with the long burial period was also observed. A high iron content was finally detected in a darker area of
the main fragments. These results made it possible to confirm the authenticity of the three finds and to attribute them
to the same artefact. It was also possible to confirm the hypothesis that an iron stirrup was present and to suppose that
the protome was obtained by first pouring the molten material into the stirrup and then working the whole around it.