Showing posts with label sleepy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleepy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

** Definitely Trying **

As Janel recently informed me when commenting on a previous post, "you can write anything, including fiction, if you try".....I'm finding that to be true! Yes, I wrote my little heart out yesterday, last night, early into the a.m. this morning, and just now e-mailed my story for the Gemini Magazine short story fiction contest! Yay! I did it! And no matter what, I'm darn proud of myself and of my story, and nobody can take that away from me! Woo-Hoo! It's quite exhilarating dahhhlings! And if nothing else, what a fabulous writing lesson.
The contest ends TODAY, but I think it's a great one to go for. The entry fee is only $4.00 and the rules are wide open. Head on over to their site and submit something!

In the midst of all this and while taking a break, a twelve-word story popped into my head for the Dirty Dozen Contest and I sent that off, as well! I'm on a Fictional Roll.....And if I know me, and I really, really do....I'd say that roll has cinnamon sugar on it! : D

Okay, you gotta remember, I haven't slept much in the past 12 hours!!

"Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep." -- Fran Lebowitz