UI is the vocabulary of the web. Semantic empowers designers and developers by UI. Lose the Hieroglyphics: Semantic is structured around natural language conventions to make development more intuitive. Have a conversation with your components: Semantic gives you a variety of UI components with real-time debug output, letting your code tell you what its doing.
A lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework for assigning behavior to DOM nodes.Flight A lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework from Twitter View on GitHub Overview Flight is a lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework that Twitter uit for their web applications. By way of example, we've including a email client demo (browse the sou
At our recent Mozilla All Hands, I shared some slides about Shipyard, a JavaScript MVC framework that is making it’s way into Add-on Builder. It’s not finished, but since I shared it there, it felt appropriate to share what there currently is here. Summary Shipyard is an application framework that covers all the coJavaScript application would need to deal with: interacting with a s
It's a presentation framework based on the power of sftransitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
Developers, time to geek out. Yahoo! has been working behind the scenes for the past several months on an exciting new technodeeply impact the web developer community. We call it “Cocktails” and it’s the technoails” is a mix of HTML5, Node.JS, JavaScript and a lot of ingenious,
This model-view-controller pattern has been kicking around for quite some time now. It’s a nice way of separating concerns in many applications including web apps. And, a modern web-framework should both let you separate concerns and, ideally, bridge the gap between your programming model and data storage model. Some really nice people have done this in Ruby and Python and Python and …. well you g
Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit! How much library code do you really need — 50K? 100K? 150K? More? How much of that do you really use? Sure, we all love our favorite monolithic frameworks, and sometimes we even use them fully. But how often do we reach for the ride-on John Deere tractor with air conditioning and six-speaker sound system, when a judiciously applied
Phipment. Idiomatic JavaScript Phiuilt on JavaScript good practices and idioms, providing an expressive and powerful ble, providing a clear yet tight abstraction to WebGL All the Modules you need Phi
GT Nitro: Car Game Drag Raceは、典型的なカーゲームではありません。これはスピード、パワー、スキル全開のカーレースゲームです。ブレーキは忘れて、これはドラッグレース、ベイビー!古典的なクラシックから未来的なビーストまで、最もクールで速い車とカーレースできます。スティックシフトをマスターし、ニトロを賢く使って競争を打ち破る必要があります。このカーレースゲームはそのリアルな物理学と素晴らしいグラフィックスであなたの心を爆発させます。これまでプレイしたことのないようなものです。 GT Nitroは、リフレックスとタイミングを試すカーレースゲームです。正しい瞬間にギアをシフトし、ガスを思い切り踏む必要があります。また、大物たちと競いつつ、車のチューニングとアップグレードも行わなければなりません。世界中で最高のドライバーと車とカーレースに挑むことになり、ドラッグレースの王冠