This week is turning out to be busy, busy, busy! On Saturday I am participating in something called "Da Market". It is put on by the Bahamas National Trust.
There will be farmers there with fresh produce, local food, preserves, arts and crafts.
I will have a tent there for "Friends of Abaco Animals", and under that tent a small selection of a few of my things.
If you are in Abaco, be sure to come out. I may have a few surprises :)
So this week I have been preparing for Saturday, and found some time today to finish up that scarf I started on Sunday.
Let me tell is so much fun to sew!!! It keeps running away from you!
In the end I won the battle and got the scarf hemmed!
I am looking forward to making some more of these.
I also had my hands in clay on and off today. I need a few embellishments for this weekend.
That blue contraption is my slab roller. I also leave the pieces there to dry into greenware. The shelf above it my husband hung for me yesterday so I can easily grab tools and glazes.
This week is flying by.....hope it is a good one for all of you :)