Backgammon Hitting Rules

Backgammon Hitting Rules

As Backgammon is a game of strategy and skill, understanding the rules for hitting is critical to your success in this game. ”Hitting” occurs when a player lands on an opposing checker not protected by another. This checker is then sent to the bar and must re-enter the game before the player can move any other of their checkers. This article will explore the basics of backgammon hitting, including the rules for hitting multiple checkers.

What is “Hitting” in Backgammon?

Hitting is, as mentioned, a critical aspect of basic backgammon strategy. When a player hits their opponent’s checker, they send that checker back to the beginning of the race. This would create a significant advantage, especially if the opponent’s checker were in their home board. In addition, hitting effectively resets the opponent’s progress, forcing them to start again from the beginning. Backgammon aims to race your checkers to your home board, so hitting your opponent’s checkers can slow down their progress and increase your chances of winning.

Re-Entering the Game

When a player hits their opponent’s checker and sends it to the bar, the opponent must re-enter the game by moving it to an open point corresponding to one of the numbers on the rolled dice. If the opponent’s home board is closed (two or more opposing checkers occupy all points), they cannot re-enter and must forfeit their turn.

Hitting Multiple Checkers

Hitting multiple checkers is a powerful strategy in Backgammon. For example, if players roll a double, they can hit up to four of their opponent’s checkers. The opponent must then re-enter all of their checkers before making any other moves. If they cannot re-enter all of their checkers, they must enter as many as possible and then forfeit the remainder of their turn.

Hitting and Timing

Hitting can also be a critical aspect of timing in Backgammon. Timing involves making the right moves at the right time to gain an advantage in the game. Hitting at the right time can help players gain an advantage by creating a setback in the opponent’s progress.

For example, hitting an opponent’s checker just before the opponent’s home board can slow down their progress and give the player more time to bear off their own checkers. Timing is an essential aspect of backgammon, and players must consider it when making their moves.

Hitting and Doubling

Hitting can also be an essential aspect of doubling in backgammon. Doubling is the process of increasing the stakes in the game. If a player feels they have an advantage in the game, they can offer to double the stakes. If the opponent accepts, the game continues at the double the original stake.

Hitting can be a crucial aspect of doubling, as it can give the player an advantage in the game. For example, hitting an opponent’s checker after doubling can increase the stakes in the game and give the player a significant advantage.


It is clear that ”hitting” in Backgammon is a powerful and essential strategy that players must understand and master to ever be successful in playing the game. Hitting can create a significant setback for the opponent, forcing them to re-enter the game and start over from the beginning. Thus, timing and doubling are crucial aspects of hitting that players must consider when making their moves.

Important to remember is that hitting can also be a risky move, as it may leave blots and make you vulnerable. Therefore, players must use hitting carefully, considering the board’s layout, the opponent’s checkers, and the timing of their moves.

When used effectively, hitting can be a game-changing strategy, creating significant setbacks for the opponent and increasing the player’s chances of winning. By mastering the rules of hitting and adopting effective strategies in general, players can take their game to the next level and compete at a much higher level.

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